Chapter 169 Who Is Suspected?
But Mo Yanshao didn't care what these two people thought of him, the most important thing now was to save Mu Taotao.

Before Mo Yanshao could do it himself, a black-clothed bodyguard beside him took out a long and slender iron wire similar to a lockpicking tool, inserted it into the keyhole, and quickly opened the lock and threw it aside, then rescued Mu Taotao come out.

The feeling of seeing the light again made Mu Taotao a little excited.

She really didn't expect that they would find them so soon.

Especially at the moment when he saw Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao was surprised, with tears in his eyes, and almost rushed forward, hugged the man's strong body fiercely, letting his nose full of smells. He smelled it, and then told his grievance: "Why are you here? I thought I might never see you again. When you find me, it must be after this fountain pool has been demolished. Maybe I am already a A pile of bones."

It's scary to think about the consequences of that.

"How come? Taotao, you are my most beloved baby, I will not let you lose so easily."

While talking, Mo Yanshao was stroking a purple crystal earring that was firmly worn on Mu Taotao's ear, his eyes were far away.

What Mu Taotao didn't know was that the earrings made of purple crystals were the key to Qiyuan's ability to find Mu Taotao from the satellite positioning system.

Because he was afraid that something would happen to her one day, she would be kidnapped or something else, so Mo Yanshao had been prepared for her and prepared this pair of purple crystal earrings for her. In fact, there is already GPRS in it, which can be used very quickly. It is easy to determine her seat.

Mo Yanshao also hugged Mu Taotao tightly, feeling the reality of her in his arms, and he was even more grateful that he had the foresight to give her this pair of special earrings, otherwise he would really be looking for a needle in a haystack.

The two hugged each other tightly, but Zheng Zhongjie didn't want to see such a scene, he really wanted to separate the two immediately, but Ai Meili sincerely wished the two of them, and hoped that they would last forever.

It had to be said that Mo Yanshao really cared about Mu Taotao.

If Mo Yanshao hadn't been notified earlier, it would have been difficult to find Mu Taotao.

"How did you find me? Not many people know about this place."

After the hug, Mu Taotao did not forget to ask this crucial question.

It's such a great feeling to be alive from a desperate situation!
Probably the man in black who threw her here would not have thought of it either.

"This is a secret, you just have to remember that no matter how far we are apart in the future, I will never lose you, understand?"

In front of so many people, Mo Yanshao did not shy away from saying such nasty love words, and he was affectionate, with tenderness in his eyes, and he really envied Ai Meili who was on the side.

But Zheng Zhongjie simply turned his face away and stopped looking at these two loving men and women.

He only felt that where they were, even the air became thinner, so he said coldly: "Beautiful, I want to go back first."

"Oh, then I'll go back too, Taotao, I'll leave you to Mo Shao, I wish you happiness."

Ai Meili rarely showed such a lively side, she was really happy for her good friend.

The two left, and the only ones left were Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao, and a few black-clothed bodyguards he brought.

The two of them got bored, and Mo Yanshao straightened his face and said, "Tao Tao, who locked you here? What do you want?"

"I don't know who he is? I just remember that he said that his master asked me to go out for a while, and then he followed him to this fountain pool, and he pushed me into that little The basement, locked me up.

Before leaving, he said that his master did not want me to participate in the dance competition in the afternoon, it was as simple as that.

I guess Xiao Feifei did it? "

Mu Taotao expressed his speculation, but Mo Yanshao quickly denied it: "It can't be Xiao Feifei, her father's company is in my hands, and it can be easily acquired by Mo's, she dare not take such a risk .

Besides, if this happens, she will be easily suspected, and it cannot be her.

Therefore, this owner should be someone else. "

Mo Yanshao quickly analyzed.

When Mu Taotao thought about it, she was right. Xiao Feifei confronted her a few times, but it didn't end well. She almost caused her father's company to be acquired. It is unlikely that she would oppose her.

Besides, the competition this afternoon was held between the two of them. If she did it, it would be easy to be suspected. How could she be so stupid?
Having figured this out, Mu Taotao couldn't help frowning: "Who could it be?"

"I will come down to investigate this matter carefully. Don't rush out for a while, and you must wait until the last moment before going out. I will observe the situation in the arena and see who did it."

"it is good."

Soon, Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie were also notified by phone, not to disclose the news that Mu Taotao had been found, and let others think that Mu Taotao was really missing.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the etiquette competition between Xiao Feifei and Mu Taotao had the last crucial competition, which was the social etiquette dance competition.

This is the decisive game between two people who can win.

In the competition, the scores will be comprehensively judged from the costumes, temperament and dance movements of the two people, but the biggest premise is that both parties can participate in the competition.

If one party is not present, it will be considered a waiver.

In such games, punctuality is also the most important, no matter what the reason, late will be regarded as a forfeit.

When Xiao Feifei was worried about whether her dance partner would arrive on time, someone reminded her that Mu Taotao could not be found, but to Xiao Feifei, it was none of her business at all, so she was very calm.

But when Mo Yanshao was wearing a black dress and walked towards her imposingly, Xiao Feifei was still a little flustered, her eyes rolled around, and she didn't dare to look at Mo Yanshao at all.

Even so, Mo Yanshao can be sure that Xiao Feifei is definitely not the one who attacked Mu Taotao, so although he looked at her, he was looking at other people around him from the corner of his eyes, most likely to attack Mu Taotao. Who else is in this school who is not good for Taotao?
His eyes were fixed on Zhou Zhenni.

She seemed to be too stable, calm, and calm, which made people suspect that the biggest winner in this game was her.

She didn't participate in the competition, she was just a spectator outside the field, but she has been living in Mo's house, what is her purpose?

She didn't want to marry into the Mo family and become the future mistress of the Mo family, and the biggest obstacle was naturally Mu Taotao.

If Xiao Feifei's suspicion is removed, the biggest suspicion will fall on Zhou Zhenni.

(End of this chapter)

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