Chapter 192 Really Rich

Think about it, which type of lawyer is the most profitable?

Isn't it a barrister who fights economic lawsuits?

Sitting in the spacious and bright lawyer building, Mu Taotao was held down by the shoulders one by one by the bodyguards in black, preventing her from escaping.

Zhu Ying, who is wearing a flowing long dress, looks very beautiful and generous. She has big almond eyes, and she always smiles when she looks at people. Her playful mouth, when she speaks, her voice is like the song of a yellow warbler. Very nice.

It was not the first time to deal with Li Haotian, but this barrister was no stranger to Zhu Ying.

Once, two people walked in the underground parking lot one after the other.

Li Haotian jumped out from a certain corner pretending to be a prank, and put his hand on Zhu Ying's shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the woman's eyes just turned slightly sideways, one hand was put on the man's hand, and then she threw her back, and the man fell in front of her.

Only then did Li Hao know that Zhu Ying is not only beautiful, but also has first-class skills. Anyone who dares to attack her from behind will be courting death.

Since then, when Li Haotian saw Zhu Ying, he felt a little apprehensive.

Although Zhu Ying took the initiative to greet Li Haotian at this time, calling him Lawyer Li.

But Li Haotian still walked around her, came to his desk and sat down.

Seeing Mu Taotao sitting on the chair in front of his desk being pressed by two bodyguards in black, Li Haotian felt even more strange, so he asked Zhu Ying, who was holding her hands and looked full of aura, and said, "Miss Zhu, you What are you doing?"

"Lawyer Li, I can't help it either. Miss Mu Taotao doesn't cooperate with us, so I had to tie her here."

"This is something new. It's the first time I've seen someone who needs to be kidnapped to transfer property."

Mu Taotao looked resentful, looked at Zhu Ying, then at Li Haotian, and said harshly: "I said I can't sign, even if you tie me here, it's useless."

Hearing her words, Li Haotian couldn't help getting up, turning around the table and walking in front of her. With his hands in his pockets, he thought he was handsome and persuaded: "Miss Mu Taotao, I don't understand why you don't accept Mr. Mo Yanshao's gift. .”

"Because I don't want him to dump me like this, is that enough reason?"

Mu Taotao raised his blood-red eyes and looked at the lawyer in front of him.

Her eyes were so frightening that Li Haotian could not help shivering.

The woman's aura is so powerful that it actually made him feel scared.

Looking at Zhu Ying, who was calm and composed, Li Haotian felt that the other woman was more terrifying.

No matter how wide-eyed Mu Taotao was, she wouldn't hit someone, but Zhu Ying was different.

He still remembers the last back fall.

In short, these two women are not easy to mess with.

Li Haotian returned to his desk, sat on the leather executive chair, took out the donation contract, and said to Mu Taotao: "Miss Mu, you really don't have to think that way.

This gift transfer contract was drawn up by Mr. Mo two months ago, but he didn't have time to get it for you to sign.

It was also my fault. At that time, I was busy with litigation abroad and thought it was not very important, so I didn't handle the case in time.

Now Ms. Zhu Ying said that I should hand over this contract to you to sign, so that those properties can be managed under your name, and you can also benefit, so I thought of asking me to sign the transfer letter. "

Li Haotian's words made Mu Taotao feel like a deflated ball, unable to cheer up any more.

It turned out that that person had wanted to give her these things a long time ago, but he didn't have time to give them to him before he was alive.

Now that he's gone, what's the use of her guarding these things?

Tears fell silently, Mu Taotao felt that her heart was tightly blocked, and she couldn't help being sad.

Li Haotian read the contract to her, and told her that although all she owned was the Jinwanfu jewelry store on Jixiang Street, the oil exploration rights in Yala Bay, and the villas in Nanjiao Bay, the total value exceeded [-] million yuan. , so she doesn't have to worry about having no money to spend in the future.

Hearing this, Mu Taotao still just sneered: "The others are gone, why do I need this money?"

"Miss Mu, don't think so. Our boss...the boss definitely wants you to live a good life and live a good life for him, you know?"

Zhu Ying knelt down and stood in front of Mu Taotao, persuading her like this.

Li Haotian was also moved for a moment, he didn't expect that Zhu Ying not only had good fist skills, but also was so kind to people.

Li Haotian didn't know much about Mu Taotao, but he heard that he was a woman his employer Mo Yanshao liked, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

This little girl has a loli face, a little bit of baby fat, looks like she is only in her early twenties, and is so tender that water can be squeezed out.

A pair of eyes are very agile and energetic, even staring at people is so beautiful.

Li Haotian guessed that this is why Mo Yanshao likes her?
She should be the kind of energetic girl, but Mo Yanshao's death must have hit her hard.

So involuntarily, Li Haotian felt a little sympathy for Mu Taotao, and persuaded him:

"Miss Mu, if you are really kind to Mr. Mo, you can accept all these things, and his spirit in heaven will feel comforted."

When Li Haotian said these words, Zhu Ying's face was a little weird, as if she was holding back a smile, while Mu Taotao's face changed suddenly, she stared at Li Haotian and cursed: "Don't put P there, I don't believe that he has Gone, you know? I always thought he was hiding somewhere and trying to get rid of me, so he left all these crap to get rid of me.

Hmph, don't let me catch him again, otherwise, I won't be able to spare him! "

Mu Taotao said harshly.

Li Haotian felt a chill down his spine again.

He glanced at Zhu Ying, who was giggling, and gave her a wink, meaning, sign and leave quickly, he really couldn't stand Mu Taotao's staring eyes.

Although it wasn't staring at him, it was no different from staring at him.

It was as if he was helping the dead Mo Yanshao to send Mu Taotao away.

Mu Taotao finally failed to persuade the two of them, and reluctantly won the transfer letter, and under Zhu Ying's suggestion, she was asked to visit villas and jewelry stores. As for the oil mining base in Yala Bay, it is said that There is a special person to help take care of it. Mu Taotao only needs to check the accounts on the account every month, and she doesn't have to worry about the rest.

To put it bluntly, she was just a hands-off shopkeeper, just taking money.

When Mu Taotao heard Zhu Ying explain to her in detail the jewelry store under her name, the income from oil mining, and the investments that can be made with the money, Mu Taotao just listened, as if it had nothing to do with her. )
(End of this chapter)

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