Chapter 183 The situation is urgent

And Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie are her best friends, so she is the happiest that they can come to her.

Ai Meili came relatively late, and looked around as soon as she arrived, and she didn't really smile until she saw Mu Taotao.

Today's Ai Meili is very beautifully dressed, with a white dress with gold thread and a one-line collar design, revealing a beautiful and attractive collarbone, and a slender, snow-white neck like a swan's neck. The string of pearls with soft and noble light makes Ai Meili more beautiful like Barbie.

Her facial features are exquisite and beautiful, just like her name.

Ai Meili's appearance lifted Mu Taotao's spirits, so she couldn't help waving to her and saying hello to her: "Beautiful."


The two good friends waved to each other across many people, and then walked through the crowd together to hold each other's hands.

Mu Taotao's dress today is also noble and beautiful.

The emerald lake-colored dress, the long skirt reaches the bare feet, and a beautiful diamond waist chain is adorned on the waist, which is very dazzling. It is a waist chain composed of real diamonds, so it is very luxurious and beautiful.

With happy smiles on the faces of the two good friends and gorgeous clothes, who would have known that the two of them were girls who grew up together in the orphanage?
"Taotao, why didn't I see your young master Mo today?"

Ai Meili thought that Mu Taotao must be with Mo Yanshao, so she didn't plan to be the light bulb.

But she didn't expect that Mu Taotao was here alone without Mo Yanshao.

When Mo Yanshao was mentioned, Mu Taotao's smile also subsided slightly. She was also thinking about when Mo Yanshao would arrive, but it was almost eight o'clock in the evening.

Usually at this time, he should also rush home from get off work.

Today's protagonist Zhou Zhenni is even more eye-catching. She is wearing a red dress. The fiery red color matches her snow-like fair skin very well.

Then there is her curly hair, which is very fashionable and suits her hairstyle very well. There is also a small crown and real diamond hair accessory on her head, which perfectly matches her dress and shape today.

Standing with Zhou Zhenni was the Queen of Etiquette, Angel, who was half a head taller than her.

Because she is too tall and has a hot body, she looks good in anything.

And she is also wearing a small dress today, showing her long legs, straight and slender, very eye-catching.

Zhou Zhenni is the birthday star today, so many classmates surrounded her and talked to her, and she kept a happy smile on her face.

And God knows, what was going on in her heart?

The one who stayed with her all the time today was actually the second youngest of the Mo family, Mo Yanming. He was wearing a black uniform today, and the smirk on his face became serious, yet he looked so funny.

In Mo Yanming's dictionary, apart from eating, drinking and having fun, it is picking up girls.

The women he played with were more than the number of girls in his class.

But today, his task is to accompany the birthday girl Zhou Zhenni well, and not allow him to provoke girls everywhere.

To Mo Yanming, this was as awkward as it was.

In fact, why not for Jenny Zhou?

The person she likes is Mo Yanshao, but he hasn't appeared yet.

Didn't the promise to throw a party for her back then count?

Zhou Zhenni was sad for no reason, and put the blame on Mu Taotao.

That woman must be playing tricks, why didn't she die?

Zhou Zhenni looked at the back of Mu Taotao and Ai Meili talking and laughing, and really wanted to curse her.

Zhou Zhenni looked at a man in black not far away, that was her bodyguard Ade.

Adeben was looking around to see if there were any potential factors that would be unfavorable to the young lady, and then he felt his young lady's gaze.

He turned to look at Zhou Zhenni, who was also looking at him, and then glanced at Mu Taotao.

Adele understood what Miss meant.

However, it seems inappropriate to do it tonight. He also really wants to help Miss kill Miss Mu Taotao, but he must find a suitable opportunity.

Because she tricked her into going to the fountain last time, the woman must have been on guard.

Zhou Zhenni called and said, "Let's just say that Mo Yanshao asked her to go out. If that person hasn't come back, she will definitely be fooled."

"Okay, let me try."

After receiving the instructions, Ade quickly went to a certain corner, and when he reappeared in the hall, he had already put on a strange expressionless face, and then walked towards Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao, who was talking to Ai Meili, suddenly heard a man behind him say: "Miss Mu Taotao, is that right? Young Master Mo asked me to come and find you."

It's a pity that this man was wrong. Although Mu Taotao didn't recognize his face, he recognized the man who tricked him into the fountain when he heard the voice.

So when he turned around and saw the man's zombie face, Mu Taotao didn't show panic at all, but calmly said: "Oh, is he really waiting for me outside? Is it some kind of fountain again?" where?"

As soon as these words came out, the man with the zombie face was only stunned for two seconds, turned around and was about to run away, but Mu Taotao firmly grabbed the back of the clothes with the zombie face, and then began to yell loudly: "Catch me!" Hold this man, he is a dangerous element, catch him!"

Mu Taotao's roar startled many people, they all looked this way, not understanding why Mu Taotao wanted to grab a man in black.

Zhou Zhenni didn't expect that Mu Taotao could really recognize Ade, and secretly thought that something was wrong, so she also followed Daxie: "Who are you to catch that man, don't let him hurt anyone!"

Ade really didn't expect his young lady to be the happiest, and in desperation, he gave Mu Taotao a slap on the waist, and Mu Taotao let go of the pain.

The man in black jumped and disappeared into the crowd.

Seeing Mu Taotao being kicked down by Ade, Zhou Zhenni pretended to pass through the crowd, helped Mu Taotao up from the ground, and said with concern: "Taotao, how are you? Are you okay?"

Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie who arrived last also came over and helped Mu Taotao up.

Everyone is concerned about whether she is okay.

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that the man in black would be so courageous. Last time, she was almost locked in the fountain and no one rescued her.

What did he want to trick himself out this time?
Mu Taotao suddenly felt the cold wind whistling behind her neck, and felt that if she hadn't judged correctly and heard the man's deliberately lowered voice, she might have really fallen for him.

It's terrible to think about it!

But the waist kicked by the man in black really hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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