Chapter 177 The game is not over yet
When Mu Taotao saw anyone in the Mo family, it was as if she had seen a ghost. Even though it was just Mu Taotao who was sweet and cute, she felt the same way.

Mo Moli's reaction to Mu Taotao was very strange, but Mu Taotao quickly calmed down and greeted her with a forced smile: "Hello, Jasmine, your name sounds really nice."

She was looking for something to say. Thinking of the psychological burden she had borne in her heart, she wished she could bite off her tongue. Looking for something to say is the easiest way to show off.

At the top of the stairs, someone whistled at her: "Taotao, are you back?"

The voice is very nice, it is a deep baritone, it sounds very comfortable, like stepping in the vast grassland, with fresh air and refreshing wind.

Mu Taotao raised her head, her face was red and her heart was beating hotly.

Even though I hadn't seen him all afternoon, I missed him more and more, and after seeing that haunting face, I felt that my heart was beating so much that it wasn't my own.

What would happen to her if this man left her one day?
It must be sad to death!
Mu Taotao said this to herself.

Soon, under Mo Yanshao's call, Mu Taotao rushed towards him three steps at a time and two steps at a time. She had already forgotten the mission entrusted to her by her master Situ Ming and all the brothers and sisters.

No matter what kind of task it is, in Mu Taotao's eyes, it is not as important as Mo Yanshao.

Forgive her the little woman immersed in love.

At this time, Mo Yanshao looked elegant, noble and generous, with outstanding temperament, very successful man's momentum, and handsome appearance, when looking at people with a pair of affectionate eyes, there was almost ten thousand volts of voltage that always attracted people firmly, You can't take your eyes off him at all.

He just stretched out his big, slender and white hands with well-defined bones, and then took Mu Taotao's hand firmly, and he led her into the room without even looking at Zhou Zhenni's plaintive eyes.

As soon as he entered the room, the man pressed the woman against the door, and an ambiguous atmosphere swept over in an instant, filling the space between the two of them.

Mu Taotao felt dizzy for a while, and was completely confined in Mo Yanshao's arms.

Seeing his eyes staring at her affectionately, Mu Taotao felt her heart was about to jump out of her throat, rolling in her throat unconsciously, swallowing, because she was completely immune to beautiful men.

There is such a beautiful man in the world, and he is still his own man. When Mu Taotao thinks of this fact, he is almost intoxicated to death.

Mo Yanshao's facial features are very delicate, with sharp edges and corners, especially the high and straight bridge of the nose, which is comparable to that of Europeans, and the perfect face shape, smooth and full forehead, and the hazel eyes that bloom with radiance, All make women fall in love with him irresistibly.

Seeing the increasingly blurred look in Mu Taotao's eyes, Mo Yanshao wanted to laugh out loud. He just liked the way she looked at him obsessively.

His slender and fair fingers slowly caressed the woman's clean and lovely face, his eyes became more affectionate, and his voice lowered, it was the whisper between true lovers.

He whispered in her ear: "What should I do? I haven't seen you for only one afternoon, and I already miss you very much. How can I be willing to leave you in the future?"

"Then never leave."

Facing the man's affectionate confession, Mu Taotao hooked the other's neck more generously, and then took the initiative to caress his moist and beautiful lips with his hands.

Mu Taotao felt dizzy again, as if the happiness that never wanted to wake up hit her.

Mu Taotao took off Mo Yanshao's hand covering his mouth, and looked at him affectionately.

Touched by the girl's overly enthusiastic eyes, Mo Yanshao couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Mu Taotao was also a little embarrassed about being seen through, and couldn't help blushing even more, and her heart beat faster.

Could she tell him that her love for him was hopeless?

I'm afraid he can't, he will laugh at him to death, right?

In the tug-of-war of love, whoever expresses his love first will be eaten to death by the other party.

Mu Taotao didn't want to do this.

If she loves him more, will she be looked down upon by him?

Mu Taotao's thoughts were spinning all over, her eyes were shining like clear water, as if water would overflow if she touched it.

Mo Yanshao was moved by her too touching eyes, he couldn't help stretching out his hands to hold her hand, and said emotionally to her: "Tao Tao, don't look at me like this, I have no immunity to your eyes."

Mo Yanshao's voice was soft and soft, like the spring breeze in March, with a heart-warming temperature.

"You don't mean it, do you? The look in my eyes really moved you so much?"

"Of course what I said is true, can I still lie to you?"

"That's hard to say, anyway, it's not like you haven't lied to me."

"When did I lie to you?"

Mo Yanshao was a little dissatisfied, this woman is looking for trouble, right?

He tilted his head and looked at her seriously, waiting for her to tell the fact that he lied to her.

"Let me think."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she really thought about it seriously.

In fact, after being together with Mo Yanshao for so long, he really hasn't lied to her.

"Well, not now, but it will be hard to say in the future. Can you guarantee that you will never lie to others or me for the rest of your life?"

Mu Taotao blinked and asked him seriously.

This really made Mo Yan Shao commit a difficult situation.

She is right, no one can guarantee that they will not lie to others for a lifetime.

"Taotao, there are many kinds of lies. For example, when a patient is terminally ill, the doctor usually hides it in order to give them the courage to live.

Such deceit is done with good intentions, so it can be forgiven. "

"Then what do you want to say?"

"If one day, I lied to you, it's because I love you, you know?

That must be the lie I told because I didn't want to make you too sad and sad. "

Is this too nasty to say?Besides, this is obviously an excuse for lying to myself.

Mu Taotao expressed dissatisfaction, but because of Mo Yanshao's straightforward words of loving her, she couldn't find anything to refute.

Not only that, Mu Taotao even blushed and leaned against Mo Yanshao's arms, refusing to show her face.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.


"It's me, Jenny, I'm here to invite the two of you down for dinner, is that okay?"

When she heard Zhou Zhenni's voice, although she spoke very politely, Mo Yanshao's anger still rose little by little.

Thinking of Mu Taotao being locked in that small dark room, Mo Yanshao couldn't help but want to get angry at Zhou Zhenni.

But he won't settle the score with Zhou Zhenni right away, because this game will end soon, and he only hopes that before the end of this game, it is Mu Taotao who will not be hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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