Chapter 184
Mu Taotao was also puzzled in her heart, she had the same voice even though she had different faces, could that person know how to disguise herself?So high-tech.

As Mu Taotao was thinking, she even forgot the pain in her waist.

But she couldn't figure out who wanted this man to harm her.

Also, who knew that Mo Yanshao hadn't come back yet?

Besides attending the party here, who else would know more about Mo Yanshao's whereabouts?

Xiao Feifei has been ruled out, leaving only Zhou Zhenni.

Because Mo Yanshao once reminded her.

Mu Taotao was helped up by Zhou Zhenni who was beside her.

The woman is a birthday star today, she is dressed very eye-catchingly, and she smiles decently.

At this time, Zhou Zhenni pretended to care about herself, with a worried expression on her face, but because she suspected that she was the mastermind behind the man in black, Mu Taotao couldn't help but frowned, and whispered in her ear: "Jenny, the one who thought about it just now The man in black who wants to take me away is someone you know, right?"

He didn't say this out loud, but just asked for confirmation in a low voice, which could be regarded as Mu Taotao giving her face.

Zhou Zhenni is also a smart woman, when she heard Mu Taotao say this in her ear, she naturally wouldn't admit it, but just responded in a low voice: "Taotao, you think too much, how could I do such a thing? "

"You really didn't do it?"

Although Mu Taotao suspected it, he had no evidence, so he could only ask casually.

"of course."

"Then how does he know that Mo Yanshao hasn't come back yet?"

This question is really sharp, and even Zhou Zhenni realized that she shouldn't let Ade make such an excuse, and she almost showed her feet.

So she pretended to be crazy and said, "Isn't Master Mo back yet? I thought he was angry with me and wouldn't come to my party.

Taotao, you have to believe me, I can't find someone to harm you, I also know that you are Yan Shao's favorite.

If I hurt you, it's like going against Yan Shao. I'm not that stupid. "

Zhou Zhenni's words made Mu Taotao dubious.

But what she said was not unreasonable, and there was really no good end for Mo Yanshao.

Xiao Feifei is a prime example.

Mu Taotao stopped asking.

"Okay then, I'll go outside the door to see if Shao Yan is back."

Mu Taotao turned around and walked out of the gate of the villa, while Zhou Zhenni watched her leave with her gaze turning colder and colder.

Here at the main entrance of Mo's Manor, there are clouds of luxury cars, music can be heard endlessly, and it is very lively.

In the backyard of Mo's Manor, several figures in black were quietly walking towards the sculpture that entered the underground treasure house.

According to the topographical map drawn by Mu Taotao, after arriving at the sculpture in a while, press the switch, and you will see the secret elevator leading to the underground treasure house.

However, the elevator is not easy to open, so Wen Tao, a computer expert, will be sent to use the computer in his hand to access the security system here, unlock the complicated code lock, and let the underground elevator here run, and take them to To the underground treasure house.

Wen Tao is worthy of being a computer expert, but in just a few minutes, the security system of this area was paralyzed, and no one would know that they sneaked into this place.

The underground elevator was quickly found, and a group of four people, Hong Ye, Ji Ran, Wen Tao, and Situ Liang entered the elevator together.

The elevator door closed and started to descend, the air inside suddenly became tense, because the future is unpredictable, only Mu Taotao learned from Mo Yanshao that the security of this treasure house is the strictest, and because of this, no one can Hit this treasure trove of ideas.

I don't know if the four of them can escape unscathed?

When the elevator descended to the fourth floor, it finally stopped, and the elevator door slowly opened upwards, and the four of them entered a dark, narrow passage.

It seems that the sound of water droplets can be heard here, drop by drop, each drop seems to be dripping in a hollow, and the echo is particularly loud.

This is the negative fourth floor, that is to say, it is about ten meters above the ground, so it is dark.

After two more steps, they could reach the first metal gate, but obviously they did not estimate the potential danger of this dark road.

Just when Hongye said: "Look, what's that?", a red light beam shot towards everyone, and everyone hurriedly fell down or turned their bodies to prevent the red light from touching themselves.

However, when Situ Ming turned over, the hem of the clothes slightly touched the red line, and then the explosion sounded in the dark passage:

The sound is deafening, making people feel that the entire channel is shaking.

Wen Tao was tightly protecting his handheld computer, but he had already passed out.

Hongye and Jiran had dirt and dust on their faces, making them very embarrassed.

Situ Ming really did not expect that such a serious accident would happen even if the hem of his clothes was swept away.

Fortunately, although there was an explosion, it did not cause casualties, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

Wen Tao took the handheld computer and began to confront the security system in the underground passage.

"The security system in this place is really tight. Not only are there bombs, but if you accidentally open a door, there may be poisonous gas, so everyone must be extra careful."

Wen Tao's words made everyone even more nervous, and couldn't help covering their noses, for fear that the poisonous gas would come out from somewhere.

Seeing this, Wen Tao couldn't help snickering: "The door hasn't been opened yet, what are you guarding against?"

Others gave him blank glances, so he didn't dare to speak, and the four of them continued to move forward in four directions.

Just as the four members of the Snitch Gang continued to fight for the treasure in the underground treasure house, Mo Yanshao was riding the extended version of the Cadillac towards the manor on the special road about several kilometers away from the Mo family mansion. Direction coming.

Besides him, there was also a driver in charge of the car, and the atmosphere in the car was a bit dignified.

Mo Yanshao turned on the lights in the back seat of the car, and it was bright immediately, but it didn't affect the driver to continue driving in the dark.

Because the cab and the back seat are almost separated, Mo Yanshao can even hold small meetings in this car without being affected.

At this time, Mo Yanshao was wearing a black dress, and was reviewing a document in his slender and handsome hands. His expression was focused and full.

However, at this moment, suspicious beeps sounded in his ears.

To others, this kind of voice might just be strange, and they no longer care about it.

But for Mo Yanshao, it was not that simple.

His eyes became sharp all of a sudden, and he began to scan the interior of the car. However, he didn't find anything unusual in the car.

However, his vigilance did not rule out, so he put down the document in his hand and picked up the communicator in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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