Sweetheart: The Black-bellied Chief's Little Runaway Wife

Chapter 185 You Are Not Allowed to Curse Him

Chapter 185 You Are Not Allowed to Curse Him

"Xiao Wang, stop the car for a while, get out of the car and help me check the situation."

The voice of Xiao Wang, the driver in the front cab, came from the intercom: "Yes, Mr. Mo."

The car soon stopped on the side of the road leading to the villa on the mountain.

However, not long after the car stopped, the driver Xiao Wang just got out of the car and was about to go to the back seat of the car.

Something unexpected happened.

There was a "boom" explosion, and the entire extended vehicle caught fire instantly, with flames rising high and thick smoke billowing.

The driver, Xiao Wang, was swept away by the air wave of the explosion and fell unconscious on the side of the road.

In the car, Mo Yanshao never appeared again.

From a distance, the extended car was burning, surrounded by fire and billowing with thick smoke.

The sound of the explosion and the flames can be seen from far away.

Inside the Mo's Manor, Mu Taotao came to the gate of the mansion, and saw a few bodyguards in black suits, standing there with their hands behind their backs and legs apart, very professional and neat.

Mu Taotao couldn't bear to disturb the security guards on duty.

However, in order to know about Mo Yanshao's situation, she still asked: "Did you see that Mo Yanshao's car came back?

I got a negative answer.

Mu Taotao couldn't help but look at the crystal watch on his wrist, the clear night vision needle was pointing to nine o'clock.

Mu Taotao was not reconciled, anyway, the birthday party belonged to Zhou Zhenni, so it didn't matter if she wasn't there, she wanted to wait until Mo Yanshao came back.

After a while, Ai Meili also ran out of the house, and said to Mu Taotao: "Taotao, you are here, I almost lost your person."

Ai Meili ran in a hurry, panting heavily, while Mu Taotao looked anxiously at the end of the road where Mo Yan was unlikely to come, but there was no sign of any vehicles coming.

"What's going on with Mo Yanshao today? Why hasn't he appeared?"

"Taotao, hurry up and go in. It seems that something big happened to Mo's house, saying that today's party is over."

"Ah? When did it happen?"

"Just now."

Ai Meili also looked puzzled, but the situation really happened suddenly.

After a while, many high-ranking officials and dignitaries came out of the house discussing one after another, with strange expressions on their faces, and then they got into the cars they drove, and left one by one after a while.

Ai Meili accompanied Mu Taotao and witnessed the car's departure.

At this moment, Zheng Zhongjie also came out, and said to Mu Taotao, "Taotao, do you want to go in and ask what happened? It's a good party, why don't you hold it?"


As long as Mu Taotao thought that the Mo family had almost no one to communicate with, except Mo Yanshao, who hadn't come back, she didn't want to go back and find out what was going on.

But both Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili asked her to ask what happened, and she couldn't help but walked into the villa.

Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie said, "Remember to call us if you need anything."

After all, the two of them got into their own cars, and the driver drove the car away.

Mu Taotao passed by many people.

She even saw Xiao Feifei and her buddies who had left, and the girls were also talking about it:
"It's a pity that Jenny's party is gone."

"Yes, yes, but the Mo family is even more pitiful. Something important must have happened."

"I seem to have heard something about an explosion..."

Mu Taotao became inexplicably startled when she heard the gossip.

She thought of Mo Yanshao who hadn't turned around for a long time, and couldn't help but want to call him.

She felt her hands tremble slightly, inexplicably - nervous.

She didn't understand why she was so nervous, so nervous that even the hand holding the mobile phone was shaking.

But she quickly dialed the familiar number.

She really hoped to hear that familiar, warm voice on the other end of the phone talking to her as soon as possible.

But she waited for a long time, except for the monotonous beeping sound, but she still couldn't wait for the voice of the answerer.

Where is he?Why didn't you speak?
The people around passed by one by one, and some classmates were greeting her, but she turned a blind eye.

She just kept dialing her phone mechanically, and then walked into the house.

As soon as he walked to the gate, before he had time to ask anyone, he saw a figure passing by him, and then slapped Mu Taotao hard on the face, almost knocking her out.

Mu Taotao sat down on the ground at once, feeling a bit of salty air on the corner of her lips.

She raised her head and looked puzzled at the person who hit her. It was today's birthday guy Zhou Zhenni. ,

And Zhou Zhenni's eyes were red, filled with tears, and fell down. As soon as she opened her mouth, Zhou Zhenni's voice was like a ghost, which made Mu Taotao terrified: "Mu Taotao, aren't you a happy bride? Because you are here, Yan Shao will be safe, but why, you can't save his life, let him be killed by a bomb! Tell me, how did you make his amulet, tell me!"

Zhou Zhenni seemed to be crazy, and slammed her fist hard at Mu Taotao.

Mu Taotao just sat on the ground, startled, dumbfounded, stunned, completely ignorant of resistance, like a clay figurine.

Her mind was blank, and she felt as if someone had cast a holding spell on her.

And Zhou Zhenni, like a real shrew, took all her anger on Mu Taotao.

It was confirmed just now that Mo Yanshao was on his way back. Because the car was equipped with a time bomb, the car body burned. He failed to escape from the car and was burned to death in the car.

The police and firefighters have already gone to the scene to rescue, and it has been confirmed that the charred body in the car belongs to Mo Yanshao.

This sudden news made everyone in Mojiazhuang immersed in the sad news, especially Mr. Mo, who almost fainted several times.

And Mu Taotao became the target of Zhou Zhenni's venting, thinking that it was all her fault as the bride who was so happy.

Mo Yan Shao died?is he really dead?
This sentence was the only thing left in Mu Taotao's mind, but he still couldn't react.

She only thought of the scene where his face with a gentle smile appeared in front of her.

It was such a warm and happy picture, which kept replaying in her mind.

How could he die? How could he die?

Just when Zhou Zhenni beat Mu Taotao desperately and asked her why she didn't act as a talisman, Mu Taotao started to fight back.

Her eyes were still dull, but the expression on her face had become ferocious. She almost got up, then pushed Zhenni Zhou hard, and slapped her hard, gritted her teeth and said, "I won't allow that." If you say that about him, he didn’t die, how could he die? I don’t allow you to curse him!”

(End of this chapter)

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