Chapter 160
But she really didn't buy anything.

When asked by Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao turned back confidently and said, "I don't want to buy it because I don't want them to make black-hearted money.

Think I don't know how much those cosmetics cost?

But things that cost tens of dollars can cost tens of thousands of dollars once they are put here. How is it possible? "

Well, this girl turned out to be reluctant to spend money.

Thinking about the last time I went to Haodu, didn't she spend her money quite generously?
Today, I actually changed my sex, and I am reluctant to spend money.

Then he has to enlighten her.

"Tao Tao, you have to spend the money you earn, how can you stimulate consumption without spending money?
Without consumption, those employees, distributors, and manufacturers will have no money to eat.

If you study economics, you will not fail to understand the importance of consumption. "

"That's what I said, but things are so expensive, the real money is made by the big bosses, and the ordinary people are not the same poor."

As soon as this sad question was mentioned, Mu Taotao's mood couldn't get any higher.

Mo Yanshao realized that this topic was not suitable for further discussion, so he thought of a way.

"I know there is a delicious ice cream shop next to this mall, why don't I take you to eat ice cream.

Your task today is to go shopping and buy good things, don't worry about money, okay?

If you don't like Jiamei, we can change to a store with a slightly lower grade. You only need to buy what you like, how about it? "

Mo Yanshao followed the temptation and encouraged Mu Taotao to go to the next shopping mall.

The little girl didn't have any scheming and said: "Then let's go eat ice cream first."

"Of course no problem." The man smiled handsomely and charmingly, and led the woman towards the ice cream shop he mentioned.

After the two of them found their seats and sat down, Mo Yanshao said to Mu Taotao, "I'll make a phone call, can you sit here and wait for me for a while?"

"Okay." Mu Taotao smiled heartily at him.

Mo Yanshao habitually pinched her face, falling in love with her delicate and cute appearance, and then went to the other side with his mobile phone.

"Listen, send someone to Jinxin Commercial Building immediately, and do as I tell you..."

After telling his subordinates to do things, Mo Yanshao showed a smug smile on his face. When he returned to the dining table where Mu Taotao was, he found that the woman had eaten all the ice cream on her face, and her pale face was sticking to her cheeks. But extraordinarily cute and charming.

"Stay still, let me take a picture of the lovely Queen Peach."

Without further ado, Mo Yan took out his advanced smartphone and took this photo for Mu Taotao.

In the photo, the woman opened a pair of wet big black eyes, looking ignorant and cute, with a little bit of pink ice cream on her face and cheeks, which stood out very conspicuously.

Before Mu Taotao had time to react, Mo Yanshao fixed him in the phone.

She was not convinced, and wanted to see what he took, but he moved faster, and just stopped him with a smile: "This is my secret, I won't show it to you."

Mu Taotao didn't expect him to be such a cheapskate, so he pouted and said, "You took a picture of me, don't show it to me, be careful, I will sue you for infringement of portrait rights."

After all, the woman snatched the mobile phone from him without giving up, her movements were violent and hot.

However, Mo Yanshao is not someone who can easily make people succeed.

He raised his hand high, dodged from left to right, rushed from right to right, but failed to let Mu Taotao grab his cell phone.

It made the woman out of breath.

In the end, Mu Taotao put her hands on her chest, turned her face to one side, sulked, and ignored the man.

Mo Yan rarely saw that she was really angry, so he took out the napkin on the table, turned her face over, and wiped off the ice cream juice on the corner of her mouth little by little.

Being found out that such a shameful thing is still in public, and asking him to wipe his mouth for him is really embarrassing.

Mu Taotao blushed and found that many people around were laughing at them.

There is even a little girl acting like a baby to her boyfriend: "I also want you to wipe my mouth for me."

I rely on!

Mu Taotao couldn't help but swear, how could he, a dignified CEO, do such a thing.

The bright black eyeballs rolled back and forth, lively and lively.

Mu Taotao grabbed the napkin in Mo Yanshao's hand, wiped it by himself, and said, "I'll do it myself."

Suddenly thought of something: "You didn't take a picture of me with ice cream on my mouth just now, did you?"

Mu Taotao felt that she had really lost face to her grandma's house.

She was determined to take the photo back and delete it, but Mo Yanshao stopped him with a smile: "This is my baby, you can't snatch it, and you can't look at it, understand?"

"How could it be your baby? It's obviously my picture, okay?"

Mu Taotao was so annoyed that he was about to die of depression.

"Okay, don't be angry anymore, we agreed to go to the shopping mall, and the next destination is Jinxin Commercial Building."

Without further ado, Mo Yan led Mu Taotao towards the destination.

Along the way, the man lightly hugged the woman's slender waist, which is an intimate gesture that a couple should have.

But Mu Taotao was worried about the photo.

Mo Yanshao compromised and said, "Then why don't I let you take a picture to calm your anger, right?"

Hearing what he said, Mu Taotao made a very strange expression on his face, then rolled his eyes and said, "This is what you said, do as I please, you are not allowed to object?"

Mo Yanshao thought for a while and agreed, "Okay."

Mu Taotao was happy again, and when she arrived at the Jinxin Commercial Building, Mu Taotao walked around, and then asked the lady at the cosmetics counter for some rubber ropes for tying her hair.

Back beside Mo Yanshao, the woman smiled and said to the man, "Lower your head."

"What are you doing?"

"Tell you to lower yourselves, and you will lower yourselves. There is so much nonsense."

The man was helpless and really lowered his head.

Mu Taotao unceremoniously grabbed his cool black hair and began to tie it.

After a while, Mo Yanshao's head was pierced with three spikes.

This was not enough, and the lady at the counter came to try the makeup again, and painted Mo Yanshao a big face, which was very similar to the character who stood in front of him and performed actions in the double-reed cross talk.

That is, the sides of the cheeks are painted bright red, and the lips are also red, but the face is painted so that it feels like rolling in a pile of flour.

It was Mu Taotao who thought of dressing up the usually handsome and cool man as uglier than a clown.

There are quite a few people who come here to shop in the mall, who would recognize Mo Yanshao dressed up like that.

After Mu Taotao finished tossing Mo Yanshao, she read it first, and then burst out laughing.

So hilarious, so hilarious!
Can't help but make people laugh.

Apart from the straight suit and the tall figure, this face is completely unreadable.

(End of this chapter)

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