Chapter 180
What an ignorant girl!
Mo Yanshao turned over, covered Mu Taotao with the quilt, went to the door by himself, and opened it.

Moran just wanted to knock on the door as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that it was his young master who opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, she lost her balance and almost fell in.

When he saw clearly who the person was, Moran was taken aback, and couldn't help saying: "Master!"


Afraid of waking up the sleeping woman, Major Mo Yan closed the door from the inside, shutting Moran and himself out.

"What's the rush, howling here early in the morning?"

Mo Yanshao's accusation made Mo Lan very wronged, she didn't dare to hide anything from him, so she said: "Young master, the police came outside, saying that Ms. Mu was related to a theft case, and asked her to go back to assist in the investigation."


Mo Yanshao realized the seriousness of the situation, who would tell that Mu Taotao is a member of the Snitch Club?
Who is it?
He couldn't help asking: "Did the police really say that?"

"Yes, is there evidence?"

"That's not clear."

Mo Lan's words made Mo Yanshao's brows unable to open any longer.

He decided to meet the police himself and hear what they had to say.

When I came to the living room downstairs, I saw Mr. Mo, Jay Chou, and several uniformed policemen sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting.

Mo Yanshao already understood something.

"I didn't expect Jay Chou to come to our house in person. I don't know why?"

When Mo Yanshao opened his mouth, he carried an aggressive air.

This Jay Chou came to the door together with the police, it cannot be ruled out that this matter has something to do with him.

When Director Zhou saw Mo Yanshao coming downstairs, he looked arrogant like a nobleman.

Thinking that her daughter Zhou Zhenni was admitted to the hospital because of him, she became angry.

If it wasn't for Mo Yanshao who Zhou Zhenni wanted to marry all along, Jay Chou really wanted to go up and teach him a lesson so that he wouldn't dare to treat his precious daughter like that again.

However, now is not the time to settle accounts with him, but the time to take Mu Taotao away from the manor.

Mr. Mo also turned his head, but found that only Mo Yanshao came down from upstairs, but Mu Taotao was not there, so he couldn't help but wondered: "Why did you come down? I asked Mo Lan to call Mu Taotao, she Woolen cloth?"

"She was still sleeping, so I came down and asked about it."

Mo Yanshao answered very calmly, then turned to face the two policemen and said, "You said you came to ask Mu Taotao to go back to the police station to assist in the investigation of the theft.

I don't know what kind of theft it is, why is it related to Taotao? "

Hearing Mo Yanshao's question, one of the policemen stood up and replied, "The thing is, we learned that members of the Snitch Club were involved in a bronze case in a museum in this city.

According to what we know, Mu Taotao, who lives in the Mo's Manor, is one of the members of the Snitch Gang.

So we're going to find her to go back and find out. "

Mo Yanshao nodded after listening to their words, his expression was soft, but soon he raised his head, the softness on his face faded instantly, and he became extremely serious: "You said that Mu Taotao participated in the theft. , is it? So I wonder, where is the evidence? Is there any evidence that she was involved?"

"This one……"

The two policemen were questioned for a moment. They really had no evidence, but they wanted to use this as an excuse to call Mu Taotao to the police station because of someone's reasons.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yanshao would ask them for evidence.

"You don't have evidence, and you don't have a formal arrest warrant, but if you want Mu Taotao to come with you, I won't be the first to agree.

And Mu Taotao has been in the Mo's Manor all the time, she has no time to steal from the museum you mentioned.

If you want to take her to investigate now, it is impossible. "

Mo Yanshao's attitude was very tough, and the two policemen were at a loss as to what to do, they couldn't help but cast their gazes at Zhou Dong who was aside.

Chairman Zhou also didn't expect that Mo Yanshao would be so protective of Mu Taotao, so he couldn't help interjecting: "Master Mo, these two police officers just wanted to take Taotao to investigate, and they didn't suspect that she was the one who did the crime. Just want her to tell what she knows."

After hearing what Chairman Zhou said, Mo Yanshao turned to look at him with a sneer, and said, "Uncle Zhou, what you said is not wrong, but Uncle Zhou seems to be very supportive of Tao Tao being taken away by the police for questioning. ?"

Mo Yanshao's question made Jay Chou blush.

He didn't expect that Mo Yanshao would be so disrespectful to him, and speak directly to his heart without beating around the bush. How should he respond to his words?

"Well, I also think that Young Master Mo should just cooperate with the police and not hinder them from handling the case."

"If you want to take Taotao to the police station, first investigate the matter thoroughly and get solid evidence, then I will accompany her to the police station.

I don't know my answer, are you two satisfied? "

Mo Yanshao's words were so powerful that people couldn't help but be convinced.

The two policemen also understood that it would be impossible to take Mu Taotao away from Mo Yanshao today.

"Then we'll come visit another day."

After the police finished speaking, they walked out of the Mo's mansion in despair.

Director Chou was secretly angry, he didn't expect Mo Yanshao to protect Mu Taotao so tightly.

I wanted to drive Mu Taotao out of the manor in the name of the police, but it seemed impossible.

Seeing that one plan failed, Director Zhou made another plan, and said to Mo Yanshao with a smile: "Young Master Mo, do you know why I came to Mo's Manor?"

"I really don't know why Uncle Zhou came to the manor. You should explain it yourself."

Mo Yanshao looked at the elderly man in front of him with sharp eyes, and didn't know how to answer his words.

At this moment, after Mu Taotao woke up, Mo Yanshao was nowhere to be seen, so he followed him downstairs, only to see him talking with Zhou Zhenni's father.

"Speak less."

The charming woman who was still standing upstairs called him, and the voice was like the song of a yellow warbler when it came out of the valley, which lifted people's spirits.

Looking at the woman flying from upstairs, Mo Yanshao habitually showed a doting, loving smile on his face, which made Dong Zhou gritted his teeth.

Mr. Mo also felt deeply unlucky, and it was too late to stop.

Seeing that there were elders around, the woman couldn't help restraining herself and greeted them one by one.

"Yan Shao, why did you disappear so early in the morning, and made me look for you everywhere."

One sentence showed the relationship between the two people, which made Mr. Mo feel that his family was unlucky.

He was the one who brought Mu Taotao to Mo Yanshao back then, but now he has no choice but to regret it.

Mo Yanshao had the initiative now, unless he wanted to give up, there was nothing he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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