Chapter 178 Scary Woman
But when all this really started, he couldn't control the development of the plot, which may be something that even Mo Yanshao didn't expect later.

"Jenny is calling us, let's go out quickly."

"and many more."

When Mu Taotao was about to leave, Mo Yanshao stopped her.

"You want to just go out there and tell them what we're doing?"


Mu Taotao didn't understand what Mo Yanshao said.

Mo Yanshao just held her, let her face to face with him, then gently smoothed out the wrinkled skirt for her just now, and then adjusted her neckline so that it would not be skewed.

After finishing all this, I took a closer look and made sure there was nothing wrong, then I held her hand and said, "Let's go."

Mu Taotao was filled with a great sense of happiness, and she had already lost the panic she felt just now when she was about to complete the structure diagram of the manor.

Holding hands with Mo Yanshao, she opened the door and walked out. She only felt that she was his little girl, and forgot about everything else.

When the two appeared in front of other people holding hands, they couldn't help but startled them.

Everyone could feel that the relationship between Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao was much better than before, and Mr. Mo even puffed his beard and stared at him, holding a dragon head crutch in his hand, but he had nothing to say.

Mo Yanqing was not there, and Mo Yanming's expression was unclear.

Mo Moli's face was cautious.

There was viciousness in Lin Meisha's eyes.

And Zhou Zhenni, the unconcealable loss and sadness were also written on her face.

But Mo Yanshao didn't care about her feelings, so he quickly sat down with Mu Taotao, waiting for the food to be served.

At this moment, Zhou Zhenni suddenly shook her hands slightly, and she fainted on the ground with a pale face, which shocked everyone.

Mo Yanming happened to be sitting next to her, so he hurriedly helped her up. The old man thought that she was a guest of the manor and a daughter of the Zhou Group, so he immediately ordered Mo Yanshao to take her to the hospital.

But Mo Yanshao's reaction was extremely cold, and he even said: "Who knows if this is another trick of hers? Pretending to faint? She has so many tricks."

Hearing this, Mr. Mo became even angrier.

And Mo Yanming was asked to send Zhou Zhenni to the hospital.

The woman who pretended to faint kept complaining, she was indeed faking, just to test the reaction of the Mo family.

But now she understands that in Mo Yanshao's heart, no matter how many things she does, they are not as important as Mu Taotao. In this emotional pursuit, she is destined to be a loser.

Tears flowed out involuntarily, and Mo Yanming exclaimed, "Why is Miss Jenny crying?"

But people who pretend to faint will not wake up, so Mo Yanming's words didn't make Zhou Zhenni open her eyes.

He had no choice but to get her into the car, took two bodyguards and drove towards the luxury private hospital in this city.

Mo Yanshao took Mu Taotao's hand and walked upstairs calmly. This meal was really because of Zhou Zhenni, and no one lost their appetite.

Mr. Mo got very angry in the living room, but he couldn't do anything about Mo Yanshao's behavior.

Mu Taotao was very complicated. She didn't understand why Mo Yanshao didn't help Zhou Zhenni, but she thought that he had his reasons, so she didn't ask this question at that time.

But after returning to the room, Mu Taotao couldn't help but said: "Young Master Yan, why do you say that Jenny is pretending to faint? This kind of thing should not be used as a joke."

"Taotao, sometimes I'm really worried, you're so single and stupid, what should you do if I'm not by your side in the future?"

Mo Yanshao turned around, supported Mu Taotao's thin shoulders with both hands, and spoke earnestly.

His words contained deep affection and deep concern, but it was not comfortable to listen to them.

"Hey, are you hurting me? Or are you caring about me?"

Mu Taotao quit, so she didn't want to be a stupid person.

"Also, you will always be by my side, won't you? How could you say such a thing?"

"I'm just assuming, can't you hear that this is just a hypothetical sentence?"

"I don't care, anyway, if I'm by your side, no matter how single or stupid I am, don't I still have you?
Are you smart enough? "

Mu Taotao broke away from Mo Yanshao's hands and said with a rich expression.

Mo Yanshao was really defeated by her weirdness, and shook his head helplessly.

"But what does this have to do with you not sending Zhou Zhenni to the hospital?"

Mu Taotao circled the question again.

What made Mo Yanshao have such a deep prejudice against Zhou Zhenni.

"Stupid woman, do you think you will be locked in the little black room at the fountain pool, who would do it?"

When Mo Yanshao suddenly raised such a question, Mu Taotao couldn't help frowning and thinking deeply.

"Isn't that hateful woman Xiao Feifei? I want to compete with her?"

Hearing this natural reasoning, Mo Yanshao just shook his head, with a look of disappointment in his eyes: "If you think about it carefully, usually the natural answer is not the correct answer."

Well, he is calling her stupid again.

Mu Taotao rolled his eyes again, and then tentatively said, "You don't suspect that Zhou Zhenni did it, do you?"

"It must be her."

Mo Yanshao said with certainty.

"Hey, how can you be so sure? Don't blame others, what reason does she have to do that? Could it be that she is doing these things for Xiao Feifei?"

"Taotao, think about it carefully, if you can't win the competition and are cast aside by the teachers and students of the whole school, who will benefit? On the surface it looks like Xiao Feifei, but in fact it is Zhou Zhenni.

She has always wanted to marry into the Mo family, marry me, and become the future mistress of the Mo family manor.

So if something ugly happens to you, it's her who will benefit in the end, get it? "

Mu Taotao couldn't help but be convinced by Mo Yanshao's analysis, but she still didn't quite understand that Zhou Zhenni couldn't tell at all that she did such a thing.

So Mu Taotao was very skeptical: "I still don't quite believe that she would do such a thing, she doesn't look like that kind of person.

Since entering this house, I have never blushed with me. "

Well, in Mu Taotao's cognition, only women like Xiao Feifei who really quarreled with her can have hatred against her. Other women, as long as they don't oppose her in the open, she usually thinks that others be kind.

Mo Yanshao had no choice but to sarcastically again: "You are still not convinced that you are just stupid."

"You're just stupid, Mo Yanshao, you're always scolding me, it's too much!"

Mu Taotao was so upset at being scolded that she put her arms around her chest and turned around to sulk.

She didn't know who she was angry with, Mo Yanshao, or herself.

If it was true what Mo Yanshao said, then Jenny Zhou would be too scary.

What kind of things will she do against her in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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