Chapter 193 No Lies
Finally, Zhu Ying closed the folder, looked at it with a slight sigh, and looked at Mu Taotao with sympathetic eyes: "Miss Mu, our boss has confessed before his death that it doesn't matter if Miss Mu doesn't know how to operate. Your investment advisor has also found it for you, do you want to meet?"

"No need, I know how to do it myself, Miss Zhu, I also felt a lot for ****, I am very grateful, don't worry, I won't say that it was something he gave me in order to get rid of me.

I don't care how much these things can bring me, I will live well and will not let him down. "

Hearing what Mu Taotao said, Zhu Ying felt relieved.

Although she didn't know exactly what kind of girl Mu Taotao was, she didn't want to make the girl too sad because of her boss's departure.

When night falls, the stars twinkle and flicker, which is really beautiful.

The pollution in this city is not too serious, and it is really rare to be able to see the stars.

When Mo Yanqing came back from work, he saw Mu Taotao sitting on the balcony by the window, looking at the stars with bare feet.

Inexplicably moved, because this girl seems to have stepped out of the haze and become strong.

Thinking about his lover leaving him, she can still behave so well, it really moved him.

"Taotao, have you eaten? Do you feel cold sitting there?"

Mo Yanqing said with a concerned face.

Mu Taotao didn't look back, but said: "I'm fine, but you, Yan Qing, have you eaten yet? If not, there are still hot rice and vegetables in the pot, so you can eat some."

Mo Yanqing just came back from the courier job, so he really didn't eat.

So he didn't hesitate, but put down his bag and went to eat.

Three times, five times and two times solved the problem of eating. Mo Yanqing came out after packing up the dishes in the kitchen, and was about to go to his room when he heard Mu Taotao calling him.

Mo Yanqing looked back at the woman.

Today's Mu Taotao is a bit different, through the dim light outside the window, Mo Yanqing saw that Mu Taotao's face turned out to be a rare soft smile.

It wasn't the kind of big, happy, bright smile that was usually seen on her face, but a very soft and beautiful smile.

Mo Yanqing couldn't help himself for a moment, he stood there staring at the woman's smile, not knowing how to react.

Mu Taotao didn't care what Mo Yanqing was thinking at all, she just said: "Yanqing, we may have to move, would you like to move with me?"

She was still smiling, a very sweet smile.

“Moving? Where? Is it us?”

"Yes, we, I know that you are renting a house here, and you have to pay the rent. I also know that in order to continue your studies at Willis College, you will work very hard. I will pay your tuition fees in the future. How? Sample?"

"You? Taotao, did I hear you right?"

Mo Yanqing couldn't help laughing, he walked slowly in front of Mu Taotao, and carefully looked at the woman who was talking to him.

She is very cute, with a playful and beautiful smile, like an elf in the forest.

"Of course I didn't lie. What I said is true. Your elder brother left me a large sum of money, so we don't have to worry about future tuition fees. After you finish your studies, you can also help me manage the jewelry store, or If you want to start a company yourself, I can also give you money."

Mu Taotao said so.

Use Mo Yanshao's money to help Mo Yanqing.

Mu Taotao felt that this was as it should be.

But Mo Yanqing lowered his head, and said in a slightly dry voice: "I understand, Taotao, you are planning to let me take care of the property left by you, right? I think you should do it yourself, I unnecessary."

Mo Yanqing has his own pride, he doesn't want to rely on a woman to live.

"Yan Qing, I know it's not good for you to do this, but I hope you can accept it, I really want to help you.

I didn't know that he would leave these things to me before, but now that they are in my hands, shouldn't I dispose of them at will?I want to help you because you have helped me before. "

"Because I helped you, do you want to help me too?"

Mo Yanqing was a little anxious, and said.

His eyes were too blazing, as if there was a fire burning, which made Mu Taotao feel at a loss for a moment, not knowing why the other party reacted so violently.

Did it really hurt his self-esteem?
"I apologize if what I just said hurt you."

Mu Taotao lowered her eyes, her lively eyes dimmed.

She thought he would be very happy too. They no longer needed to rent a house to live in, but had a big villa to live in.

No matter who left that house.

Mo Yanqing also realized that he was too anxious and might scare her.

Some things need time to slowly fade away, such as Mu Taotao's feelings for her elder brother.

He had only left not long ago, and her feelings for him were still strong, so how could he have the opportunity to sneak in?
Thinking of this, Mo Yanqing couldn't help but chuckled, revealing two rows of white teeth, which made his upright and handsome face even more charming.

But this is not aimed at Mu Taotao.

He finally said to her: "Taotao, you are right, I have no reason not to accept your kindness, but I just agree to live in a big villa with you, but that doesn't mean I will accept you to pay the tuition for me.

Regarding the tuition fee, I will find a way to settle it myself. "

Mo Yanqing smiled sincerely.

"Well, I understand."

Mu Taotao also smiled, she thought for a while, and then said: "Before moving into the villa, I want to find an honest and reliable old man to look after the house for me, so that the two of us will live in it without fear of people gossiping, what do you say Yes or no?"

Mu Taotao's words made Mo Yanqing feel very reasonable, and he then recommended: "Liu Ma, who worked in Mo's Manor before, is not bad.

It was three months ago that I broke a glazed bowl of my little mother, which made her unhappy, so she was kicked out of the manor. I went to see if I could contact her and let her go to the villa with us. "

"Okay, it's decided."

Mu Taotao also smiled.

The two happily returned to their rooms.

Within a few days, Mu Taotao was planning to start moving the house, and at the same time, Mama Liu was also found.

When the two, old and young, met, they hit it off and hit it off very well.

"Sister Liu, do you know? As soon as I saw you, I thought you were very kind."

"Me too, Miss Mu Taotao, when I heard Young Master Qing said that he would ask me to work as a maid again, I was a little apprehensive, thinking that he was going back to Mo's Manor.

Later, he said no, he asked me to go to another house, and said that the hostess was great, so I thought about coming to try it, but I didn't expect it to be a young lady like you. "

Mama Liu took Mu Taotao's hand, and the more she looked at it, the happier she became.

(End of this chapter)

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