Chapter 170

Mo Yanshao has always been wary of Zhou Zhenni.

Seeing her watching the game so calmly now, there was a faint smile in her beautiful pupils.

What is she laughing at?

In addition to being proud, everything is under control, what else is there?

Wait for Mu Taotao to appear for a while, and look at her expression, then you will know everything.

Five minutes before the competition, the referees entered the arena, and the judges took their seats one after another. The auditorium was full of seats, not only students from the class, but also students from other departments. Everyone wanted to watch a high-quality etiquette Head-to-head competitions, which are big for high-society youngsters.

Xiao Feifei's partner finally arrived at the scene out of breath at this moment, which greatly relieved her.

Mo Yanshao, as Mu Taotao's dance partner, was already waiting on the sidelines.

Although he was only a dance partner, Mo Yanshao's noble demeanor, handsome appearance, coupled with his incomparable aura, really made it impossible for everyone present to ignore his existence.

He is like the sun that illuminates everything, it is so radiant that people can't take their eyes off him.

However, Miss Mu Taotao, the contestant who was supposed to be standing next to him and actually participated in the competition, did not appear.

The electronic wall clock on the wall at the scene is pointing the hour hand to the position of three little by little, and the minute hand is walking towards the top point.

In other words, if Mu Taotao hadn't shown up at three o'clock, she would be considered a loser in this match.

At this time, the college teacher in charge of refereeing asked Mo Yanshao, "Mr. Mo, why hasn't classmate Mu Taotao come yet?"

"Oh, she probably has something wrong and will be late."

Mo Yanshao just explained to Mr. Referee in this way, but he also had a nervous expression on his face, obviously sweating for Mu Taotao.

Looking at Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili again, they both had nervous expressions.

This was intentional by the two of them, because they were the first to find out that Mu Taotao was missing.

If the two of them were beaming with joy, it would be easy for people to guess that Mu Taotao had been found.

But if the expression on everyone's face is not relaxed, then they will confuse each other, which is what Mo Yanshao confessed in advance.

And Mo Yanshao's answer obviously dissatisfied the referee teacher, he couldn't help but look up at the electronic wall clock beside him, and reminded Mo Yanshao: "You should notify Mu Taotao to arrive at the competition site earlier, otherwise being late will be regarded as a waiver .”

But Mo Yanshao deliberately wiped the sweat from his forehead with a white handkerchief at this time, and let his expression relax a little, then glanced at the audience before calmly saying: "I believe she will definitely appear, even if that Just a miracle."

This sentence reminded everyone present that Mu Taotao's appearance could only be a miracle, and it also implied that the chance of her not appearing would be even greater.

Such deceptive words aroused whispers from all the people present.

The expressions of several key figures also became more exciting. Zhou Zhenni still looked interested and didn't seem to be panicking.

Other students whispered whether Mu Taotao was really kidnapped as the rumors said.

Xiao Feifei was a little proud, she didn't care who did it, anyway, she didn't do it anyway, she could have a clear conscience, so she wasn't afraid of being invincible because of it.

As long as Mu Taotao can't show up at the last second, she will lose.

The referee teacher looked at the last ten seconds on the wall clock, cleared his throat and said, "I must not start the countdown. If Mu Taotao has not appeared when I count to the last second, then the winner will be the Classmate Xiao Feifei at the scene, the countdown starts now, five, four, three..."

The atmosphere on the field also became extremely tense, everyone was looking at the electronic clock, waiting for the second that was about to reach the twelve o'clock position.


When the referee teacher counted to three, the double doors leading to the game site suddenly opened in front of everyone.

As if playing in slow motion, everyone's eyes followed the sound of the door knocking and looked towards the gate.

Whether it was Xiao Feifei, Zhou Zhenni, or every audience present, including the judges and teachers, all looked towards the place where the door opened, and then saw that she was wearing a white tutu dress and a golden flower crown, Like a princess in a fairy tale, Mu Taotao appeared there with a holy and beautiful smile.

The white dress suits her very well, and the dress with perfect waistline and slender legs suddenly makes her look beautiful and radiant.

Just like a real heroine in a movie, she will always appear at the most critical moment, and the appearance of Mu Taotao is also the same.

She is noble, generous, elegant, and beautiful. She attracts everyone's attention almost as soon as she appears.

People began to cheer and applaud, and the referee teacher also breathed a sigh of relief, and announced with a microphone: "Student Mu Taotao showed up at the last second. It really is a miracle. She is welcome to enter the arena."

So there was thunderous applause.

Mu Taotao stepped into the game like a real big star and greeted all the applauding people.

Xiao Feifei's complexion changed drastically on the field, and she could hardly believe her eyes. She was sure of winning, but she didn't expect Mu Taotao to appear at the last second.

So her complexion became extremely ugly.

Mo Yanshao did not look at Xiao Feifei and Mu Taotao, but locked his eyes on Zhou Zhenni's face, and found that her face had turned into ashes the moment Mu Taotao appeared.

That originally calm and composed expression was extremely ugly!
The guess in his heart was confirmed, but Mo Yanshao would not attack Zhou Zhenni until he got the exact evidence. He would find the person who took Mu Taotao out of the restaurant.

So when Mu Taotao appeared, Mo Yanshao ordered Feng Huaxueyue to immediately check the people and things related to Zhou Zhenni, and make sure to find the man in black who helped her.

Mu Taotao was extremely excited at this moment.

It's such a great feeling to be surrounded by stars.

Especially at the last second of the game, it was like a miracle.

But she loves such miracles.

She walked towards Mo Yanshao, the man she loved and loved her deeply.

His image is taller and taller, and his appearance is even more perfect, almost the best of the best men.

His smile is shallow, but it is extremely graceful, and his deep eyes really make people intoxicated by just looking at them, and they can't help themselves.

Mu Taotao finally walked towards Mo Yanshao, and when he stretched out his hand, he gently put his hand between his fingers.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I'm not late, am I?"

(End of this chapter)

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