Chapter 167 Peach Missing
The fountain pool is about a few hundred meters away from the restaurant, surrounded by lawns.

The fountain is a group of naked children playing, very characteristic of Roman sculpture.

And the water is poured from the water bottles in the hands of those children, forming a fountain.

Mu Taotao was deceived to come here, but she didn't find anyone here, so she knew she was deceived.

"Who is your master? Why did you trick me into coming here?"

Mu Taotao realized that she had been cheated, but it was too late.

The man in black just sneered and said, "Our master doesn't want you to attend this afternoon's dance, it's as simple as that."

After all, a mechanism on the outer wall of the fountain opened, and there was a dark room under the fountain. Mu Taotao was forced to back up there, and accidentally fell into the dark room. The door closed quickly, and the man in black had a face His face was stiff and expressionless, and after a quick swipe of his palm, it turned into someone else's face, which was the face of Zhou Zhenni's personal bodyguard, Ade.

The man looked at the closed door of the dark room, and left quickly with a gloomy smile.

After Mu Taotao was locked in this dark room, he found that it was a vacant space left during construction, and it was useless, but there were some construction waste.

It's not that there is no light here, but there is still a faint light coming through the transom on the side. It is probably to prevent that when it rains, there is no place for water to drain, so a hole is left to facilitate the drainage of water.

In this small space, Mu Taotao looked out from the drainage hole that was only used for drainage.

Unless someone passed this fountain pool, it was impossible for anyone to find her here, even if she broke her throat, it was useless.

What to do now?

As soon as the man said that he didn't want her to participate in this afternoon's dance competition, Mu Taotao thought of who was doing the trick.

This Xiao Feifei really couldn't see that she would use such a vicious trick behind her back.

Mu Taotao is really anxious to death now, the phone was also taken away by the man in black when he pushed her here, what should I do now?
Mu Taotao has no way to save himself, shouting loudly when he can't see anyone will only consume his energy.

Right now, I can only pray to Rang Cang to bless her, so that she can still make it to the dance competition in the afternoon, otherwise...

When Ade returned to Zhou Zhenni's side, it was already 10 minutes later, and the woman was standing under a certain pillar of the teaching building, looking not far ahead.

There was an invisible smile on her face: "how is it?"

"According to the order of the lady, everything is done."

"She can't come out, can she?"

"It's relatively desolate there, and no one will find it."

"That's good."

After listening to the report, Zhou Zhenni turned around and walked towards the classroom without even looking at the man.

In the classroom, Xiao Feifei almost burst into tears, Zhou Zhenni couldn't help smiling gracefully when she saw this, "Feifei, what happened?"

"Jenny, don't you know that the dance partner I'm looking for is actually stuck in the road. If he can't show up, how can I participate in the competition?"

"That's it, it's really troublesome." Zhou Zhenni pretended to be concerned.

To her, it doesn't matter who wins or loses this game, she just doesn't want to see that woman dancing with Mo Yanshao again.

"Okay, it's not the end yet. Isn't there an hour left before the dance competition? Just wait patiently, maybe you can catch up in a while."

At this moment, Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie also hurried back to the classroom. When they saw Zhou Zhenni and Xiao Feifei, they couldn't help asking, "Did you see Taotao?"

When Zhou Zhenni heard Ai Meili's question, she pretended to be very surprised and said, "Are you looking for Taotao? Hasn't she been with you all the time?"

"No, someone came and picked her up on the way, so we separated, but now, we searched all over the restaurant and found no one, and no one answered her cell phone, what should I do?"

Zheng Zhongjie said with a worried face.

Unexpectedly, Mu Taotao could not be found, and Xiao Feifei's face was filled with joy. The most important thing in this kind of competition is to be punctual. Once the contestants don't show up, they will be regarded as forfeiting automatically.

If Mu Taotao still didn't show up after the start of the competition, the organizing committee could announce her abstention. In this way, even if her dance partner didn't show up, Xiao Feifei would only win.

So Xiao Feifei began to pray in her heart, it would be best if this Mu Taotao didn't show up before the game.

Xiao Feifei remained calm, and sat back in her own seat, pretending to be silent.

Zhou Zhenni looked at her and observed her expression.

Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie did not expect that Mu Taotao did not return to the classroom. Does this mean that she was really plotted against?
And being plotted against at a critical moment of the game, what does this mean?

Only the person who wants to win the game the most will do such a thing.

Ai Meili has always been weak, she just whispered this suspicion to Zheng Zhongjie.

Zheng Zhongjie glared at Xiao Feifei immediately, and shouted at her: "Xiao Feifei, did you do it?"

"What... what?"

Xiao Feifei was immersed in her own daydream, she was very excited when she thought that Mu Taotao had not come, she won the competition, and trampled Mu Taotao under her feet forever.

She never thought that Zheng Zhongjie would suddenly ask her a question, which caught her off guard.

"You...what are you talking about?"

Xiao Feifei was a little incoherent, she really didn't hear what Zheng Zhongjie was saying clearly.

But Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili were sure that it was Xiao Feifei who hid Mu Taotao.

"Xiao Feifei, I didn't expect you to be so despicable. In order to win the game, you would deal with Taotao like this."

Zheng Zhongjie made it clear this time.

Xiao Feifei immediately became angry from the heart. She has grown up so much, and she has never been so wronged by anyone. She did not do something, and she will never admit it.

"Zheng Zhongjie, how dare you talk nonsense without evidence? When did I hide Mu Taotao?"

Xiao Feifei blushed and argued hard.

Zhou Zhenni quietly left the classroom when the two had a quarrel, with a scheming smile on her face.

"If it wasn't you, who else would it be? Taotao performed well this morning. It can be said that she is more polite than you, a rich lady. You must be jealous of her, and you are afraid that she will beat you again in the dance competition this afternoon. You lost completely, that's why you found someone to hide her, didn't you?"

"You... how can you wrong me so much? Just because Mu Taotao wants to compete with me, am I going to hide her? You don't have evidence, so you can't speak nonsense."

Xiao Feifei cried out in anxiety, she would never have thought that she would be blamed for Mu Taotao's disappearance.

(End of this chapter)

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