Chapter 168 Looking Around
But think about it, it is indeed too coincidental.

Why didn't she disappear sooner or later, but when the two of them were about to compete, she disappeared?

It was impossible not to doubt her.

But she really didn't do such a thing, she was really wronged.

"I don't care what you think, anyway, I didn't do such a thing, and I won't admit it."

"Even if we don't have evidence, you have a motive to hide Mu Taotao because you are afraid of losing!"

The sentence "You are afraid of losing" was played back in Xiao Feifei's ears in a loop. When she heard such words, she was greatly stimulated and couldn't help but burst into tears. She was wronged while crying: "I didn't hide Mu Taotao, really No, you have wronged me, woo..."

"I don't want us to wrong you, so you should hand over Mu Taotao quickly, maybe we won't hold you accountable anymore."

Zheng Zhongjie pressed her every step of the way, and simply asked her to hand over her.

Xiao Feifei cried even more, she didn't hide the man, how could she hand it over?
"I swear to God, Mu Taotao's disappearance has nothing to do with me, what should I leave to you, woo woo..."

While talking, Xiao Feifei cried even harder.

Facing Xiao Feifei who was crying so hard, Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili really had nothing to do.

"Now we are looking for her to ask for someone. If she doesn't hand it over, we have nothing to do. Let someone who can find Taotao come to her."

Zheng Zhongjie said this to Ai Meili.

"Who's going to find her?"

The two talked to themselves, lost in thought.

After a while, they all seemed to think of the same person, their faces couldn't help showing excitement, and they said in unison: "Mo Yanshao."

The reason why he thought of Mo Yanshao was that he was the most nervous person in the world about Mu Taotao.

Besides, as Mo Yanshao's president, he must have many subordinates, so it was perfect for him to find a way to find Mu Taotao.

Two of Mu Taotao's good friends also ignored Xiao Feifei's crying and came to the corridor outside the classroom.

Ai Meili took out her mobile phone and turned to Mo Yanshao's address book, and immediately called her.

Before Ai Meili could speak, the other party spoke first: "Ai Meili, why is my call to Taotao not answered? Is she with you?"

"Mr. Mo, something happened. Taotao didn't know where she went. We haven't found her until now."

"What do you mean by that?" Mo Yanshao almost sat up from the office chair, his expression was serious like never before.

"that is……"

"Stop talking, I know."

Mo Yanshao had a premonition that someone was going against Mu Taotao and wanted to stop the game in the afternoon, so he hid her people.

People are not seen from school, so they can only be hidden in school in a short period of time, so we have to start looking for them from school.

After Mo Yanshao hung up the phone, he immediately notified Fenghua Xueyue and Fenghua Xueyue through the intercom, telling them to hurry up and find someone.

In less than 10 minutes, Qiyuan, who is best at finding people, used his satellite positioning system to find the exact location of Mu Taotao: "Boss, that place is at 130 degrees east longitude and 22 degrees north latitude."

A three-dimensional topographical map was displayed on the computer, and it was accurately located near the fountain pool. "

"By the way, it's near a fountain pool. Send someone to look for it."

When Mo Yanshao heard the report, he immediately called Ai Meili and the others: "Does your school have a fountain?"

"Yes, several places, what does this mean?"

"Where is the place where no one will go?"

If it is a place where people often go, it cannot be a place where Mu Taotao is hidden. "

"It's a fountain with lots of angel statues, it's been abandoned."

Zheng Zhongjie reminded Ai Meili, reminding her of such a place.

"That's where it is, you go there to find it quickly, and I'll be there later."

The tense expression on Mo Yanshao's face suddenly relaxed. It seems that his deduction is not wrong. This is not something done by a wise person, and it is just a trivial matter, but he will definitely find a way to find out who did it. .

It's still important to find someone out now, and hope she's okay.

While Mo Yanshao was thinking, he grabbed the car keys on the table and walked towards the underground parking lot.

He wanted to go to the school as soon as possible to make sure that Mu Taotao was fine.

Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie were a little stunned when they heard that Mu Taotao's people might be by the fountain pool carved with angels.

It has been abandoned for a long time, and except for the fountain pool, it is almost unobstructed. How could it be possible to hide people?
Although they didn't believe it, the two decided to go there to find Mu Taotao and see if she was really there.

With doubts on their faces, the two walked near the fountain pool.

Seen from a distance, the fountain pool stands in a green lawn, there is no water to spray, and there are few people around.

If it wasn't for Mu Taotao, it would be impossible for Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie to come here.

"Ajie, do you think Taotao will really be here?"

"It's hard to say, let's take a closer look."

The two walked towards the fountain pool one after the other.

Mu Taotao was crouching in that abandoned basement to gather strength, fearing that if no one came to save her, she might have to stay for a while.

But fortunately, soon, she heard someone talking outside.

She was a little unsure, fearing that her hearing was hallucinating, so she listened carefully for a while, yes, it was indeed a human voice, and as she got closer and closer, it seemed to be very familiar.

It turned out to be the voices of Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie, that's right!Really their voices!
Mu Taotao stood up from the ground at once, and immediately ran to the only drain, rushed outside and shouted, "Beautiful, Ajie, I'm here, come and save me!"

The sound came out, startling the two people looking outside.

"Where does the sound come from?"

"It seems to be the drain, go and have a look."

Zheng Zhongjie immediately pointed to a drain on the outer wall of the fountain pool.

The two rushed there, Zheng Zhongjie lay down on the ground without hesitation, looked towards the drain hole, and came face to face with Mu Taotao.

Zheng Zhongjie had a surprised expression on his face: "Taotao, why are you here?"

"It's great of you to come! How did you know I'm here?"

"Don't talk so much, how did you get in? Tell us how to save you?"

"There's a small door over there, it's probably locked, you guys find a way to open it, and I can go out."

Under Mu Taotao's guidance, Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie did find the small door, but they couldn't open it.

"Have you found anyone?"

Mo Yanshao's timely appearance made Ai Meili's expression even more joyful, while Zheng Zhongjie was very unhappy, so he looked at Mo Yanshao's expression with some hostility.

(End of this chapter)

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