Chapter 191 His Apology
Only now did Mu Taotao see clearly that the man was actually Leng Yihan.

That Leng Yihan is simply a legend in this school, the dragon who sees the head and sees the end.

Before Mu Taotao had time to say a word, Leng Yihan stuffed him into a black extended car, while Ai Meili led the security guards to watch Mu Taotao being taken away.

After getting into the car, Mu Taotao came to his senses, kicked and kicked, wanted to get out of the car, and said loudly: "Leng Yihan, what do you mean? Where are you taking me? ?”

"Mu Taotao, you'd better be quiet, otherwise I'll be rude to you too."

For some reason, Mu Taotao, who was never afraid of Leng Yihan, was intimidated by his aura today.

Because of today's Leng Yihan, it seems that the whole body is covered with a layer of ice, which makes people feel shuddering.

Mu Taotao is not an idiot, to mess with an extreme iceberg.

Besides, he saved her just now, one cannot be ungrateful.

Since he told himself to shut up, she should just shut up.

Leng Yihan took Mu Taotao to a high-end restaurant, where he ate western food.

The two of them sat in a luxurious private room, with a beautiful imported crystal chandelier, emitting a soft light.

The handsome and polite waiter with white gloves brought delicate and delicious food for the two of them.

The food is decorated with colorful plants, which looks very delicious.

But after the food was delivered, Mu Taotao didn't eat a bite, but watched Leng Yihan who was opposite him eat up the food bit by bit.

Seeing that his appetite is not bad, Mu Taotao simply pushed the food in front of him to him and said, "You can eat so much, why don't you eat my portion too."

But Leng Yihan still kept a cold face, pushed Mu Taotao's plate full of food back, and glared at her, "Eat it up."

"No, I have no appetite. I don't know how to eat."

"Why don't you have an appetite?"

"None of my business."

"Is it because of Mo Yanshao?"

"Say something that's none of your business."

Mu Taotao's voice became sharper, she suddenly got up from the stool in front of the table, and was about to leave.

Leng Yihan stopped her, and said in a cold tone, "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"Who are you? Why did I tell you? Also, I don't want you to take care of my affairs. "

"Mu Taotao, I thought we were at least friends."

Leng Yihan's voice suddenly softened, as if an iceberg was gradually melting.

But Mu Taotao didn't know how to react.

Leng Yihan has always lived up to his name, cold and cold, and he actually said that they are at least friends.

This surprised Mu Taotao involuntarily.

Thinking about how he saved himself from the siege today, Mu Taotao said, "No matter what, I want to thank you today, Leng Yihan."

Hearing her thank you, Leng Yihan had an awkward expression on his face, as if he was not used to people thanking him.

"Why did they do it to you?"

Although Leng Yihan relieved her, he still wanted to know what was going on.

"They falsely accused me of stealing their diamond bracelet.

It was the boy named Jack. "

Mu Taotao spoke the truth.

"Then have you..."

Leng Yihan looked at her, but didn't ask the rest of the question.

Mu Taotao knew what Leng Yihan wanted to ask.

The expression couldn't help being depressed, Mu Taotao really regretted the joke she made with him before, they probably all thought that she really stole it.

"I didn't, I said it, I didn't, but they just didn't believe it, and they wanted to hit me. Fortunately, you came."

In front of Leng Yihan, Mu Taotao suddenly felt a natural inferiority complex.

This man has a good family background and is the son of the school director. She finds it difficult to even speak in front of such a man.

It's really strange that I didn't feel this way when I was by Mo Yanshao's side before.

Hearing what she said, Leng Yihan nodded, and replied indifferently: "I know, you didn't do this, I believe you didn't do it, if they trouble you again, they won't suffer It's that easy to beat."

"Leng Yihan, you don't have to do this for me."

Mu Taotao was very ashamed, but Leng Yihan still looked at her coldly, as if looking at a stranger, and said, "As a friend, shouldn't you do this?"

What he said stopped Mu Taotao.

Well, as a friend, it is also right to stand up for a friend.

At this moment, Ai Meili's call came in: "Taotao, are you okay? Leng Yihan didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Ai Meili probably felt scared because Leng Yihan did something like that to Mu Taotao last time.

Mu Taotao smiled, because so many good friends cared about him: "I'm fine, beautiful, don't worry about me, Leng Yihan just helped me beat Jack and the others away, and invited me to eat, and said to do it It's that simple, my friend."

"That's good, you're fine."

After Ai Meili finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Leng Yihan could hear clearly from the side, but still asked: "Did Ai Meili call you?"

"Yes, she was afraid that you would harm me, so she called to ask."

Thinking of what happened last time, Leng Binghan's Bingshan blushed for a rare time, and apologized: "I'm sorry, what happened that time..."

It was probably the first time Leng Yihan apologized to someone.

In his life, even if he did something wrong, he never needed to apologize to others.

But facing Mu Taotao, thinking about his behavior that day, he felt that he should apologize.

He never tried to date any girls.

Mu Taotao was the first girl he ever expected to date, but she was someone else's girlfriend.

That person is called Mo Yanshao.

Mo Yanshao, is this person really gone?

Thinking of this question, Leng Yihan couldn't help frowning his beautiful long eyebrows.

"Hey, I said I won't go to that law firm, what do you mean?"

Mu Taotao never thought that she would have to be tied up to sign that damn contract.

I have never seen it before!

Mu Taotao was furious, but Zhu Ying was all smiles, this was an order from their boss, she couldn't neglect it.

The black Mercedes drove towards Haotian Law Firm with Mu Taotao, Zhu Ying and two bodyguards in black.

Li Haotian, the lawyer Mo Yanshao entrusted before his death, is also a well-known lawyer in the whole country. He is good at solving all economic lawsuits for his employers.

Because of its good reputation, good reputation and excellent legal knowledge, it has won the respect of everyone.

He is not only a barrister, but also a young barrister, who many girls want to marry.

(End of this chapter)

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