Chapter 163 Powerful Weapon
"How dare you!" Mu Taotao immediately turned into a Hedong lion, turned around and roared at Mo Yanshao.

"Unless you don't dare to wear such pajamas, for fear that your figure is not attractive enough, are you?"

This aggressive method is the most useful for Mu Taotao.

Mo Yanshao used to say that her figure was flat and unattractive, but she just didn't believe it.

So under Mo Yanshao's provocative method, Mu Taotao patted his chest and said: "Wait, sister will show you the clothes tonight. I don't know how good my figure is. Don't drool then."

"Well, make sure you don't drool."

Mo Yanshao replied.


Mu Taotao quit, and turned to stare at him angrily.

"Drool guaranteed."

Mo Yanshao immediately changed his words, not wanting to offend this moody guy.

Only then did Mu Taotao take the black lace pajamas back to her room contentedly.

She couldn't believe her eyes when she dumped the paper bag full of all kinds of beautiful pajamas on the bed.

Black, yellow and white, white, pink, purple, all kinds of beautiful pajamas of various colors covered the entire bed.

And the design of those pajamas is really, basically called naked.

Mu Taotao picked up those pajamas that couldn't even cover three points of her body, looked at them, and then put them back on the bed. She didn't understand why people in the world would like such things.

"If everything is exposed outside, is it called beautiful? I think it's shameless."

Mu Taotao sat on the bed, frowned and said to himself.

But there was another picture in her mind: when she came out of the bathroom, put on the beautiful black lace pajamas, and leaned against the door of the bathroom, she looked at the girl next to the bed with that extremely charming eyes. The man raised his chin slightly, full of flair.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Leng Buding, almost startling Mu Taotao: "What are you thinking? So absorbed? Or take this."

Mu Taotao looked back, and Mo Yanshao stood behind her at some point, with a wicked smile on his face.

The most exasperating thing is that she is still holding a black lace pajamas in her hand, which makes it easy for people to have bad associations.

Mu Taotao was blushing with embarrassment, and randomly gathered the colorful pajamas on the bed, stuffed them into a bag, and replied, "'s nothing."

"Is it really nothing?"

Sitting opposite her, Mo Yanshao took a pajamas from her hand, and looked at her with burning eyes.

Thinking of the picture in her mind before, Mu Taotao's face turned even redder, she snatched the pajamas that Mo Yanshao was holding, and said with an unnatural expression: "You rascal, don't worry about me What are you thinking?"

"Am I a hooligan, or are you a hooligan? Don't you think about that while holding that pajamas?"

Mo Yanshao already had a very happy smile on his face, pressing forward step by step.

Is this man so smart?Even what she was thinking while holding her pajamas, he knew that she was really going to go berserk.

"I just didn't think about anything, and I don't bother to talk to you."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she was about to pick up the paper bag containing her pajamas and put it in the closet. However, she just got up and took two steps forward, but she didn't expect the man to get up and come behind her.

Mu Taotao froze in place.

It was as if she had been cast with a fixed spell, unable to move. At that moment, the situation was indescribably weird.

She knew that it was not for any other reason that she stood still and could not move. In fact, the most important thing was that she was shocked by the man's overly attractive face.

"Peach, what's the matter? Why don't you speak or move?"

Mo Yanshao felt that Mu Taotao's reaction was a bit abnormal, so he couldn't help but be concerned.

"Ah, it's nothing, I'm just not used to it, why are you standing behind me?"

"What do you say?"

The man couldn't help but secretly laughed.

The woman's reaction was just too cute.

She probably thought what he would do to her, she really thought too much.

"How did I know that you would stand behind me? I was the one who asked you. Why did you ask me?"

Mu Taotao said with a little temper.

She turned around, faced the man face to face, and couldn't help looking at his face.

The man's face is still so beautiful, with even lines, which is very symmetrical.

This is not only a symmetrical relationship, his facial features are sharp and angular, a pair of good-looking long eyebrows, the shade is suitable, coupled with those beautiful eyes with a faint light, it is even more amazing, it is simply an excellent weapon to attract women's attention .

As soon as Mu Taotao saw those black eyes as deep as a cold pool, she couldn't help but want to keep looking, even if she was addicted to it and couldn't wake up, it didn't matter.

Mo Yanshao felt a little embarrassed by the woman's too fiery eyes.

He knew he was handsome, but there was no need to keep staring at him like this.

"Tao Tao, wake up, you are by my side, are you still thinking about others?"

Being interrupted by Mo Yanshao's words, and hearing his hateful words, Mu Taotao was really furious.

"Yeah, I was thinking about others, I was thinking, I have to find a better man than you after I leave you, otherwise, I am thankful."


Having successfully angered the man, Mu Taotao no longer dared to stand still, but put oil on the soles of his feet, wanting to run away.

However, how could it be possible to escape at this time? The other party was the omnipotent Mo Yanshao, with well-developed limbs and a flexible mind.

Even Mu Taotao, who is a snitch, would never easily escape his grasp.

And so begins a game of chase.

The two of them were chasing each other, chasing and fighting in the fairly spacious bedroom, it was really a joy.

Those colorful and beautiful pajamas became a tool for two people to fight.

They were thrown into the air and fell like beautiful flowers of various colors.

Several things fell on Mo Yanshao's head, covering him in it. The funny scene made Mu Taotao laugh out loud, feeling very happy.

If you deliberately stick to the door to eavesdrop on the interaction between the two, you will definitely hear how presumptuous Mu Taotao's smile is.

She is such a person, when she starts to make trouble, she is really like a child, she can't stop the scene at all.

At this time, Major General Mo Yan quickly turned around, and raised her drooping chin again, so that her dark, wet eyes met her own as deep as the sea.

Follow her gaze with your eyes, so that she has nothing to hide, nothing to hide.

"Taotao." The voice was soft, like the whisper of a breeze, refreshing.

"Huh?" With a little tweaking, but also a little soft feeling.

"Do you love me?"

How can a shy woman like her answer such blunt words?

Mu Taotao blinked and blinked, but she didn't want to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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