Chapter 198 Uncompromising

Mu Taotao has never been to this jewelry store before, so she is not familiar with it.

But judging from the wide storefront, the scale of this jewelry store is really not small.

Standing outside, Mu Taotao looked up at Jin Wanfu's golden signboard and the exquisite ornaments in the window, and sighed in her heart.

This jewelry shop looks like real jewels, glittering with gold.

Walking into this store, there are dozens of counters at a glance.

The shopping guides were all dressed in uniform, smiling, and said welcome to them.

The lobby manager also came over quickly and asked Mu Taotao what they were here for.

"I'm Mu Taotao. I have received a call from your manager before."

The lobby manager suddenly realized: "You are Miss Mu Taotao? Please follow me to the office on the second floor."

Mu Taotao nodded.

Leng Yihan behind him went with him.

Arriving at a neatly furnished office on the second floor, Mu Taotao just walked in and found that there were already other people in it.

This person was none other than Mo Yanshao's father, Luo Zhengnan.

A middle-aged man who wore gold-rimmed glasses and looked elegant, but actually looked at people with malicious intent.

Mu Taotao also didn't have much affection for this man.

It's not because he drove her out of Mo's Manor, but because of Mo Yanshao.

Thinking back to what Mo Yanshao said to him back then, Mu Taotao really doubted whether he sent someone to do the explosion.
But there is no basis for this statement, so Mu Taotao will not say it in front of him.

However, there is really no affection for him at all, only a deep sense of disgust.

"Miss Mu Taotao, long time no see, how are you doing recently?"

Luo Tianyun opened his mouth first, with a decent smile on his face.

Then he saw Leng Yihan behind her.

From Luo Tianyun's point of view, Mo Yanshao had just died, and there were other men beside Mu Taotao. His eldest son, who died unjustly, really had a tragic fate.

Thinking of this, Luo Tianyun had a strange and mocking smile on his lips.

While laughing, he shook his head: "Oh, I really don't want to say anything for our family. Thinking about how nice he was to you when he was around, but now that he's gone, how do you treat him?

He found another man so quickly and brought him to this jewelry store. "

Mu Taotao turned a deaf ear to Luo Tianyun's irony, and just stared at him, as if he was really the enemy who killed Mo Yanshao.

"Mr. Mo, you don't have to worry about my affairs. I just ask you, what do you mean by coming here today?"

"What do you mean?"

Luo Tianyun walked around this office with a sneer, then looked at the office and said, "Mu Taotao, do you have the nerve to want this jewelry store? I'm here to tell you that this jewelry store belongs to the Mo family." industry, so you must return it to the Mo family."

When it came to the end, Luo Tianyun's eyes were already cold.

Mu Taotao was even more angry: "Mr. Mo, you'd better not make a mistake, this jewelry store is now under my Mu Taotao's name, I have the right to control everything here, you want me to put this It is impossible for a jewelry store to return it to you."

"Mu Taotao, what qualifications do you have to get this jewelry store? Mo Yanshao is dead, and the transfer letter he signed before his death is invalid. I just came to inform you that our Mo family plans to buy this jewelry store. Take it back, you don't want to get a penny from here."

"Then I can also tell you that this is what Shao Yan left me. Not only do I want to collect the money here, but I also want to run it well. You, Mo, don't try to take it back."

"Mu Taotao, are you really going to do this? Are you really not going to return it to our Mo family?"

"of course."

Mu Taotao held her head high and her chest high, speaking very forcefully.

Luo Zhengnan really didn't expect that this little girl would dare to challenge him, a seasoned mall veteran.

Don't come hard, come soft, this Jinwanfu jewelry store is not just a jewelry store, it also has many designers and related shippers.

And the source of the Mo family's jewelry business is also here.

If once Mu Taotao takes over Jin Wanfu and cuts off shipments and design drawings to other Mo family jewelry industries, the Mo family will suffer a great loss.

So no matter what, Luo Tianyun also wanted to get this jewelry store, and he couldn't let it be in Mu Taotao's hands.

Because the transfer contract has also come into effect, the current legal owner of this jewelry store is indeed Mu Taotao.

Originally, Luo Tianyun wanted to scare Mu Taotao into signing another transfer contract and take the jewelry store back.

But now it seems that this possibility is probably gone.

Then be soft, Luo Tianyun changed his face and tone and said: "Miss Mu Taotao, since you insist on this jewelry store, it's just one thing, you want money, don't you?

How about this, I will convert the value of this jewelry store into money for you, and you will treat it as selling the jewelry store to me, how about it? "

Luo Tianyun changed his tone of discussion and said to Mu Taotao.

But to his surprise, Mu Taotao just smiled slightly, showing the innocent expression of a little girl, and then said seriously: "My answer is no."


"No reason, this is left to me by Yan Shao. No matter whether it is good or bad, I will manage it myself and will not let it collapse in my hands!"

Mu Taotao said categorically, as if he had made up his mind, and Luo Tianyun was so angry that he almost jumped.

He almost pointed his finger at Mu Taotao's face, wanting to threaten her, but before he could do so, Leng Yihan's hand had already grabbed the man's troubled hand, and with only a slight force, It made Luo Tianyun feel the strength.

Luo Zhengnan looked at Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan in surprise again, and said loudly in disbelief, "Let me go, you uneducated inferiors."

Mu Taotao laughed, laughing at Luo Tianyun's lost demeanor at this time, and also laughing at Leng Yihan being said to be an uneducated inferior. "

"Mr. Mo, it's okay for you to tell me that. If you tell him, isn't it too blind?"

Mu Taotao said sarcastically while giggling.

Luo Tianyun was laughed inexplicably, and Leng Yihan was still holding his hand.

Look at the man's handsome face as cold as a knife, the condensed air exuding from his body, and the good clothes on his body.

Luo Tianyun couldn't help but doubt the other party's identity. Could it be that Mu Taotao didn't look for a bad guy, but another tall, rich and handsome?

This realization made Luo Tianyun flustered.

Mu Taotao ignored Leng Yihan who was still holding onto Luo Tiannan's hand, and just looked at the office and said, "It seems that I will have to come here often in the future, and get rid of irrelevant people. Get out so you won't have any trouble later on."

(End of this chapter)

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