Chapter 181 Together

At this moment, a car horn sounded outside the door, as if someone important was about to appear.

Everyone is guessing who came to the gate of the villa.

Then a housekeeper rushed to report: "Master, young master, the chairman is back."

The one who can be called the chairman in this family is naturally Mr. Mo's son, Luo Tiannan.

His sudden turn is really incredible.

As soon as Luo Tiannan entered, he went straight to Mr. Mo's seat, and said in his mouth, "Dad, I'm back."

"Zhengnan, it's just the right time for you to come back. You can handle this matter. I, an old man, don't want to take care of it."

After Mr. Mo finished speaking, he ordered Moran to help him leave.

Mu Taotao sensed the subtle emotions among the remaining people, and the atmosphere was once awkward.

Jay Chou, Luo Tiannan, Mo Yanshao, it seemed that something was brewing among the three of them, waiting for one of them to speak first.

In the end, it was Jay Chou who couldn't bear the embarrassing atmosphere, and spoke to Luo Tiannan first, "Brother Zhengnan, why did you finally think of coming back to have a look?"

"Yeah, if you don't come back, you won't even know that the Mo family's business has changed. It's time to come back."

When Luo Tiannan said these words, his hands were already clasped with Jay Chou, and the meaning of those words was obvious.

He is planning to come back and take over the company.

"Dad, if you say such things, don't you make outsiders laugh at you, thinking that I, Mo Yanshao, are going to sell my company."

"Shao Yan, don't blame Dad for being overwhelmed. I heard that you have recently signed a few big contracts, all of which were signed with foreign investors. Do you know their background? Don't be divided up by others. .”

"Dad's words are serious. If you don't trust me so much, then let Dad come back and take over the company again."

Mo Yanshao smiled very decently.

No one knew what was on his mind.

Facing this father who wanted to kill himself, did he still have any thoughts of family affection in his heart?
Mo Yanshao's eyes became colder and colder. He understood that it would definitely not be a good thing for Luo Tianyun to come back at this time.

"By the way, I heard that Miss Jenny was sick and hospitalized. How is the situation now?"

"Oh, it's okay. I'm here for this matter. I want to take her back. I'm sorry to disturb everyone in Mo's Manor recently."

While talking, Director Zhou observed Mo Yanshao's expression.

However, the latter just held Mu Taotao in his arms, showing no extra expression.

This Mo Yanshao is really cruel to his daughter, and he is powerless as a father.

"Oh, how can we leave? Director Zhou, we agreed to beat our children and in-laws, so don't take Jenny away."

Luo Tianyun asked to stay.


Director Zhou glanced at Mo Yanshao and Mu Taotao, but didn't say the rest.

However, Luo Zhengnan had already stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder and said, "Dr. Zhou, don't always look at Yan Shao. Don't we have two boys in the Mo family? They are all good talents. Like Yan Qing and Yan Ming.

Wouldn't it be better for Jenny to spend time with all three of them and choose her favorite? "

After listening to Luo Zhengnan's words, Chairman Zhou understood what he meant. This was to make Zhou Zhenni give up Mo Yanshao and choose Mo Yanqing or Mo Yanming as her husband, so that she would become the daughter-in-law of the Mo family.

"Well, I have to ask Jenny what she wants. If she is willing to stay, I will let her stay."

After Zhou Dong finished speaking, he prepared to take his leave and leave.

"Well, I'll go with you to see your niece. I'm sorry I haven't met her since I came back."

Seeing that Luo Tianyun insisted on going to the hospital to visit Jenny Zhou, it was hard for Jay Chou to refuse, so he agreed.

Once the two left, only Mu Taotao and Mo Yanshao were left in the living room.

Thinking of the conversation with a few people just now, Mu Taotao always felt like a cloud of fog in his heart, and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

She couldn't help asking Mo Yanshao curiously: "Shao Yan, when did that Zhou Zhenni's father come?
And why did your father ask Jenny Zhou to choose between your two brothers?Aren't they going to let her marry you? "

"Do you really want Zhou Zhenni to marry me?"

After hearing the woman's question, Mo Yanshao couldn't help retorting.

"No, I didn't mean that, I just thought it was weird."

Mu Taotao was stopped by Mo Yanshao's questions.

How could she give him up to another woman?

That is absolutely impossible.

It's just that Zhou Zhenni's goal at the beginning was Mo Yanshao. Now if she is asked to give up on him and try to date two other people, will she agree?

And what does Luo Tianyun mean as an elder?

Mo Yanshao's slight sigh came from next to his ear, but Mu Taotao was taken aback. He couldn't help but turned to face the man, and asked with concern, "Yan Shao, why are you sighing?"

"No, I just sigh out of habit."

The man shrugged, his expression pretending to be relaxed, and he looked very calm.

But Mu Taotao clearly saw the slight sadness in his eyes.

What is he sad about?
Mu Taotao couldn't help feeling pain in his heart, and wanted to smooth his slightly frowning eyebrows and understand the pain in his heart.

But Mo Yanshao just took her hand and kissed on his lips: "Tao Tao, I actually don't care what this Ken family can bring me, even if I have nothing, it doesn't matter, as long as you are here, Understand?"

"You can say that, I'm really happy, am I really that important to you?"

Mu Taotao was so moved that she was about to cry.

"Of course, because of you, I feel that the world is not too indifferent, because you gave me the most true love, no matter where I go in the future, I will never forget your deep affection."

Mo Yanshao spoke very emotionally, and bowed his head again to kiss the hand she was holding in his own.

Feeling a bit of cold temperature from his lips, Mu Taotao once thought he was sick.

Can't help but reach out to touch his forehead with concern, wanting to see if he has a fever?

But Mo Yanshao quickly grabbed her other hand, and met her eyes with deep and distant eyes: "Taotao, remember my words, you are the light in my heart, and I will always remember your love for me." good."

"Speak less, don't talk nonsense, we will always be together, don't let me think you are telling me goodbye, I am scared."

Mu Taotao hugged Mo Yanshao, feeling the warmth from his body, which made her feel warm.

She has a feeling that both of them are about to be abandoned by the whole world.

I thought that I was the only one who was not loved by my parents, but looking at Mo Yanshao again, why not?

(End of this chapter)

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