Chapter 187 Waiting for him to come back
If this is not Mo Yanshao, who else is it?
His smile always gave her a warm feeling, making her no longer afraid of being alone at night, let alone feeling lonely.

Mo Yanshao clung to her hand, danced with her, stepped onto the dance floor, and the two kept looking at each other affectionately.

Mu Taotao looked at the other party intently, for fear that he would disappear in the blink of an eye.

She wanted to talk to him, but she couldn't. She was so excited that she couldn't speak.

At the end, Mo Yanshao said: "Tao Tao, even if I'm not by your side, you can take care of yourself, can't you? You are not alone, I will watch you from a certain corner of the world, you must live well ,do you know?"

After saying these words, Mo Yanshao in front of him disappeared out of thin air, and the music also disappeared. The magnificent hall and the lively crowd all disappeared.

Standing in a thick fog, Mu Taotao couldn't see where she came from, and couldn't see clearly ahead. The fear in her heart was getting bigger and bigger. Finally, she couldn't help but screamed out, and then woke up from the nightmare.

She only felt bursts of cold sweat all over her body, and when she opened her eyes, she saw an unfamiliar environment around her, then the door of the room opened, and Mo Yanqing appeared in front of her eyes.

Mu Taotao couldn't help being surprised: "Why are you here? Where am I?"

"This is my home, you can live in peace and don't worry about anything else."

Mo Yanqing's attitude was very good, but Mu Taotao couldn't accept it.

As soon as she lifted the quilt, she got up from the bed and was about to leave, and said: "I don't want to be at your house, I want to go back to the house where Mo Yanshao is, he is waiting for me there."

But she couldn't leave that room, and Mo Yanqing's voice became indifferent: "Tao Tao, don't do this, if you do this, even if the elder brother finds out, the spirit in heaven will not be comforted."

Mu Taotao looked up at Mo Yanqing with a pair of eyes of hatred: "He is your elder brother, do you really want him to die?"

"Of course I don't want him to die, Taotao, can you be reasonable?"

"Well, if you don't want him to die, let me go back and wait for him."

Mu Taotao insisted on going back to Mojiazhuang.

Mo Yanqing sighed deeply, and had to tell her the truth: "Taotao, you can't go back, let alone you, and I can't go back either. My father said that everything about big brother should be cleared out of Mojiazhuang. ,including you."

When Mo Yanshao said these words, his eyes were looking at the void, and his heart was very heavy.

He felt that the one who really didn't like eldest brother should be his father. Why?

Although the elder brother was disabled before, he has been cultivating him as an heir. He also manages the business of the Mo family well. Now that his family has just left, his father doesn't even leave any of his belongings. The villa was cleaned up.

Apart from the company, he didn't seem to want his elder brother Mo Yanshao to exist at all.

I don't know if my mother will come back to take a look after knowing the news that my eldest brother is not there?
Mo Yanqing thought in his heart.

Now, Mu Taotao is the only memory left by the eldest brother, he will not let her have trouble, so he must protect her well.

Today's Mu Taotao is so weak that it is almost vulnerable to a single blow.

Ever since she found out that Mo Yanshao had really left, she hardly ate or drank for three days.

She was locked in that room all day long, and every time Mo Yanqing brought her food in, she would bring it out intact.

Because she has no interest in even glancing at the food.

After many days like this, Mo Yanqing didn't even have the idea of ​​persuading her to eat, but he soon brought a person, Ai Meili.

The appearance of Ai Meili made Mu Taotao's slightly angry eyeballs shine.

Looking at the girl who grew up with him in the orphanage in the past, Mu Taotao finally found a little bit of air.

"Taotao, how did you become like this?" Ai Meili cried and hugged Mu Taotao the first time she saw her.

A girl's heart is very soft, and Ai Meili is a sentimental woman, so her heart is even softer.

The purpose of Mo Yanqing's coming to Ai Meili is very simple, that is to persuade Mu Taotao to cheer up.

Unexpectedly, when Ai Meili came, the two girls cried even harder.

"Beautiful, don't cry, what's wrong with you?"

Ai Meili not only cried all the time after she came, but also cried harder than Mu Taotao, and couldn't stop for a while.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to comfort her in turn: "Beautiful, can you stop crying?"

"Taotao, I just feel so pitiful, we are all so pitiful, God is really unfair to us."

Ai Meili sobbed while wiping her tears.

"Why do you say that, it's me who is poor, not you?"

"I'm also very pitiful. You are sad because of what happened to Young Master Mo, and you ignore me as a good friend. Isn't I also very sad?"

"Your logic..."

Mu Taotao couldn't find anything to refute her for a while, and felt that there was something wrong with this statement, but she didn't know where the problem was.

It wasn't until Mo Yanqing came to ask the two of them to go out for dinner, and he made it himself, that Mu Taotao suddenly said: "Beautiful, your way of comforting people is too much."

"Taotao, I'm not comforting you. I'm telling the truth. Think about it. I'm just a good friend like you. You've always been strong and optimistic. Even you were hit because of this incident. Jenny and the others are bullying me, who will help me?"

That's true. Compared with Ai Meili, Mu Taotao has always been the one protecting her.

Now that even she has fallen, who will protect Ai Meili?
Besides, didn't she always believe that Mo Yanshao was not dead?
Why do you still have to torture yourself to be inhuman like this.

"Beautiful, whether you believe it or not, I think Yan Shao is not dead, so what you said is right, I can't go on like this, otherwise I will really be looked down upon as a joke by others."

Mu Taotao remembered what Zhou Zhenni said, she said that she did not play the role of a bride.

But Mu Taotao firmly believed that Mo Yanshao would be fine if she was still a happy bride.

Thinking of it this way, Mu Taotao's spirits lifted, and she smiled at Mo Yanqing: "Yanqing, what delicious food did you cook? I want to eat."

Hearing Mu Taotao said that he wanted to eat, Mo Yanqing was happier than finding gold.

"Of course there are delicious ones, braised fish in brown sauce, sweet and sour pork ribs, French fries, do you like it?"

Lin Yurou frowned slightly when he heard the names of these dishes, "Are there any french fries for dinner?"

"Why not? Isn't this the most popular in those fast food restaurants? I learned it when I was working there, so don't be picky, get up and eat."

"Well, well, of course I'm not picky, beautiful, and you're not picky either, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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