Sweetheart: The Black-bellied Chief's Little Runaway Wife

Chapter 182 Companionship is the most important thing

Chapter 182 Companionship is the most important thing
A child who grew up in a wealthy family is not necessarily happy. When he was ten years old, he was caught in a fire, and it was a miracle that he did not die in the sea of ​​fire.

Now that he has grown up, Mo Yanshao will be ambushed by others at any time, and it is unknown where the enemy comes from.

But Mu Taotao also followed him through the hail of bullets several times, so it's not surprising that he would say such a thing.

It's just that Mu Taotao doesn't want any tragedy to happen to them.

The two hugged each other tightly, and they were a pair of real passionate lovers.

"Taotao, are you really not going to join our operation?"

On the phone, Hongye's voice came, which was always cold.

Mu Taotao thought of her face of the cold goddess Fan Er, and thought of Mo Yanshao smiling so softly and handsomely in front of her eyes.

A feeling of guilt welled up spontaneously.

She was not only guilty of Mo Yanshao, but also of Hongye and the others, so she was very sorry and said, "I won't go, senior sister, be careful, I will cover you when you act."

"Okay, I know you're in trouble, so be it."

Hongye hung up the phone understandingly.

Mu Taotao stared blankly for a while while hanging up the phone, it's not that she didn't want to take part in the action, she wasn't afraid of danger either.

It's just that Mo's Manor is the place where she has lived for so long after all, and it's Mo Yanshao's home. She doesn't want to take advantage of her opportunity to go to the underground treasure house of Mo's Manor to steal things.

Mu Taotao remembered that when Mo Yanshao took him to the underground treasure house, the two of them took the special elevator.

The elevator has been going down, and there are about four floors of the building, which shows the depth of the underground treasure house.

After getting down to the elevator, you enter a metal door.

Based on Mu Taotao's experience as a snitch, the metal door must be bulletproof and blastproof.

Once the door is forced open, the consequences will be disastrous.

And this kind of metal door has several layers, and when one is opened, there is another layer, about seven or eight layers, and one arrives in front of a black door made of special material.

This door is recognized by palm prints and facial features, and it depends on Mo Yanshao's face and his hands to open it.

Of course, she had told Situ Ming about these things.

But for the thieves, they naturally wouldn't enter the treasury according to the way ordinary people enter the treasury.

Using high-tech means and superb cutting technology are their strengths.

As for the danger of those metal doors being destroyed, it is unknown to normal people.

And Situ Ming and the others planned to steal the handed down Buddha, which was chosen on the night of celebrating Zhou Zhenni's 21st birthday.

Because there were many wealthy businessmen and tycoons attending Jay Chou's daughter's birthday party, the Mo's Manor was very lively that night.

Zhou Zhenni and Mu Taotao are in the same school and are in the same class. Therefore, she invited the entire class, just like having a class meeting at home.

Some of these students came to Mo's Manor for the first time, so they were very surprised and curious that Mo's Manor would have such a luxurious style, like a palace.

Wherever I go, I will ask the last question out of curiosity.

Especially when seeing Mu Taotao coming down from the upstairs, he would greet her with a smile and ask her why she came down from the upstairs of the Mo family mansion.

Because Mo Yanshao went to the company and has not come back, the Mu Tao Tao Manor is actually very lonely, and not many people talk to her.

At this moment, when someone asked why she was at Mo's house, she was about to answer, but was interrupted by Xiao Feifei who came with them: "Don't you know? She is actually the bride of this young master."




What followed was a series of bursts of laughter, malicious, unbelievable, and unbelievable.

Under Xiao Feifei's explanation, all the classmates looked at Mu Taotao with such weird eyes, which made her feel terrified.

She understood what they were thinking, didn't they think she was a happy bride?Are you not qualified to study and study with a group of princes and princesses like them?

But Mu Taotao didn't feel anything, she just folded her hands lightly and said: "I also entered the school through the real exam, and my grades are not the best in the class, but it's not that kind Students who are lagging behind, so you have no right to laugh at me."

Her expression was extremely serious, which was a kind of counterattack to those laughing voices.

Xiao Feifei is a person who plays with the wind. She is afraid of offending Mu Taotao. If she keeps talking to Mo Yan, Xiao Feifei and her father's company will suffer.

So Xiao Feifei immediately came over to flatter her and said, "Mu Taotao, you don't blame me for telling the truth, do you? Actually, I don't want to, I just tell the truth."

Mu Taotao is not a fool, Xiao Feifei has been trying to punish her for a long time.

If Mo Yan hadn't said less, Xiao Feifei hadn't done anything wrong in that dance competition, she would have thought it was Xiao Feifei who did it.

So Mu Taotao just sneered at this time: "Why would I blame you? The fact is like this, so what about Chongxi's bride? A person who speaks with strength is not afraid of going anywhere, isn't he?
Xiao Feifei, although I'm just a happy bride, isn't my bearing and dancing even inferior to yours?Am I right? "

Mu Taotao's words made Xiao Feifei's complexion very ugly, turning green and pale for a while.

She really didn't expect that Mu Taotao didn't care at all about her status as Chongxi's bride, and instead took the result of the competition as an issue.

That time Xiao Feifei lost a complete defeat, and mentioning that matter would make her feel angry in the bottom of her heart, and Mu Taotao actually said the result of that time in front of everyone, it was simply a mockery of her.

But Xiao Feifei can only accept it, who told her to provoke others first?
Those contemptuous eyes can no longer be contemptuous.

Mu Taotao breathed a sigh of relief, she felt very comfortable.

In the past, she also thought that the word Chongxi bride was ugly, and when someone mentioned it, it was like being slapped in the face in public.

But later she discovered that the more you don't care, the less someone will hurt you with this matter.

So gradually, she didn't care anymore.

What's more, Mo Yanshao really loves her very much. Last time, he handed over a jewelry store, a villa, and an undeveloped deep sea oil field to her.

In other words, even if Mu Taotao leaves the Mo's Manor now, she will not worry about having no money to support herself.

But these are not the most important. Mu Taotao thinks that being able to accompany Mo Yanshao by his side so that he no longer feels lonely is the most important.

Those classmates who Xiao Feifei came to mock Mu Taotao simply bid farewell to her quickly and went to talk elsewhere, Mu Taotao didn't mind, anyway, these classmates had a mediocre relationship with her, and she didn't bother to have a close friendship with them.

(End of this chapter)

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