Chapter 190 Blind Dog Eyes
When the food was served, four people sat at the table. Mo Yanqing opened a bottle of red wine he brought from the bar where he worked, filled four wine glasses, and each of them took a glass. Mo Yanqing was the first to speak: "Come, may our friendship last forever."

Mu Taotao was the second to say: "Happy every day."

Ai Meili glanced at Mu Taotao: "Happy every day."

Zheng Zhongjie said: "Ladies are becoming more and more beautiful, and men are becoming more and more chic."

The four said their blessings, and then drank the wine in one gulp.

The dishes on the table also tasted good and looked good, so they were quickly wiped out.

In the end, the task of washing the dishes fell on Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie.

Ai Meili is okay, after all, she is also a person who has done things, Zheng Zhongjie is a bit clumsy.

Think about it, he is a small boss of Zhongzheng Enterprise. When did he do such a thing?

He was in a hurry and broke several bowls, which made him very ashamed, and he had to apologize: "I'm sorry, I will bring many bowls next time."

Mu Taotao walked over with a smile, pulled him out of the kitchen, and cleaned up the rest of the dishes with Ai Meili.

The days flowed by like water, and Mu Taotao felt that her life was a bit muddled.

She didn't know why she was living like this.

When she went to school, most of her classmates looked at her with ridicule and sarcasm. When she returned to the place where Mo Yanqing lived, she hugged her pillow and lay by the window in a daze. Seeing the lush trees under the window, no one was bothering her.

And why does she always feel restless.

Later she finally found out the reason, she never dreamed of Mo Yanshao again.

What exactly is this for?
Although she misses him desperately every day, why does he still refuse to enter her dreams?

Sometimes when I think about it, tears flow down my face, and I can't help but start to scold: "Shao Mo Yan, I'm a wicked person, you have caused me so much misery, and left me alone in this world, yet you don't even see me You'd better be alive, otherwise I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go!"

This is the sentence she scolds the most, even a ghost will never let you go.

On this day, Mu Taotao and Ai Meili were about to go back together after school, but someone stopped them.

Mu Taotao took a look at the person who stopped them, he looked familiar, and then remembered that it was a boy named Jack from the next class, and several other boys in their class.

Add up to a total of four boys.

These four boys all had malicious eyes, lingering on Mu Taotao and Ai Meili.

Mu Taotao murmured inwardly that it was not good.

Today was Mo Yanqing's part-time job, so he left early, and Zheng Zhongjie also left because a driver came to pick him up.

Ai Meili's driver usually waits at the school gate and will not come to the school.

Now that the two girls had to face the four boys, the situation became a little unpredictable.

"What do you want to do?" Although Mu Taotao was also scared, she still stood upright in front of Ai Meili, preventing her from facing these four boys who seemed to have malicious intentions.

The leading boy named Jack glanced at Mu Taotao, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body exuded a dangerous aura.

"Mu Taotao, what we are looking for is you, it has nothing to do with your friend, she can leave."

At this point, Ai Meili was pushed away, leaving only Mu Taotao surrounded by people.

Ai Meili was so anxious that tears rolled in her eyes. In the past, she could call Mo Yanshao when she encountered such a situation. Who can help Mu Taotao now?

Ai Meili did not leave, but watched from the side and said, "Jack, what do you guys have to say, why do you bully your classmates like this?"

"Ai Meili, if you don't want to be beaten together, get the hell out of here!"

Jack has a mixed-race face, with sharp features, and he speaks with confidence, which makes Emily start to cry again.

All she could think of was to go to the security guard to help with the matter.

When Emily went to call the security guard, Jack said to Mu Taotao, "Think about it, have you done anything sneaky recently, my diamond bracelet is missing.

They said that there is one person in this school who is most likely to be a thief, and that person is you.

So Mu Taotao, this is the main reason why we stopped you. "

Jack's eyes showed a glimmer of a trick that was about to succeed, which made people feel hairy.

Mu Taotao's thoughts were spinning all over, and she also knew that this might be a case of framing and framing, but she was helpless.

"Why do you say that I stole your bracelet? Is there any evidence?"

"Evidence? I heard that you stole Zhou Zhenni's necklace and Leng Yihan's car keys before.

As for the reason, because I am the only commoner girl in our school, can you afford the high tuition fees?
If you don't rely on stealing, what else do you rely on?Could it be by..."

The following words did not go on, Jack only looked at the boy next to him for an exchange, becoming lewd and obscene.

Mu Taotao knew what their wretched smiles just now represented, and couldn't help being angry from the bottom of her heart, and the evil turned to her guts.

If she dared to treat Mu Taotao as the kind of woman who didn't love herself, she would never let her go.

A slap slapped Jack hard on the face, and Mu Taotao held her head high, her aura not weak: "Blind your dog's eyes, put your mother's bullshit, your family is the one who sells it, your whole family is~! "

These words were not malicious, and that slap stunned Jack.

They didn't expect that even if Mu Taotao was alone, he could be so arrogant.

"You woman, you totally owe a lesson, brothers, fuck her and beat her up!"

As soon as Jack gave the order, the other men also rushed forward, seeing that Mu Taotao was about to be besieged by four boys.

But she was neither humble nor overbearing, she just stood there with her head held high, without any sense of fear.

She didn't care that she would be beaten by others, she just said silently in her heart that one day, those who beat her would be revenged, she swore.

Just when Mu Taotao closed her eyes and was about to be beaten, especially when she felt a strong wind blowing past her face, her eyes closed even tighter.

But the expected pain didn't happen, and there were constant screams in his ears.

That sound was not made by himself, but seemed to be made by Jack and the others.

This is how the same thing?

As soon as Mu Taotao opened his eyes, he saw a tall and slender figure in a black shirt, fighting with Jack and the others.

To be exact, no one had time to fight back, because the man knocked everyone down with almost one punch.

Four people, just four punches, all fell to the ground and howled.

But the man didn't even look at them, walked to the middle without saying a word, took Mu Taotao's arm and walked outside. )
(End of this chapter)

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