Chapter 195 Die for you
As soon as they came, there was a group of students who dispersed the rioting students.

No matter how powerful Jack was, he didn't want to be invited by his parents because of this incident, so he ran away immediately.

Mo Yanqing didn't leave, but looked at his burned car, feeling very depressed.

Mu Taotao patted him on the shoulder and persuaded him, "Don't be too sad, you won't suffer in vain. I will make a request to the school's Political and Education Office, and the perpetrator must be compensated."

Mo Yanqing looked up at Mu Taotao: "Taotao, being bullied everywhere in this school, would you ever think of running away?"

Indeed, they were excluded everywhere in this school, except Zheng Zhongjie and Ai Meili, two good friends, other students who thought they were noble didn't even bother to look at them, and often ridiculed them.

But Mu Taotao held his head up and said with a firm expression: "I will never forget the purpose of him sending me to this school. He hoped that I could become an educated and knowledgeable person, so no matter how difficult it is, I All graduates from this school.

Whether he lives or dies, I will not give up on this idea. "

Mu Taotao's firmness made Mo Yanqing nod in relief, and encouraged beside her: "Taotao, you will do well."

Ai Meili and Zheng Zhongjie also walked over from the side, looking at the burnt-out hatchback, feeling sorry for them.

Ai Meili even grabbed Mu Taotao's hand, tears rolled in her eyes and said: "Taotao, they are really too much!"

"Well, don't be afraid, they will be responsible for what they have done."

Mu Taotao thought it over, absolutely can't let Jack and the others just settle the matter like this.

Zheng Zhongjie also advised Mo Yanqing not to be too sad, and the two talked for a while.

In the end, Zheng Zhongjie drove Mu Taotao and Mo Yanqing back to their villa in Nanjiao Bay.

Once back at the villa, Mu Taotao didn't even eat, so she got into her own room and never came out.

Mo Yanqing was worried that she was crying alone, so he knocked on her door, and the response he got was: "I'm busy with something, so don't worry about me."

What is Mu Taotao busy with?

She is busy chatting with Koukou. She has an online name Taozhiyaoyao, which she named after herself.

And this screen name was also taken by her when she was staying in Mo's house, she was bored and chatted online. At that time, her idea was to escape from Mo's manor.

But even though her idea was good, she never succeeded once, and every time she was chased back by the omnipotent Mo Yanshao.

Yes, it is omnipotent.

The person who chats with Mu Taotao most frequently on the Internet is a person named omnipotent.

Mu Taotao didn't know if he was a man or a woman.

Tao Zhiyao: Are you there?

But the omnipotent portrait is gray, and Mu Taotao just wanted to see if he would be there.

Just when Mu Taotao thought that this person must be gone and was very disappointed, he did not expect a string of omnipotent ellipsis to appear in the message box.

So he is here.

There was a glimmer of hope in Mu Taotao's heart.

Omnipotence really is omnipotence.

Sometimes Mu Taotao loves to go online and ask him for help, such as when she was not studying well, she had conflicts with Mo Yanshao, and so on.

In the beginning, the two chatted a lot, because they started chatting before Mu Taotao entered the Mo's Manor.

It was only later that the relationship with Mo Yanshao gradually improved, so they stopped chatting.

Because of being left out in the cold, Mu Taotao thought in her heart that omnipotence is probably gone.

Now that he appeared, she felt that she had found the backbone again.

This omnipotent, very assertive person, if you ask him anything, it will become very easy.

Tao Zhiyao: Someone gave me some things, such as a house, a jewelry store, what do you think I should do? "

Omnipotent: "Who is so generous? Why don't you give me away? Aren't you a rich woman now?"

Tao Zhiyao: "Don't laugh at me, I know you are studying economics, so I want to ask you, how to manage these things, I must run them and create wealth for me, so as not to be caught by those The group of rich second generations who don't know how to live or die look down on him."

Omnipotent: "It's a great idea, go ahead and do it, I'm with you."

Tao Zhiyao: "To be more specific, how do you do it?"

Omnipotent: "Do whatever you want."

Mu Taotao was depressed. He was omnipotent. He used to have a set of economic theories. Why didn't he say anything when he was actually asked now?

Is he omnipotent?
Tao Zhiyao: "Are you omnipotent? Why do I feel like you are a liar who knows nothing?"

Omnipotent: "Miss Yaoyao, I am a human being and not a god, so I am not omnipotent. Didn't I tell you a lot about how to run a business before? Get to know the business model of your business well. It will take time."

That's easy to say.

Mu Taotao felt that it was really difficult to talk to him. He wanted to find a reliable person to ask, but he didn't expect this to be the result.

Mu Taotao had no choice but to say goodbye to him.

Omnipotent is also offline, he seems to have been invisible all the time, if you don't take the initiative to find him, he won't be online.

Mu Taotao decided that relying on others is worse than relying on herself, and she will go to a jewelry store another day.

The jewelry store must be operated so that others dare not underestimate her and Mo Yanqing.

"Hey, where are you taking me? Can you explain clearly?"

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that when she came to the school early in the morning, she was caught straight. The two black-clothed bodyguards only said: "Our boss wants to see you", and carried her into the school .

Mo Yanqing was going to deliver newspapers this morning, but she was not on the same journey with her, so she was ordered, and now she was dragged away.

Mu Taotao struggled a few times, but it didn't help, so he was taken to the student union office.

Unsurprisingly, Mu Taotao met that cold man.

"Boss, Mu Taotao has been brought here."

"Go out."

There is no ups and downs in the voice, revealing an unquestionable majesty.

The bodyguards in black withdrew as promised.

As the door was closed, a trace of fear rose in Mu Taotao's heart.

But, soon she was resurrected with full blood.

She can't be bullied just because Mo Yan is not around, and neither can Leng Yihan.

"Leng Yihan, why did you bring me here?

Let me tell you, if you dare to do anything to me, I will cry for you, and I will die for you! "

Mu Taotao spoke in an awe-inspiring manner, with the air of a revolutionary soldier who died heroically.

When Leng Yihan turned his head, there was an imperceptible smile on his lips.

He should have known earlier that this woman was a cat with claws.

"Mu Taotao, your ability is to cry for me, show me your death?"

(End of this chapter)

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