Chapter 153

Mu Taotao felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere today.

Normally, everyone just greeted her, so why did they all run into the mansion today?
Mu Taotao had no choice but to cheer up and walk back and forth to the mansion.

Not long after he left, the housekeeper Mo Cheng also came over, and said to Mu Taotao with a serious face: "Miss Mu, the master is in the living room, and I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter? Why don't you all look so good?"

Mu Taotao noticed that everyone looked tense, which made her feel very strange.

Now that he heard that Mr. Mo wanted to see you, Mu Taotao didn't dare to neglect and walked towards the living room.

In the living room, Mr. Mo was sitting on a retro-style leather sofa, with a dragon head crutch in his hand, and a majestic and inviolable look on his face.

Sitting not far from him was Zhou Zhenni, who seemed to have cried.

Next came Mo Yanqing, Mo Yanming, and Mo Moli. They stood behind Mr. Mo and Lin Meisha respectively.

Everyone's face is wonderful, Mo Yanming's face is gloating, Mo Yanqing's face is gloomy.

Lin Meisha also looked like she had nothing to do with her, while Mo Moli lowered her head and bit her lip, as if she didn't want to see this scene.

Ever since Mu Taotao announced that she was no longer Mo Yanshao's bride, her status in the Mo family had plummeted, and it was all because Mo Yanshao fought for her a place in the family.

If it wasn't for Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao would have been kicked out by Mr. Mo long ago.

Mu Taotao's idea is also very simple, she just wants to be with Mo Yanshao, that's all.

At this time, Mu Taotao came in, wearing a western dress, with outstanding temperament, after practicing etiquette for a while, her gestures and gestures have also changed a lot, she is no longer that crazy girl at first glance.

"I don't know why grandpa asked me to come here?"

When Mu Taotao opened her mouth, she was polite and gentle.

But Mr. Mo obviously didn't buy it, so he turned the faucet on the crutch and said, "Mu Taotao, let me ask you, have you seen the jadeite necklace in Miss Zhou's room?"


Mu Taotao thought he had heard it wrong, so he repeated it.

Mr. Mo only thought she was pretending, so he stood up very rudely, and asked sharply: "Don't pretend to be innocent, if the necklace is found in your room, get out of here today, you heard without?"

"Mr. Mo, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. When did I see Miss Jenny's emerald necklace? You can't spit blood!"

"I spitting blood? Okay, then go to your room and search to see if it's me spitting blood!"

In a rage, Mr. Mo ordered all the servants to search Mu Taotao's room.

But Zhou Zhenni stood up and stopped at this moment: "Wait a minute, I believe that Taotao did not do it, Taotao is not such a person."

Zhou Zhenni said it firmly, and Mu Taotao was very grateful.

She thought that as long as Zhou Zhenni said so, the Mo family would not search her room again.

However, she was wrong.

But Mr. Mo said earnestly: "Jenny, what you said is wrong, since you believe that Mu Taotao didn't steal your necklace, then let the servants search it, if it wasn't her, wouldn't it be impossible to find it?
On the contrary, if it was her, our family must not keep such a person with unclean hands and feet here. "

When Mr. Mo said this, Zhou Zhenni had an apologetic expression on her face, she turned to Mu Taotao very embarrassed and said, "Taotao, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's me..."

Zhou Zhenni's generosity moved Mu Taotao for a moment: "Mr. Mo is right, if I didn't take it, I wouldn't be afraid of being searched."

Just as everyone was going to search for necklaces in Mu Taotao's room, a person walked in calmly outside the gate of the villa.

His dark hand-made suit, his cool short hair complemented his handsome face, and his walking posture was very natural, and there was nothing wrong with him.

But Mu Taotao knew how horrible those two big toes were.

A pair of beautiful deep hazel eyes scanned the entire hall, feeling the difference in the atmosphere at home. Mo Yanshao, who had just returned from get off work, couldn't help but frowned and asked, "What's the situation with so many of you gathered in the living room?"

As soon as Mo Yanshao made a sound, Mu Taotao stood there, looking at him, feeling very wronged in her heart, but she didn't intend to ask him for help.

If she can't carry it by herself, then she might as well leave the Mo family mansion.

No one spoke, and Mo Yanshao saw Mu Taotao standing there with his back straight, his head held high, and a calm expression on his face.

Mo Yanshao walked in front of her, looked at her different serious expression, and said softly, "Tao Tao, what happened?"

Mu Taotao didn't intend to look at him at first, but now he asked himself, his voice was still so gentle.

Mu Taotao relaxed his tense nerves, and immediately grabbed Mo Yanshao's hand and said, "How is your foot? Are you okay?"

She didn't seem to care whether the emerald necklace would be found in her room, but cared about the injury on Mo Yanshao's foot.

But Mo Yanshao couldn't do what she didn't know about people's faces.

He had long noticed that Mr. Mo's expression was furious, Zhou Zhenni's expression was sad, and other people's expressions were also serious.

So he passed Mu Taotao and asked Mr. Mo, "Grandpa, why are you all standing in the living room? Is there something going on?"

This is the second time he asked.

Mr. Mo said angrily: "You asked her what good thing she did?"

Mr. Mo didn't answer Mo Yanshao's words, but threw the conversation back to Mu Taotao.

"What good thing did you do to make grandpa so angry, let me hear it?"

Mo Yanshao suddenly smiled and said to Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao's face was flushed red, she was wronged, and she was asked to tell the story, isn't this a big joke?

"I'm sorry, how can I admit what I haven't done?"

Mu Taotao's tone was not easy-going, on the contrary, it was a little stiff.

This made Mr. Mo rattle the faucet even more.

"Look, what kind of attitude is this, eh? Is this the attitude of a person who admits mistakes?"

"May I ask what I did wrong? Why should I admit my mistake?"

"I can't find Jenny's emerald necklace. Now we are looking for it everywhere. The only place we haven't found is Mu Taotao's room. Let's call her room and search."

"I've said it before, I didn't steal it, why should I admit it?"

Mu Taotao is also in a hurry, this is not a joke, who wants to admit this unreasonable thing
When Mo Yanshao heard Mr. Mo's roar, he was also stunned for a while, and couldn't help frowning his beautiful long eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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