Chapter 188 Never Live Up to You
Someone cooks it for her, she should smile, shouldn't she?

From then on, she would not shed a single tear for Mo Yan, and believed that he must be living somewhere.

For this dinner, Mu Taotao ate three whole bowls of rice, maybe she was really hungry, or maybe it was to make her body grow better.

Ai Meili and Mo Yanqing smiled heartily when they saw her eating.

The next day, Ai Meili asked the driver to drive to the downstairs of Mo Yanqing's rented complex and waited for Mu Taotao to go to school together.

Mu Taotao didn't refuse, and naturally followed her to school.

Willis College was no different from usual, Mu Taotao's mood was also very high, talking and laughing with Ai Meili along the way, it wasn't until she came to class that she realized that the atmosphere here was really different.

Zhou Zhenni also came to school, and when the two met, it was like meeting enemies.

And Xiao Feifei looked at Mu Taotao like a plague, and said loudly to the students beside her: "Didn't you say that she is the bride of that family? It's so funny. The bride of Chongxi failed to keep the big family." The young master's life, let him die in the explosion, it's just ridiculous! She still has the face to study in school. If it was me, she should find a place to commit suicide. How can such a nemesis woman have the face to live in the world? Woolen cloth?"

Xiao Feifei's words were full of irony, and it was definitely a shock to the people who were being discussed, but Mu Taotao just pretended not to hear it, anyway, she is not the only one in the world who is going to be a happy bride.

Zheng Zhongjie was not convinced, he defended Mu Taotao and said: "Xiao Feifei, have you said enough?"

"What did I say about me? Who did I say? Zheng Zhongjie, why are you defending that woman so much? She has nothing to do with you."

Xiao Feifei got angry and stood up to refute Zheng Zhongjie.

The two of them were about to have a big quarrel, but Mu Taotao stood up and persuaded Zheng Zhongjie to go down: "Ajie, who are you arguing with? Don't even look at what it is, they treat themselves like dogs, you You can’t be a dog too, can you?”

Mu Taotao had a completely contemptuous tone, treating Xiao Feifei like a dog.

Xiao Feifei was naturally unconvinced, and wanted to tear Mu Taotao up.

But how could she be Mu Taotao's opponent?

The two also scolded each other, Xiao Feifei said: "Mu Taotao, who do you call a dog?"

"Whoever yells, that's it!"

Mu Taotao did not show any weakness, don't think that without Mo Yanshao supporting her now, she would be afraid of anyone, there is no way!

Xiao Feifei narrowed her pretty eyes slightly, and her face was full of ferocity: "Mu Taotao, you don't look in the mirror to see what you look like now? The Chongxi bride I mentioned just now is you, don't you Can't you hear it?"

Xiao Feifei was so angry that she wanted to scold Mu Taotao until she burst into tears.

"Are you talking about me just now? I thought you were talking about yourself, haha."

"Mu Taotao, are you an idiot? I'm not some goddamn happy bride, how could you be talking about myself?"

"Xiao Feifei, don't you know that you are not even as good as a wedding bride? You idiot!"

Mu Taotao's counterattack made Xiao Feifei's self-esteem unbearable. She is a rich lady, how could she have been so angry, and she was about to attack Mu Taotao.

But before her hand touched Mu Taotao's body, Mu Taotao slapped her across the face first, and said viciously: "Xiao Feifei, I advise you to keep your mouth shut and don't cause trouble for yourself." .”

Xiao Feifei was stunned by Mu Taotao's slap, and then burst into tears, and then began to slap her with hands and feet.

But she couldn't hurt Mu Taotao at all, but turned herself into a crazy woman.

It wasn't until the teacher entered the classroom that Xiao Feifei had to stop.

But Xiao Feifei's eyes never left Mu Taotao's body, hating her so much.

Now that Mo Yanshao is dead, no one can threaten their Xiao family's property.

She Xiao Feifei didn't have to be afraid of Mu Taotao anymore, so she decided that Mu Taotao would not be able to stay in school any longer.

The time spent in school was actually a test of Mu Taotao's ability to bear it.

Because the rumors of Mo Yanshao's absence had already spread in the school.

Many students knew that the reason why Mu Taotao was transferred to Willis College was because of Mo Yanshao.

Now that Mo Yan is gone, can she continue to stay here?
Who will pay for her millions of tuition fees that year?
In order to get Mu Taotao out of this school, many parents went to the principal to complain, saying that Mu Taotao is a wild girl with no tutor and no education, so she should not continue to stay in this school.

Among them are Xiao Feifei's father, Xiao Yunlong, and Zhou Zhenni's father. The reason for the two of them is also very simple. Not only does Mu Taotao have no tutor, but he often beats people, hurting their precious daughter, so such a girl should be fired.

Based on the pressure of more parents to complain, the principal decided to talk to Mu Taotao.

That day, Mu Taotao was still in class, so the principal sent an assistant to find her in the classroom.

So Mu Taotao got up and left the classroom while everyone was watching.

And Xiao Feifei and Zhou Zhenni exchanged glances, obviously gloating at Mu Taotao's sudden departure.

Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie were very worried about Mu Taotao's departure.

Mu Taotao didn't take those eyes of sympathy, sarcasm, or schadenfreude, in her opinion, nothing can knock her down now.

She wants to live well, because that person once told him so in a dream.

She will wait for the day when he comes back.

Will there be such a day?

"Miss Mu Taotao, do you know why I asked you here?"

The principal is an uncle in his 50s, his hair has become Mediterranean, and he looks kind.

The principal also knew that Mu Taotao was able to study at Willis College, not because of going through the back door.

After all, Mu Taotao took the entrance examination and entered the college only after passing the grades.

The reason why she came here was really due to the pressure from the rich and powerful parents of the students.

So the headmaster surnamed Liu said helplessly: "Miss Mu Taotao, I heard that your performance in school is not very good. You often fight and make trouble with your classmates. Is that true?"

"Principal Liu, I beat others for a reason, and I was beaten too."

Mu Taotao said neither humble nor overbearing.

"But you didn't just have a conflict with your classmates once. This should not happen."

Principal Liu's face suddenly became serious.

He knew that if he didn't make a decision earlier, I'm afraid it would be very difficult to get this matter done.

(End of this chapter)

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