Chapter 162 I Love You

Because only he knows why there is no price tag on the items in this mall. The reason is that when he was in the ice cream shop, he asked his men to go to the Jinxin mall to do tricks, remove all the price lists on the products, and wait for him and Mu Tao. The arrival of peaches.

As for the price of doing this, it is also very simple, just buy the mall at ten times the price.

Today, when the business competition in shopping malls is so fierce, the owner of the shopping mall is naturally eager to sell the shopping mall and take the price that is ten times higher to have fun.

And the only one who can do things so efficiently is the romantic under Mo Yanshao.

All the accounts are settled by Mo Yanshao's signature.

Mu Taotao really had a rewarding day.

Seeing Mo Yanshao's men carrying big and small bags, Mu Taotao experienced the joy of being a shopaholic.

She couldn't help taking the initiative to take Mo Yanshao's arm, looked at him with incomparable admiration and said, "Yan Shao, I suddenly felt that it would be great to marry a rich man. No matter what you buy, you really don't need to look at the price."

"Really? So you really want to marry me."

"Yes, you are so rich, there must be many girls who want to marry you."

Mu Taotao smiled triumphantly, and continued, "What kind of luck did I have to find you? I'm so proud."

What Mu Taotao said made Mo Yanshao sound inexplicably sad.

Was this woman praising him?Or satirize him?

Why did he think this was weird?
"Okay, Mu Taotao, you dare say that marrying me is your luck, see if I don't take care of you!"

After Mo Yan said less, he rolled up his sleeves angrily and chased after Mu Taotao.

The woman jumped happily, ran all the way into the villa, and ran upstairs after a while.

Just when Zhou Zhenni came out of the room, seeing the two chasing happily, her heart ached beyond measure.

Mu Taotao felt that the atmosphere was more serious because of Zhou Zhenni's appearance, so she stopped.

Mo Yanshao followed closely behind and went upstairs, and his subordinates also went upstairs with countless pockets of goods bought by Mu Taotao.

"President, where are these things?"

"Put it in Taotao's room."

Mo Yanshao was also standing by the door, and the three confronted each other.

"Taotao, go into the house, maybe someone did it because they wanted to frame you."

"Speak less, I..."

Mu Taotao didn't know what to say anymore, it's not impossible for Mo Yan to say less.

But Zhou Zhenni didn't really look like a bad guy, so she couldn't make up her mind.

"You're going to have a match with Xiao Feifei soon, aren't you? So don't worry about other people's affairs."

Mu Taotao thought about it, that was indeed the case, and she really entered the room.

Mo Yanshao also returned to his room.

He was also very tired after going shopping with his queen for so long.

Lying halfway on the sofa, Mo Yanshao flipped through the cute photo of Mu Taotao eating ice cream on his phone, and couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, the phone rang, Mo Yanshao looked at the phone number displayed on it, and picked it up.

After listening to the other party's words, Mo Yanshao only said briefly: "Okay, I understand."

Just as he hung up the phone, the door leading to Mu Taotao's room next door was pushed open by the woman.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a woman walking in front of Mo Yanshao with a set of beautiful black lace pajamas in her hand, and then said displeased: "Mo Yanshao, what is this and why is it in my shopping bag? We I didn't even look at the pajamas just now."

"I picked it, how about it? It's casual and beautiful, right?

I want you to show me alone at night, how about that? "

The man's voice was very charming, he stood up from the sofa, and hugged the woman from behind, not without emotion.

The charm of the man's soul-stirring is really hard to resist.

His eyebrows and eyes are exquisite, and his whole body exudes an irresistible chic charm.

As long as she is hugged so lightly by him, it makes a woman feel like she owns the whole world.

Mu Taotao was immersed in this kind of imaginary world, and it was hard to extricate herself.

I don't know why, even though the man is already by her side, she feels unreal and unreliable, as if one day, he will disappear.

And that kind of result is absolutely not what Mu Taotao wants.

It's really unimaginable that such a man is his own, Mu Taotao just thinks that this feeling of happiness is too unreal, as if it's just a dream.

"Young Master Yan, why are you being so nice to me?" Mu Taotao said this sentimentally, being embraced by the man, with her face pressed against his face tightly.

"I love you, that's why I treat you well, shouldn't it be?"

Mo Yanshao lightly pecked the woman's tender cheeks.

However, while enjoying his sweet words, the woman was still worried: "I'm really afraid that all this is just a dream. After waking up from the dream, you will not be by my side, and I have nothing."

"No, you just put your heart in your stomach, believe that I love you and will always be by your side, you know?
Unless I die, we cannot be separated. "

As soon as the word "death" was mentioned, Mu Taotao was inexplicably startled, and couldn't help turning around and covering his mouth with a small hand of her own, and then said with a look of horror: "Don't say the word "death, you won't die, even if I'm dead, you have to live well, you know?"

Mu Taotao's bright black eyes were wet, and she looked at the man without blinking, begging him not to say the cruel words just now.

Mo Yanshao was stunned by the woman's sad eyes. He knew that his words had hurt her, and he also understood that she was genuinely worried about him, so he took her hand covering his mouth and kissed her on it. Print a mark, and then gently say to her:
"Don't worry, even if I'm not by your side one day, you still have to believe that I will watch you in a corner of the world, pray for you, and let you live well, you know?"

"You're not going to die, are you? You're going to grow old with me, aren't you?"

Mu Taotao really hoped that the man would answer her words instead of perfunctory her.

"Of course, I will definitely be with you, so you must show me this man in clothes."

Mo Yanshao still didn't forget the beautiful pajamas Mu Taotao was holding.

"By the way, I didn't just buy this one. Go and have a look. I bought quite a few pajamas like this. Go and choose one. I'll wear it tonight."

The man's eyes were full of anticipation, but Mu Taotao's face was blushing, she couldn't help turning her head and walking away: "Who wants to show you such pajamas?"

But the sweet breath in those words is so strong.

Mo Yanshao deliberately said: "It's okay if you don't wear it, I'll go and see how women outside wear it."

(End of this chapter)

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