Chapter 165 The heart is bleeding
The teachers also have different opinions on the usual behavior of the two girls.

In general, Mu Taotao gives people the feeling that his personality is lively and flamboyant, but he does not lose his affinity.

Although Xiao Feifei knows how to dress herself up, she is glamorous and arrogant, giving people the feeling that she doesn't fit in.

Strictly speaking, both of them have a certain distance from the real ladies.

Therefore, the teacher also hopes that two people can see their own shortcomings through the competition. One must restrain his character, and the other must remove his arrogant hat, so that he can make progress.

In the dressing room, however, the two soon-to-be-playing men almost got into a fight.

You know, these two have always had a feud, and it is a miracle that they can get along peacefully.

At this moment, Xiao Feifei was wearing a long blue dress, the skirt was embroidered with expensive gold threads. This dress looked gorgeous and noble, and it really suited her tall figure and glamorous style.

Mu Taotao didn't show any weakness either, she wore a golden dress with a knee-length tutu skirt design, and a pink ribbon around her waist, which well outlined her slender waist, and the knee-length length revealed Her slender, white and tender long legs are very instant.

All in all, today's Mu Taotao is absolutely noble and beautiful.

The two of them are like two fighting cocks at this moment, each stepping on a chair, grabbing the hem of the skirt with both hands, staring at each other, wishing to stare at each other to death.

"Mu Taotao, let's be honest, you don't want to win today's competition, because you are not a real lady from a famous family, and I am different. I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth, and the food I eat and use is the best. Yes, there are some high-society things you've never seen before."

"So what? You were born with a golden spoon in your mouth, and I didn't see that you have any noble style. You just know how to pretend. I thought you were really a cool queen when you wore a blue dress?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help sarcasm, and Xiao Feifei was so angry that she yelled, "Mu Taotao, you are a guy who can't control himself, just wait and see, I will definitely defeat you."

"Then wait and see."

Mu Taotao looked haughtily, put one hand on his shoulder, and looked confident, not paying attention to Xiao Feifei at all.

Because Mrs. Xiao Shan said that a so-called lady from a famous family should be friendly, and her every word and deed, every frown and smile should be very temperamental, and this kind of temperament is by no means ostentatious or arrogant.

Mu Taotao remembered Mrs. Xiao Shan's words.

So after the two people swore oaths to each other, they began to prepare for the match.

The etiquette they want to perform is actually based on the three states of sitting, standing and walking. They just need to walk slowly in front of the judges along with the music, stand for a while, and then sit gently in front of a small table with tea sets , and then picked up the tea set and sipped slowly.

And the judges just want to see whether the movements of the two contestants are really elegant and in place during the whole process.

The music used in the competition is the traditional Guzheng music, ding ding dong dong, the beautiful melody will make people relax and concentrate on the performance.

Mu Taotao closed her eyes when she was about to go into battle, and recalled the entrustment Mrs. Xiao Shan gave her.

She said, don't look at the expressions on other people's faces, just be yourself, what you need is an inner peace and nobility.

Imagine yourself as a commoner princess, with gentle eyes, always with a decent smile on your face, elegant and steady walking posture, not too fast or slow, with your head held high and your eyes peaceful when you stand.

When sitting down, the movements are graceful, the legs are brought together, and slowly turned to one place, which is both decent and elegant.

Mu Taotao has done these movements countless times under Mrs. Xiao Shan's guidance, and she has learned them by heart in a month.

So when she actually went on stage, she didn't panic or rush, and she did everything from her eyes to her heart to her movements.

The judges present also nodded silently, expressing their satisfaction with the etiquette actions of the two girls.

As Xiao Feifei herself said, she grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth, so she was used to rich clothes and rich food, and she had the noble air of a wealthy family, but she lacked the affinity she should have.

On the other hand, although Mu Taotao came from a poor family, she has the best etiquette teacher to guide her. Her eyes are gentle and her movements are graceful. Wearing that dress, she walked slowly towards the judges, giving off a noble and extraordinary demeanor. The moderate smile on her face makes people feel that she is the smiling princess, she treats people peacefully, and won't make people feel difficult to get close to.

The two walked towards the judges at the same time. Although each had their own elegance, Mu Taotao obviously won more applause from the audience, especially Ai Meili, Mo Yanqing and Zheng Zhongjie from this class.

They are all her loyal fans and usually have a good relationship with her.

And those who had been supporting Xiao Feifei before couldn't help being surprised by Mu Taotao's change.

Who would have thought that that girl from a commoner family could really become a shining golden phoenix?

When Mu Taotao sat down gracefully, gently took the cup of tea with the orchid finger, and slowly put it to his lips to sip, the whole process was as smooth as flowing water, without any stagnation, and won the hearts of most of the audience Bravo.

Zhou Zhenni had come to see Mu Taotao make a fool of herself, but unexpectedly she saw a wonderful performance, which really disappointed her.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Feifei, who claimed to be the school belle of this school, was actually compared by Mu Taotao, who came from behind. It was really embarrassing.

Halfway through, Zhou Zhenni left the stage silently, followed by her bodyguard, a man named Ade.

"Ade, what should I do now?"

Ade has been with Zhou Zhenni since she was a child, and shoulders the mission of getting her to marry into the Mo family.

But to Zhou Zhenni's question, Ade usually stays silent. If he is asked to help her deal with a person, it will be fine.

"How about this, when the dance competition is held in the afternoon, you lock Mu Taotao up so that she can't participate on time, so..."

Zhou Zhenni really had no choice but to think of such a way.

Ade did not refute. For him, Zhou Zhenni's words were the motivation for him to carry out the task.

"Yes, I will do as the lady asks."

After Ade finished speaking, he disappeared into the audience.

Zhou Zhenni looked at the back of the man going away, and thought of Mo Yanshao who would appear here as a dance partner in the afternoon, her heart was bleeding inexplicably.

Why are you so nice to this woman?Why can't you see my goodness when I gave you such precious porcelain and even made food for you?

Jenny Zhou's beautiful face was full of resentment, which completely affected her beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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