Chapter 154 You Come To Pain Me
"This kind of thing can't be wronged casually, there must be evidence."

Mo Yanshao said in a solemn tone.

"I've told my grandfather that I believe Taotao is not that kind of person, but my grandfather said that I have to do a search."

Zhou Zhenni immediately argued for Mu Taotao, her eyes were full of sadness, as if this incident made her very disturbed and sad.

Mo Yanshao took a good look at the woman, trying to figure out the authenticity of her words.

Zhou Zhenni didn't seem to dare to look at Mo Yanshao, she just lowered her head silently.

The others in the living room didn't speak, they just looked at Mo Yanshao quietly to see how he would answer.

Mu Taotao's face was blushing, probably because she was a little excited and her body trembled slightly.

And Mr. Mo repeated that sentence: "Whether she did it or not, we just need to search and find out. If it wasn't for her, if we couldn't find something, then forget it. If we found something, then we will find it." The Mo family had no choice but to call the police."

"Grandpa, if you don't trust Taotao so much, are you willing to apologize to her if you can't find anything?"

"I'm an old man, why should I apologize to her?"

"Then it's best not to search."

"Yan Shao, this is at Mo's house, there is no search, how can we prove that she didn't steal it?"

"What kind of emerald necklace, what kind of thing, I have never even seen it.

There are so many good things in the Mo family's treasure house, none of them are worth more than the jadeite necklace, I didn't even take it, and even said that I stole the jadeite necklace, what a joke! "

Mu Taotao couldn't help but sneer.

It is true that she was born as a snitch, but she is not the kind of person who steals everything she sees.

But when she said this, everyone was surprised.

She has also been to the treasure house of Mo's family, and she is very proud that she did not take anything there, which sounds wrong no matter how she sounds.

Then Mr. Mo ordered: "Search her room for me."

The servants got the order and all rushed towards Mu Taotao's room.

Mo Yanshao stood beside Mu Taotao and sighed slightly at her, feeling that she really lost her words.

She didn't say that just now, maybe grandpa won't order people to search right away.

But the results of the search seemed to be both expected and unexpected.

As expected, the emerald necklace was in Mu Taotao's room. Unexpectedly, both Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao were hugging and sneering, not the panic that people imagined.

Mr. Mo held the necklace in his hand, blushed and yelled at Mu Taotao: "How do you explain this, eh?"

"Do I need an explanation?"

Mu Taotao looked at the old man's furious face, and was a little complacent, but responded to this sentence lightly.

The woman who has always been carefree and full of smiles, once she plays with deepness, it really has unexpected effects.

At this moment, when Mu Taotao asked this sentence back, everyone was shocked.

Mr. Mo was trembling with anger, and said to Mo Yanshao: "You are used to this. You stole other people's things and got them at the same time. How dare you not admit it."

"Grandpa, that's not what you said."

Mo Yanshao also had the same indifferent expression on his face, he just looked at Mu Taotao fixedly, and said softly to her: "Taotao, tell me, did you take this necklace?"

"Do you believe me?"

Mu Taotao was also looking at him, his black and white eyes were full of questions, as if he was waiting for his answer.

"If you say it, I will believe it."

I trust her 100%, the man said such words.

"Then I said, I don't have it?"

"That is no."

Mo Yanshao said bluntly.

On the side, Mr. Mo was so angry that he was going crazy, and a crutch was pounding on the ground: "It's too outrageous, it's outrageous!"

But the two parties were deaf to his words.

Mo Yanshao even held Mu Taotao's hand, ready to take her upstairs.

"Stop, both of you! The things were found in Mu Taotao's room. Where are you going?"

Mr. Mo gave orders to the two of them and forbade them to leave.

Mo Yanshao turned his head and glanced at the people in the living room. Their expressions were wonderful, gloating, jealous, puzzled, and relieved.

But it doesn't matter, he still has to answer Mr. Mo's words.

With an incomparably handsome smile on his lips, Mo Yanshao maintained a good demeanor at all times.

Mu Taotao's hand was still tightly held in his hand, and he felt a slight tremor from her body.

As the person involved, Mu Taotao must have a hard time.

Whether it is true or not, she will not feel comfortable.

"Grandpa, Taotao said that if she didn't do it, then it must not be her."

"How do you know? Why do you trust her so much?"

"She's someone I like and I believe she deserves to be."

Without further ado, Mo Yan wanted to lead Mu Taotao away again.

This time, Mr. Mo changed his name to Mu Taotao: "Miss Mu, please wait for a while, can't you explain why this necklace is in your room?"

Hearing Mr. Mo's words, Mu Taotao paused, with a sneer still on his face.

She didn't look back, but said in a clear voice: "I don't have anything to explain, it's where it is, who knows who brought it there?"


Mr. Mo is about to vomit blood, how can this woman be so calm, even if someone finds something in her room, she can still refuse to admit it.

By the way, it must be because of Mo Yanshao. If it wasn't for him, Mu Taotao would never have been so arrogant.

"Yan Shao, you are used to this. Look at what she looks like now? How dare she be so arrogant after doing such a shameful thing!"

The rest of the people became the background, just quietly listening to Mr. Mo's words.

Zhou Zhenni did not expect that when the necklace was found from Mu Taotao's room, Mo Yanshao still believed that she was not a thief, and would take her back upstairs.

What kind of tacit understanding and trust is this.

What should she do?
"Grandpa, let's forget about this matter. Anyway, the necklace has been found, so there is no need to pursue it."

Zhou Zhenni got up and came to Mr. Mo with a soft voice and a sad face.

But the more she said that, the more it made Mr. Mo furious.

You know, the things were lost in the Mo family, no matter who took them, it will be the face of the Mo family, if it is spread, it will become a joke in other people's mouths.

Talk about how their Mo family sheltered thieves.

Therefore, Mr. Mo said angrily: "Young Master Mo Yan, I don't care what you think, Mu Taotao must move out of the Mo's Manor and must never stay here again.

Our Mo family can't afford to lose face like this! "

Mr. Mo announced in public that everyone had different expressions on their faces. Mo Yanming took pleasure in other people's misfortune, thinking that the two of them showed their love too often, which is why they suffered this retribution.

(End of this chapter)

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