Chapter 161

Mo Yanshao smiled for the beauty, and even raised his eyebrows like a certain slut, he couldn't develop his image in an even uglier direction.

While laughing loudly, Mu Taotao took out his phone and flashed several photos for Mo Yanshao.

When Mo Yanshao wanted to see the photo, Mu Taotao replied with the same words: "This is my baby, I won't show it to you."

Seeing that the woman was not angry at all, she still smiled so cheerfully and comfortably.

Mo Yanshao didn't care about it, he just said: "Okay, as long as you are happy."

At the end, he said: "Queen Taotao, can I wash off the makeup on my face?"

"Go, go." Mu Taotao was admiring the "beautiful" photos of Mo Yanshao on her phone, and only waved to him.

Mo Yanshao hurried to the bathroom to wash off the makeup on his face.

During this period, I met fellow men who were also in the same toilet, and they all praised him: "Boy, not bad, you are very good at coaxing your girlfriend."

For Mo Yanshao, there are not many times when he can make Mu Taotao happy.

Of course he is willing to make her happy in the days when he can be with her.

After washing off the makeup on his face, the handsome and handsome man with exquisite eyebrows and eyes has returned to his appearance in the mirror.

Major General Mo Yan also smoothed out his hair, so as not to make the traces of pricking too obvious.

After doing all this, when he returned to Mu Taotao's side, what he got was a fragrant kiss on the cheek from the woman.

"Yan Shao, thank you for letting me take your "beautiful" photos."

Mu Taotao was speaking the truth, her eyes were sparkling, and the corners of her lips were filled with a happy smile.

Think about what kind of character Mo Yanshao is, the decisive and decisive president of a wealthy family, who conveys his tall image to everyone anytime, anywhere.

Except for her, Mu Taotao, there is probably no other person who asked him to act as a clown.

How could such a move not move her?

Being kissed to the heart by the woman's kiss, sweetness welled up, Mo Yanshao had a smile on his face: "As long as our Queen Peach is happy, is there anything I can't do?
Well, you can shop with peace of mind, buy whatever you want, this time, never worry about the price again, got it? "

"Okay." Only then did Mu Taotao remember what they were doing in the mall.

Mu Taotao began to seriously stroll around the mall.

It seemed that she needed to buy a set of skin care products, so she went to a counter of an unknown international brand, and the pretty lady at the counter introduced how good their skin care products were.

"How much does it cost to buy a set?"

"Oh, our shopping mall has a rule that you don't look at the money when you buy things, you just need to check out directly."

"Is there a shopping mall like this? What if the customer buys too expensive?"

Mu Taotao was very surprised, there are also shopping malls that sell things without price tags, which is really strange.

"That's right," the shopping guide lady glanced at the calm and handsome man behind Mu Taotao, and said to her with a smile, "Our consumption here is synchronized with the international market, so you can check it online after consumption. There is such a high-priced transaction as the lady said."

"Is that right?"

"Yes, so you don't have to worry about it. It's definitely worth the money. Even if you go to a specialty store in the country of origin, the price is the same."

The shopping guide lady explained to her gracefully.

In this way, Mu Taotao reluctantly accepted.

After buying skin care products, the second floor is the women's clothing department.

Among the dazzling array of counters, there are all kinds of beautiful skirts, clothes, and trousers, which really dazzled Mu Taotao.

She excitedly picked up the style and type she liked, gestured on her body, and then asked Mo Yanshao behind her, "Does it look good?"

The man smiled and replied with two words: "It looks good."

His eyes were gentle, full of pampering, coupled with his outstanding appearance, he really made those single women shopping in the mall and those young shopping guide girls envious.

But Mu Taotao didn't realize it. When Mo Yanshao said that she looked good for the first time, she finally broke out: "Mo Yanshao, what do you mean? I look good in anything, so what clothes should I choose? I'll buy them all. alright."

"Well, what did you say? Then I'll let someone pack it."

Mo Yanshao is as good as he is, so he asks the shopping guide lady next to him to wrap his clothes.

But Mu Taotao angrily stepped forward to stop him, and then got angry at Mo Yanshao again: "What the hell do you mean? If you want to perfunctory me, just say so. Why do you say that I look good in anything? Am I born to be a clothes rack?" ? So you don’t have to pick clothes? How can you say they all look good?”

Mu Taotao was so angry, but Mo Yanshao was very patient, he went up to hold her thin shoulders and persuaded:

"Don't be angry, if you are too angry, you will get wrinkles, and you won't be pretty anymore."

"Why should I be so beautiful, I hate you."

Mu Taotao was really annoyed by Mo Yanshao's attitude.

"I mean it too, in my eyes, you look good in anything.

So if you ask me, I only have two words to say, not good-looking.


The man lowered his voice, leaned into Mu Taotao's ear and said, "You'll look better without it."

Matching the meaning of this sentence, Mo Yanshao's tone was also very ambiguous, and he deliberately blew into Mu Taotao's ear, which made her whole body unconsciously get goosebumps.

God, does this man want to be so nasty and say such shameless things in public.

"Mo Yanshao, you..."

"What am I?"

Mo Yan pretended to be innocent, and was so angry that Mu Taotao really wanted to yell, but he didn't dare to repeat what he just said, so he could only scold him in his heart, this big pervert, he only thinks about those things all day long.

He wanted to ignore him, but Mo Yanshao said: "Okay, I believe your vision, what you like must be good.

We've got all the ones we picked just now, and I'll help you pick some later, how about it? "

Mo Yan said less, and took Mu Taotao to other counters.

He did what he said, and for the rest of the time, he didn't go to Mu Taotao to pick out clothes by himself, but picked out a lot of good clothes for her on his own, full of youthful atmosphere, and very suitable for her temperament and figure.

Not to mention, Mu Taotao found that the clothes that Mo Yanshao picked out for her were very beautiful, they matched her skin tone very well and enhanced her temperament.

But when she was going to see the listing of the clothes, all the shopping guides spoke in unison: "There is no price tag on the products in our mall, you just need to swipe your card to spend."

What, how could such a thing happen?

Mu Taotao really couldn't figure it out, but there was a satisfied and mysterious smile on the corner of Mo Yanshao's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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