Chapter 197 Stay For Him
Mu Taotao was discouraged. The reason why this man is terrified of her now is because of Leng Yihan.

Mu Taotao didn't want to continue talking to these two people, so she turned around and left the student council president's office quickly.

Leng Yihan looked at her back, thoughtful, and didn't let anyone stop her.

When eating at noon, Mu Taotao rested her chin in one hand and poked the spoon in the bowl with the other, but she didn't have the consciousness to eat.

Ai Meili sat next to her, looking at her worriedly.

The news of Mo Yanshao's death was a huge blow to Mu Taotao, plus she was kicked out of Mo's Manor, it was inevitable that she would be in a bad mood.

"Tao Tao, what's the matter with you? Do you want to eat something?"

Thinking about the car being burned yesterday, Ai Meili also knew about it, this incident must have affected Mu Taotao's mood.

"I'm fine." Mu Taotao forced Ai Meili to smile.

Everyone probably thought that she was sad because of Mo Yanshao and the burning of the car.

But only Mu Taotao knew that it wasn't like this.

Seeking omnipotence for help had no results, so she decided to do it by herself.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Mu Taotao?"

Just when Mu Taotao was about to leave school, he received a call from a stranger.

"I am, who are you?"

"I'm the manager of Jinwanfu Jewelry Co., here are some things that you need to deal with personally. Is it convenient for you to come?"

Hearing about the jewelry store, and thinking that the store now belongs to her, Mu Taotao is naturally obliged.

What's more, she is still waiting to rely on these properties to win her a sigh of relief, so no one can underestimate her, Mu Taotao and Mo Yanqing.

So when the other party asked her to go, she agreed, "I'll come right away."

Hanging up the phone, get out of class ended not long after, Ai Meili came to ask her to go back with her, but Mu Taotao hurriedly said: "Lili, I can't synchronize with you today, you go back by yourself."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she rushed out of Willis College.

Luxurious cars of students in the school passed by her, making all kinds of noises.

Mu Taotao turned a deaf ear to it.

She knew that from now on, she would face a life without Mo Yanshao alone, let herself live strong, and become the person he wanted to see.

She cannot be cowardly, timid, or afraid of everything that may come her way.

In the past, I was just a thief, and my life was not rich, but it was also comfortable.

Now that she has a loved one in her heart, she wants to live well for that person, whether he is dead or alive.

Beckoning, ready to hail a taxi, and then get on the car and go to Jixiang Street.

However, just as the taxi stopped in front of Mu Taotao, a figure walked over quickly, then closed the car door that Mu Taotao had already opened, and forcibly pulled her into another blue Porsche.

Mu Taotao took a closer look and found that the person who pulled him into the car was Leng Yihan.

She yelled at him: "Leng Yihan, are you crazy? I said I don't need your help."

"Did I say I'd help you?"

Leng Yihan's voice came from the cab coldly.

Mu Taotao was really angry: "What are you doing?"

"Accompany me to dinner, don't ask so many why."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he drove Mu Taotao away.

When Mu Taotao thought that the people in the jewelry store were still waiting for her to go, how could she have time to eat with Leng Yihan.

So the only thing she could think of was to jump out of the car.

He untied the seat belt of the co-pilot first, and then stepped on the car seat.

There was a harmless smile on Mu Taotao's face, which actually carried a bit of innocence.

When Leng Yihan saw her like this, he was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat: "What are you doing?"

"Leng Yihan, if you can make me submit by coercion, then you are making a big mistake."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, he would jump off the car with a vertical jump.

Leng Yihan had no choice but to apply an emergency brake, and almost dropped Mu Taotao.

However, with the braking, the person did not fall out of the car, and Mu Taotao fell back into the car again.

At this time, both of them were terrified.

Because of the emergency brake, Mu Taotao hit her head on the roof of the car, and she grinned in pain.

Leng Yihan was quite frightened because of Mu Taotao's behavior of wanting to jump out of the car just now.

Just kidding, this is a car driving at high speed, if she really jumps, she will either die or be injured, can such a thing be done casually?
"Mu Taotao, what exactly do you want?"

"Should I ask you this? Leng Yihan, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Didn't I say it? I just asked you to eat with me."

Leng Yihan softened his tone, he didn't want to push the girl too hard.

"I also said, I won't go."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she endured the bruise on her forehead and was about to leave.

Leng Yihan grabbed her arm and refused to let her leave.

Mu Taotao was surprised that this man's hands were so cold, just like his own.

Could it be sick?Or is he just like that?

Looking at his face again, it seems very bad.

"I haven't eaten well for two days, can you accompany me to eat?"

, Leng Yihan's tone suddenly became pitiful, Mu Taotao rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Then why don't you eat well? You are such a big person."

But looking at Leng Yihan's face again, Mu Taotao didn't continue talking.

Leng Yihan looked at the crowd of people coming and going outside the car, with a depressed expression, and said quietly: "I just don't want to eat alone."

Mu Taotao suddenly remembered Leng Yihan eating alone.

When I usually see him, apart from being cold and ruthless, it seems that he really seldom gets close to anyone.

Coupled with his identity, it is normal to not have any friends.

Mu Taotao couldn't help sympathizing with him.

His eyes darkened, Mu Taotao lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and gave him a bright smile: "Well, after I go to do something, I'll go back and make you something to eat. How about it?"

"can you cook?"

Leng Yihan seemed very surprised that Mu Taotao could cook.

"Just kidding, how difficult it is to cook."

Mu Taotao's tone was very disdainful.

There was a rare smile on Leng Yihan's face, he restarted the car and said, "Where are you going, I'll take you off."

I wanted to say no, but thinking of my promise, Mu Taotao said, "Jinwanfu Jewelry Store on Jixiang Road."

Mu Taotao's words made Leng Yihan startled again, with big doubts in his heart.

I don't understand why this woman thought of going to a jewelry store. Could it be that she was going to buy something?
Leng Yihan didn't think much about it, so he drove Mu Taotao towards the Jinwanfu jewelry store.

Parking the car at the door of the jewelry store, the two got out of the car one after another, ready to enter the store.

(End of this chapter)

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