Sweetheart: The Black-bellied Chief's Little Runaway Wife

Chapter 166 The Beginning of the Conspiracy

Chapter 166 The Beginning of the Conspiracy

The competition on the field is over. As the sound of the music gradually fades away, the two finally completed the etiquette performance competition this time. The audience in the audience burst into applause. Some people stood up to applaud them, and more people stood up applaud them.

Angel took the microphone to announce the end of the morning game and waited for the afternoon game to start.

Mu Taotao turned around with a winner's smile and walked backstage. Like her, Xiao Feifei's eyes were full of anger, and she also walked back.

The two looked at each other on the way, Mu Taotao still had a fearless smile on her face, but Xiao Feifei really wanted to step forward and tear her smile apart.

"Mu Taotao, don't be complacent, I will definitely win the dance competition in the afternoon."

"That's not necessarily the case. I'm also looking forward to the dance competition in the afternoon."

Mu Taotao said lightly.

Backstage, friends of both of them rushed in and surrounded them.

Ai Meili even hugged Mu Taotao, looking very happy and excited: "Taotao, I was sweating for you at the beginning, but I didn't expect you to behave so well, you are completely like a lady of everyone. "

"Thank you, Meili, because of your encouragement, I can do so well."

Mu Taotao and Ai Meili embrace each other, feeling the joy that friendship brings them.

At this time, Zheng Zhongjie, dressed in a handsome suit, walked in with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and delivered the bouquet to Mu Taotao, and said emotionally: "Taotao, I really didn't expect that you are getting more and more beautiful. Getting close to the goddess Fan Er, asking me to wait for a mortal is really out of reach."

After hearing what he said, Mu Taotao felt that it was too exaggerated, so she punched him hard on the chest, and said with a smile, "Ajie, don't exaggerate so much, she's still a goddess, she's pretty much the same. "

"You are a goddess. You didn't see it. Many students below said that you have changed a lot. It seems that you have worked hard this month."

Ai Meili also praised her with a smile on her face.

"That's right, I really worked hard to practice hard. When I first practiced walking, the teacher asked me to practice with a book on my head to correct my usual habit of shaking left and right."

Thinking of the hardships she suffered when training etiquette, which was no less than that, Mu Taotao felt emotional.

Ai Meili said with relief: "It seems that all the hardships are not in vain."

"Okay, stop talking, you two, let's go to the restaurant for dinner."

Zheng Zhongjie watched the two little girls so busy talking that they even forgot to eat, so he couldn't help reminding them.

"Yeah, I don't really feel it. I'm really hungry when I mention it. Unexpectedly, it's just a simple performance, but it makes people feel very hungry."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, he took Ai Meili's hand and walked towards the school cafeteria with Zheng Zhongjie.

Willis College is known as a college attended by nobles, so naturally even the restaurant is luxurious.

The chefs here are all invited by the back kitchens of five-star hotels. The dining environment is very elegant and beautiful. Students who come here to eat can easily find what they like to eat.

The combination of meat and vegetables, the dishes pay attention to the color, fragrance and taste. Seafood, steak, chicken meat, fresh fruits and vegetables are all neatly arranged in the glass window, and students can take it freely.

Mu Taotao liked the food in the restaurant of Willis College very much, so she took the plate and went straight to the food display window.

When she came back after picking up the food, Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie were already waiting for her at a certain table.

"Why are you moving so fast? You didn't wait for me to come with you?"

Mu Taotao showed a slight dissatisfaction on his face, and pouted.

Ai Meili smiled and said: "We are not as good at eating as you are. Look at you, you can't get fat no matter how much you eat. You will really be jealous of the dead."

Mu Taotao was greeted by her compliment in disguise, and she couldn't help but smile and said, "How can I not gain weight by eating? If I can't eat alone, I will definitely gain weight. It's just that I have been training too hard recently, so That's how I can eat."

Mu Taotao sat down and began to attack her own food, and then heard someone whispering next to her: "Why is this girl so ugly when she eats? She really embarrasses our college students."

"Yes, yes."

"It seems that she is the girl who was admitted to our school halfway through, right? I don't know if it's because of receiving a lot of money. Really, she shouldn't have entered our school at all."

After all, those students looked at Mu Taotao with contempt.

As the person involved, Mu Taotao continued to eat her own food as if she hadn't heard it.

Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili looked at each other, and they both stood up for Mu Taotao.

"Sit down, all of you, and hold your breath, won't you? We are elegant, upper-class people, and we can't be as knowledgeable as people who gossip about others. That would look very unmannered, wouldn't it?"

When Mu Taotao said these words, he had already cleaned up all the food on the plate, placed the knives and forks neatly, and wiped his lips gracefully with a napkin.

Hearing Mu Taotao's words, Zheng Zhongjie, who thought to refute those people, couldn't help but smiled, and echoed: "Taotao is right, how can we have the same knowledge as them?"

At this moment, a tall man in a black suit walked up to Mu Taotao's side steadily, bowed to her politely and said, "Miss Mu Taotao, is that right?"

Mu Taotao looked back and saw a very strange man, she didn't know him, but he knew her, so she still agreed, "I'm Mu Taotao, may I ask where you are?"

"Miss Mu, our master sent me to invite you over. She said she was waiting for you behind the fountain."

"Who is your master?"

"Miss Mu, the master asked me to keep it secret for now, please come with me?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help but be convinced by the man's respectful attitude.

It is not impossible for someone in this academy to bring bodyguards. If she wants, she can also have several bodyguards behind her, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong.

However, Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie were still a little worried, so they couldn't help getting up and reminding her, "Taotao, let's go with you."

"Our master said that he wants to meet Miss Mu alone, and please stay for a while."

Mu Taotao thought that this place is Willis College, so there could be no danger, so he said, "Don't worry, you two, I'll be back in a while."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she really walked outside with the tall man.

Zhou Zhenni watched all this from the other end of the restaurant, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth.

She really hoped that Mu Taotao would never appear in her and Mo Yanshao's sight again, that would be great.

Mu Taotao followed the bodyguards in black to the side of the fountain.

(End of this chapter)

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