Chapter 159 You Are My Treasure

But Leng Yihan didn't look at her, he only looked at the vast distance.

This area seems to be the fringe area between urban and rural areas, and those vast places are actually the crops planted by farmers. As autumn approaches, the crops are beginning to bear fruit.

Ai Meili waited for Leng Yihan to speak to her.

She didn't keep him waiting for too long, she just said calmly: "If Mu Taotao has any difficulties in the future, you must help her in time, you understand?"

Taotao...she won't have any difficulties, right? "

Hearing the man call out Mu Taotao's name, Ai Meili only felt a trace of jealousy and sourness in her heart.

Can't he understand her mood, at least don't mention his good friend in front of her?

This will make her feel very sad.

But Leng Yihan really didn't seem to care about Ai Meili's feelings, so he just glanced at her face lightly, and said again: "I just said that there is that possibility."

"I understand. If Taotao is really in trouble, I will definitely help her and do my best to help her."

"That's good."

Leng Yihan seemed to be greatly relieved, and then said lightly: "I'll take you home."

Ai Meili's heart, which was still uneasy just now, is now full of sadness.

It turned out that this man brought himself out just to say that one sentence, and it was also for Mu Taotao.

So what is she, Emily?

He secretly turned his gaze to the man's face, expressionless without a trace of warmth.

In front of her, he doesn't have much expression.

What about in front of Mu Taotao?What kind of face does he have?

Ai Meili felt even more melancholy.

"Would you please slow down the car..."

When Ai Meili thought of the madness when she came here just now, she was terrified.

Leng Yihan didn't speak, but on the way back, the speed of the car was obviously much slower, only running about a hundred yards on the road, and Ai Meili's heart also calmed down a little.

No matter what, the person Mu Taotao likes is Mo Yanshao, and Mo Yanshao also loves Mu Taotao.

Then even if Leng Yihan cared and loved Mu Taotao, he would not get a response.

Thinking of this, Ai Meili sighed slightly.

The black Bugatti Veyron roadster has perfect performance, the sound of the engine is small, just a low roar, but the speed of running is super fast and stunning.

Mo Yanshao led Mu Taotao to drive the sports car quickly on the driveway, just like showing off his driving skills in an action movie.

If it weren't for the traffic police uncle, I believe Mo Yanshao would drive the car faster.

And Mu Taotao was sitting in the carriage, with an excited and enthusiastic smile on her face, she raised her hands high above her head, raised her arms and shouted: "Yahoo--"

The voice was also full of excitement and joy.

Seeing her cheerful appearance, Mo Yanshao's mood was extremely good.

"Peach, what do you want to buy?"

"Whatever, you can go shopping with me and buy whatever you want.

The car quickly entered the busiest and busiest area in the city.Mo Yanshao drove the car into the underground parking lot, and then got out of the car with Mu Taotao. The two hugged each other's waist from behind, and walked sweetly towards one of the tall and majestic buildings.

This is the city's top shopping mall, Camry Shopping Center.

In the past, Mu Taotao rarely came to such a high-end place for consumption.

You know, the people who come here to spend are all rich or expensive people, just like the last time she and Xiao Feifei visited Haodu.

However, Camry’s business model is that once you enter here, starting from the elevator, there will be a shopping guide lady accompanying you all the way. You don’t have to take the goods by yourself, but someone will help you.

As soon as Mu Taotao entered the shopping building, she became like a bird flying in the forest, with an uncontrollable smile on her face, it seems that she really likes shopping.

Mo Yanshao followed closely beside her.

With a tall and straight figure, handsome and stylish face, and that noble demeanor, even in a mansion crowded with rich people, he definitely stands out from the crowd.

Many wealthy daughters cast their admiring eyes on Mo Yanshao.

Even business partners who knew Mo Yanshao warmly shook hands with him: "Oh, Mr. Mo, it's rare to see you come to our shopping mall."

This time it was the big boss of the mall, Yang Wanwan, who spoke.

Although the name is a million, his net worth is more than a million, and the square of a million may be more accurate.

Yang Wanwan and Mo Yanshao also had business contacts.

In the past, Mo Yanshao lived in a wheelchair, and it was only in the last few months that he got up from the wheelchair.

So Yang Wanwan felt it was a great honor to see Mo Yanshao consuming in his store.

"Who is this one?"

Obviously Yang Wanwan was not familiar with Mu Taotao.

Mo Yanshao's introduction to her was simple and to the point: "Mu Taotao, my fiancée."

One sentence basically summed up Mu Taotao's identity, which made her smile so hard that she was a little shy.

Hearing his introduction, Yang Wanwan immediately became respectful: "It turns out that she is the future Mrs. Mo, what a disrespect and disrespect."

"Boss Yang is being polite, you don't need to worry about us, we can just stroll around."

"How can I do that? You are a distinguished guest when you come. Go to our VIP room with Ms. Mu. I am so tired from shopping. What do you want? I will ask the shopping guide lady to bring it for you."

"That's not good. Going shopping is a kind of fun. It's more fun to go shopping with a lover by your side. If you send everything, it's so boring."

Mu Taotao disagreed.

Her small face has been wrinkled since just now, and she obviously disagrees with Yang Wanwan's statement.

Mo Yanshao nodded her little nose dotingly, and said to Yang Wanwan who was beside him: "I think it's better to forget it, my Taotao just likes the feeling of shopping, even if her leg is broken, it feels great ,Is it right?"

The last sentence was for Mu Taotao.


Mu Taotao replied heartily.

Hearing what the two said, Yang Wanwan no longer forced himself: "Okay then, you two take your time, and I won't accompany you two."

"You go about your business and leave us alone."

Yang Wanwan nodded and left, and the two continued to wander around the mall.

When Mu Taotao is in the mall, when she sees something that attracts her, she will jump and run over, and then look at those things that are ridiculously expensive but don't look good at all, she will curl her lips, and then Shaking his head and leaving.

After repeating this several times, she didn't buy anything, but walked around half of the first floor of the mall.

Mo Yanshao was a little surprised and said, "Taotao, why don't you buy something? Don't you like those things very much?"

What shiny hair clips, those lotions in beautiful bottles, toners, and all kinds of brightly colored cosmetics.

(End of this chapter)

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