Chapter 186
Mu Taotao's words had a fierce expression on her face, and Zhou Zhenni was so scared that she didn't even know how to cry.

At this moment, Mu Taotao was filled with an inexplicable power. Whoever whispered in her ear that Mo Yanshao was killed by a bomb would be scolded by her:
"Who dares to say that he is dead, I will never end with him! He will not die, absolutely not!"

Mo Yanqing, who got the news and returned to the manor, happened to see this scene, and the pain on his face flashed away, so he wanted to dissuade Mu Taotao.

But Mo Yanming stopped Mo Yanqing with a dark smile: "Are you sure you are really going to help that woman? She might be kicked out of Mo's Manor."

"Why? Who made the decision?"

"It's Dad. He said it just now. Now that big brother is gone, everything that belongs to him will be cleared out of this manor, including Mu Taotao."

Mo Yanming still had a sinister smile on his face. To him, Mu Taotao was nothing more than a plaything for his elder brother.

He won't want it.

And Mo Yanqing seemed very interested in Mu Taotao.

"You'd better not take her in foolishly. This woman is a kitten with claws. Be careful that she will bite you back."

But Mo Yanqing didn't listen to Mo Yanming, he always had an inexplicable affection for Mu Taotao, if she wasn't the eldest brother's woman, he would definitely pursue her.

He likes Mu Taotao's innocence and sincerity that other rich girls don't have.

I believe everyone who likes her thinks so.

At this time, Mu Taotao was no different from a lunatic in the eyes of others.

If someone hadn't pulled Zhou Zhenni away from her, she would have beaten the woman who said Mo Yanshao died.

She would never allow anyone to say that he died, and she would never believe it.

Mo Yanqing walked to Mu Taotao's side with a heart of deep sorrow, trying to persuade her to leave.

But as soon as his hand touched the woman's arm, he was frightened by her suddenly turned terrifying face.

Mu Taotao's facial expression was very strange, her eyes seemed to be bloodshot, and she stared fiercely at the person who wanted to touch her.

"You said, did your elder brother run away? He left me and ran away, right?"


Facing the woman with bloodshot eyes, Mo Yanqing couldn't say a word.

Mo Yanshao's car exploded, which he saw on the way here.

He also saw with his own eyes that a forensic doctor lifted the charred body out of the car, and was going to take it back for DNA comparison to determine whether the body was Mo Yanshao.

However, according to various indications, Mo Yanshao did not escape the car explosion.

In other words, he is really dead.

Mo Yanqing didn't want to accept this fact either, but he understood better than Mu Taotao that this was the fact.

"Peach, be good, don't make any more noise, okay? Let's go back to the room."

"No, I'm going to wait for him to come back, and he will definitely come back."

After finishing speaking, Mu Taotao broke away from Mo Yanqing's hand and walked towards the gate of the villa.

This wait is a whole night.

All the Mo family members were immersed in a thick atmosphere of sadness. Mr. Mo hadn't woken up since he fell into a coma, and Mo Lan cried until his eyes swelled into walnuts.

Zhou Zhenni was beaten up by Mu Taotao until her nose was bruised and her face was swollen. She stayed up all night after being helped back to her room.

Although Luo Tianyun didn't say a word, his mood was the most stable one. It seemed that he didn't think that without his son Mo Yanshao, the world would not turn around.

The only one who can't cry is naturally Lin Meisha, the three boys were not born to her, why should he cry for Mo Yanshao's death?

That's none of her business at all. She only cares about how much property Mo Moli and she can share in the future.

Mu Taotao left the villa and waited at the gate of the manor, no one cared about her.

She really became the person who should be abandoned in this manor, but Mo Yanqing couldn't just watch her ignore her like this, so he spent the whole night blowing the cold wind with her.

That night, Mu Taotao was sleepless all night, and kept looking in the direction of Mo Yanshao's return. She always believed that he would come back, so she stood there and waited.

Until white belly appeared in the sky, Mo Yanqing said to her for the nth time: "Taotao, let's go back."

Only then did Mu Taotao roll his dry eyeballs, and said hoarsely to Mo Yanqing: "If I leave, what if he comes back?"

"I will notify you as soon as possible."

Mo Yanqing knew that if she followed her words at this time, maybe she would relax her tense mood.

Yes, because Mu Taotao didn't believe the news that Mo Yanshao had died, his nerves were stretched to the extreme.

After listening to Mo Yanqing's words, the corner of Mu Taotao's lips finally burst into the most beautiful smile, and he said thank you, then rolled his eyes and closed them.

She was on the verge of falling, and she was completely plunged into darkness. Mo Yanqing hugged her and sent her back to the room.

When they were on the stairs, they bumped into Luo Tiannan, and said to Mo Yanqing, "Ah Qing, why did you bring this woman back? Throw her out, she will no longer be a member of the Mo family. "

"Dad, she is very weak now, I want to take good care of her."

"You won't be from Mo's Village anymore, our Mo's don't need to eat the inside and outside."

Luo Tianyun looked gentle, but he treated his children extremely indifferently.

In this family, he only cares about how the Mo family's business will develop and who can inherit the family business.

In his opinion, Mo Yanqing is simply too kind and has no ambitions, so he must not do it.

Although Mo Yanming is not as good as Mo Yanshao, he still has some ambitions compared to Mo Yanqing, so he would rather train Mo Yanming to be his successor.

As for Mo Yanqing, he just left to fend for himself outside.

Hearing his father say such cold and heartless words to him, Mo Yanqing didn't say a word, but carried Mu Taotao out of the manor again, and carried him into a domestic hatchback.

He bought it with his own money, and the money was earned from his usual pocket money plus his own investment.

Mo Yanqing relied on the money he invested to buy a car, rent a house outside, and find a part-time job, so he was able to live outside all the time.

Now, Mu Taotao was kicked out by the Mo family, and he was also the same, so it is considered to be sympathetic.

He wants to take good care of her.

Mu Taotao only felt that she had a long, long dream.

In the dream, there are magnificent palaces, gentle and soft waltz music, all kinds of food and wine, and people wearing all kinds of beautiful dresses are dancing.

And Mu Taotao was also wearing a gorgeous evening dress, with a precious diamond necklace hanging around his neck.

Her hand was being held by a handsome man who was looking down at her and smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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