Chapter 196
His voice was full of sarcasm, and Mu Taotao's head was on fire with anger.

If it wasn't for this man who provoked her again and again, would she be acting like a shrew like she is now?
Her demeanor was completely ruined by him!

"Leng Yihan, don't be foolish, tell me, why did you ask me?"

"You'll find out later."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he walked from the window to a place and sat alone on the sofa, crossing his legs.

He has long legs and a slender figure. Sitting there, there is an imperceptible smile on his face. His facial features are exquisite, not evil, but more like an iceberg. His thin lips are slightly pursed. He is very cool and handsome, just like It's like a character who came out of a comic.

Mu Taotao turned a blind eye to Leng Ao Wushuang's handsomeness towards Leng Yihan.

Because the male god in her mind is no one but Mo Yanshao.

But where is that male god now?
She still had doubts about his death.

Isn't he great?He is very skilled and vigorous, how can he say that he is gone if he doesn't have it?
Leng Yihan didn't speak anymore, Mu Taotao was still standing there, like a sculpture, she didn't want to stay here forever.

However, just as she was about to turn around and leave, there was another knock on the door.

Following Leng Yihan's words, two black-clothed bodyguards carried a limp man and walked in.

Mu Taotao took a closer look, wasn't that Jack who arrogantly burned Mo Yanqing's car yesterday?
The guy who was taught by Leng Yihan for arguing with her.

This person has a face of mixed race, but he doesn't look at human affairs.

Seeing Jack, Mu Taotao was slightly taken aback, she found that the man's face was almost smashed into a pig's head.

As for who hit it, Mu Taotao didn't think about it.

Turning around to look at Leng Yihan, Mu Taotao was surprised: "Leng Yihan, what do you mean?"

"Did this person quarrel with you yesterday?"

Leng Yihan glanced at the man with a pig's head, and said to Mu Taotao.

"Yes, I'm going to find him to pay for Mo Yanqing's car today."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she stared at Jack bitterly.

"That's right, let's solve it together here."

Leng Yihan said in a still cold voice.

"But I didn't plan to ask you for help, that's what he should be responsible for his actions."

Mu Taotao spoke righteously.

Obviously she thinks that Leng Yihan has too much to do.

But Leng Yihan got up from where he was, and walked to Mu Taotao's side.

Because of the height difference, he had to bow slightly, and whispered in her ear: "Do you think he will agree to compensate you for your losses just because of you?"

"Why doesn't he pay?"

"Can you beat him?"

"Violence will not solve the problem, I have my own way."

Mu Taotao is still confident.

Leng Yihan stared at her for a long time, this woman did have her abilities, but he didn't want her to be bullied again.

"This school may be mine in the future. I will not allow me to bully people casually in my school. Do you understand?"

This was not for Mu Taotao, but for that Jack.

"Boss, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I will pay the car to Mo Yanqing, and I will never dare to mess with Miss Mu Taotao again, I swear."

Jack stood there in a state of embarrassment, raised three fingers to his ears, and swore.

Leng Yihan seemed very satisfied with Jack's attitude of admitting his mistake, so he asked someone to take the IOU for him to sign and stamp his fingerprints, just like signing a deed of sale.

Mu Taotao watched from the side, feeling very uncomfortable.

Could it be that without Leng Yihan, would she really not be able to gain a foothold in this school?

It used to be Mo Yanshao, he was the man she liked, and she should rely on him.

Now that Mo Yan is gone, will she rely on another man?

"Leng Yihan, do you not want me to stay in this school?"

Mu Taotao's voice came coldly.

Leng Yihan, who was supervising Jack's signature, turned his head and looked at Mu Taotao with puzzled eyes. He didn't understand, what was this woman thinking?
Mu Taotao was still afraid of Leng Yihan's frosty face, but she quickly said: "I don't want your help. I want to rely on myself to study in this school."

"I've said it before. I'm the chairman of the student union. Some of my classmates are being bullied. It's my duty to uphold justice, so you don't have to feel burdened by it."

Leng Yihan's voice still did not fluctuate, as if he was just stating a fact.

His explanation silenced Mu Taotao for a moment.

Indeed, he is the chairman of the student union, so what should not be resolved by him?
This school has a high degree of autonomy, and many conflicts and affairs among the students are handled by the students themselves.

This is what Leng Yihan meant when he said this.

His reasons were so good that Mu Taotao couldn't find anything to refute.

"Well, you are right, you are the president of the student union, I have the right to do this, but I ask you to respect me in the future, don't ask your bodyguards to put me in this place if you have nothing to do, you know?"

"You mean, if I ask you to come, you will be willing to come?"

There was a hint of cunning in Leng Yihan's eyes, which was hidden in the cold eyes.

Mu Taotao was speechless by what he said.

Indeed, based on her relationship with Leng Yihan, it is impossible for her to be willing to take the initiative to come to him, so it is impossible for him to invite her.

And finding bodyguards to bring her here is the simplest and most direct way.

"Mu Taotao, don't think about many things so naively and simply. If you can rely on others to achieve your goals, why do you need to do it yourself?"

"But I don't want to."

Mu Taotao persisted.

"A person's ability is limited, and sooner or later he will turn to others for help. In this school, the person you should turn to for help most is me."

Leng Yihan said this.

"Really? Then I want to try, without your help, can I do it."

Mu Taotao said coldly.

She walked to Jack's side, looked at the man who was beaten into a pig's head, and cast a cold light in her eyes: "Jack, are you willing to compensate Mo Yanqing because of Leng Yihan?"

Jack looked at Mu Taotao, then at Leng Yihan, with timidity in his eyes.

He should have thought that Leng Yihan was not easy to mess with, and by extension, Mu Taotao was not easy to mess with.

Of course, he was being polite to Mu Taotao because of Leng Yihan.

But he didn't dare to say that, he just stared at Mu Taotao for a while, and then said: "Mu Taotao, I was wrong, I will never dare to provoke you again."


Mu Taotao narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the poor kid from a rich family in front of him.

Leng Yihan behind her didn't speak, and looked out of the office window into the distance.

Seeing that Leng Yihan didn't speak, only leaving him a back view, Jack trembled for a moment, before he said: "Anyway, I was wrong, please forgive me this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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