Chapter 171 Heaven on Earth
After Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao smiled at each other, they quickly spoke to the referee in a relaxed tone.

The referee teacher breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a reproachful tone: "Student Mu Taotao, such an important game appeared in time, do you want to be eliminated?"

"Sorry, teacher, I will pay attention in the future."

"Never again."

"Yes, I'll remember."

The judges and teachers were also ready, after the referee and the judges reached an agreement.

The two pairs of contestants exited the arena and waited for the music to sound before entering the arena.

Classic waltz music began to play in the hall, and two couples came on stage together.

As soon as Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao came out, there was another exclamation.

Mo Yanshao's black dress and Mu Taotao's white dress formed a sharp color contrast.

Coupled with the good looks of the two of them, it is simply a match made in heaven.

Because there is love between the two, the dancing posture is also chic and casual, like two dancing butterflies, stunning the audience.

On the contrary, Xiao Feifei was impetuous. At first she thought that Mu Taotao would not come, so she was sure that there was no need for this competition. Besides, her dance partner was temporarily borrowed from the dance studio.

Although the two have worked together a few times, they are not as close as Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao, two real couples.

In addition, when Xiao Feifei found out that Mu Taotao was able to participate in the competition, she became even more flustered, so she was a little absent-minded and stepped on the wrong rhythm several times, causing her male partner to dance also to suffer. There was a tacit understanding and fell on the spot.

When the final music rhythm is over, both parties will end the stage with the audience.

Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao won the competition with an absolute advantage, while Xiao Feifei lost miserably.

Even just after the competition ended, Xiao Feifei gave her dance partner a big slap in the face, and yelled at him: "It's all your fault, why couldn't you show up earlier."

The male dance partner was also a bloody man. He gave Xiao Feifei a hard look, pushed her away, cursed her as a lunatic, and then turned and left.

Xiao Feifei's actions were very unwise and polite, which aroused the disgust of everyone present and booed them all. On the contrary, Mu Taotao won a full house.

Comparing the two, Xiao Feifei was really desolate and very annoyed. She even felt that Mu Taotao didn't do this on purpose at all.

So she rushed to Mu Taotao without hesitation, and shouted at her loudly: "Mu Taotao, you did it on purpose, didn't you? You deliberately showed up at the last moment, so that I could make a fool of myself, right?"

While Xiao Feifei was talking, tears had already flowed down her face, feeling that she was very wronged.

Mu Taotao said, "Xiao Feifei, why can't I understand what you're talking about? What did I do to make you look ugly?"

"You simply played disappearing on purpose so that I could let my guard down, and then appeared at the last second to deliberately tease me so that I would lose the game and embarrass me."

Xiao Feifei's unreasonable troubles made Mu Taotao want to scold people on the spot. When she was locked under the fountain, why didn't anyone think of coming to rescue her in the first place?

This Xiao Feifei actually made sarcastic remarks at this moment. Mu Taotao was about to step forward to argue with her, but Mo Yanshao had already stepped in front of Mu Taotao, and looked at Xiao Feifei sharply and said, "What do you want to do for me?" Apologize to Taotao for what you said just now, otherwise I will never let you go lightly."

"Young Master Mo, you..."

Xiao Feifei's tears were still on her face, but she couldn't say a word.

When everyone was watching, Mo Yanshao saw Zhou Zhenni was about to turn around and leave, so he said loudly on purpose: "If I didn't judge that the person who hid Mu Taotao in the basement under the fountain pool this time was someone else, maybe Xiao Feifei You have no right to stand here and say these things, do you understand?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Feifei faced Mo Yanshao's too stern handsome face, the blood on her face faded, and she almost uncontrollably backed away.

"What I mean is that you have nothing to do with the kidnapping of Taotao, otherwise you wouldn't have the opportunity to stand here and speak out, and you wouldn't be eligible to participate in this competition, but should be sent to the police station.

Now, apologize to Taotao and take back what you just said. "


Xiao Feifei understood that Mu Taotao didn't do it on purpose, but she was really kidnapped, so she appeared at the last second.

In this way, she just said that Mu Taotao did it on purpose, which is really a false statement, and an apology is a matter of course.

Although she is a daughter, she is not used to apologizing to others, let alone Mu Taotao, whom she has always looked down upon.

But under the pressure of Mo Yanshao, Xiao Feifei could only obediently bow her head and say to Mu Taotao, "I'm sorry, Mu Taotao, I shouldn't have said that just now."

Mu Taotao looked at Mo Yanshao and snorted, "Xiao Feifei, don't be so narrow-minded, otherwise you will be the one who will suffer in the future."

After finishing speaking, Mu Taotao slid her little hand into Mo Yanshao's big and generous palm, made the two of them cross their fingers, and then raised her delicate and beautiful face and said to him: "Yan Shao, I'm hungry, I want to go eat delicious food."

The man turned his head to look at her, his eyes were full of tenderness, his voice was deep and magnetic, and very pleasant: "What do you want to eat?"

"You decide, as long as it's delicious food, I can eat anything."

"is it?"

"of course."

Seeing the little girl's greedy appearance surrounded by gluttons, Mo Yanshao's lips smiled even wider, shaking the hands of the two of them and saying: "Then let's go."

So the two ignored the disheartened Xiao Feifei, turned around and left the competition field.

The two happy people left together, which made Xiao Feifei's loneliness and helplessness even more apparent.

Another door opened not far away, Leng Yihan was dressed in black, with a cold face, a pair of eagle-like eyes watching the couple leave, and the line of his lips pursed even tighter.

Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao kept holding hands until they came to the yellow Ferrari that Mu Taotao usually drove.

The two finally separated and drove away.

While driving, Mu Taotao asked again: "Where should we go for delicious food?"

"Don't worry, drive hard, and you'll know when you arrive."

Soon, Mo Yanshao called and made a reservation.

The name of that restaurant is Paradise on Earth, which sounds a bit like heaven and earth, which makes people wonder if it is a place that provides porn.

For this reason, Mu Taotao kept rolling her eyes at Mo Yanshao to express her dissatisfaction.

As if he had guessed what was on her mind, Mo Yanshao smiled at her and said, "Don't think of going anywhere else, Paradise on Earth is a very good themed restaurant, you'll know it when you go there.

Today's [-] words are all updated, thank you for your appreciation, and continue tomorrow! !
(End of this chapter)

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