199 I will help you
After Mu Taotao finished speaking, Leng Yihan also let go of Luo Tianyun's hand, and said to him, "Get lost!"

This was said simply and forcefully, and he was completely ignored.

Luo Tianyun gave Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan a hard look, and was so angry that he couldn't say a word, so he had to leave in despair.

He will not be reconciled, now that Mo Yanshao is gone, he will not let the Mo family's property fall into the hands of others, even if it was gifted by Mo Yanshao before his death.

Luo Tianyun decided to think of a countermeasure to deal with Mu Taotao when he went back, and he would definitely find a way to get the jewelry store back.

As soon as Luo Zhengnan left, Mu Taotao heaved a sigh of relief.

She looked back at Leng Yihan, and gave him a relaxed smile: "Thank you for helping me just now."

Leng Yihan didn't look at her, but frowned and looked at the office, and then said: "Is this really what Mo Yanshao left for you?"


"Are you going to keep it in business?"


"Can you run a jewelry business?"

"will not."

"Then you still..."

Leng Yihan looked at her in disbelief.

This woman is too bold.

If it is not managed well, it is easy to suffer losses.

"As I said, as long as it is left to me by him, I will carry on with it all.

Whether it's this jewelry store, or oil development, or a villa. "

Mu Taotao spoke the truth.

Leng Yihan stared at the woman for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "I never thought that Mo Yanshao would give you these things as a gift, did he think that he would not stay by your side all the time, that's why he took these things To make it up to you?"

"Compensation? I'd rather he was by my side all the time, and I don't want any compensation. "

Mu Taotao said even more sadly.

"Let's go, didn't you say you want to invite me to dinner?"

Knowing that Mo Yanshao left this jewelry store, Leng Yihan no longer has the desire to stay here, and just wants to leave as soon as possible.

Mu Taotao nodded, she was thinking of dismissing Luo Tianyun for the time being, and let's talk about it later.

The manager sent her out, Leng Yihan glanced at the manager, waited until the two got into the car, and the car drove forward, he said: "If you really want to keep Xunjian Jewelry Store, don't let the Mo family If there is an opportunity, I advise you to conduct a screening of the staff of the jewelry store, so that no one can take advantage of the loophole."

After being reminded by Leng Yihan, Mu Taotao felt that it made sense, and she decided to do this as soon as possible: "Well, I got it."

"If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. Don't forget, our Leng family is also doing business."


Mu Taotao didn't want to say anything more, so he just said dully.

For the meal that night, Mu Taotao found a small restaurant, and Leng Yihan took care of it. She made three dishes and one soup by herself and served it on the table.

They are not high-end dishes, just a plate of shredded pork with green peppers, a plate of boiled cabbage, a plate of cold salad with three shreds, and a large bowl of sauerkraut soup with vermicelli.

Leng Yihan is not picky either, what she does, what he eats, he eats everything for the sake of face.

Regardless of Leng Yi's cold mouth and cold heart, he is also unambiguous when eating, his movements are elegant, and he can eat quickly and well.

Mu Taotao watched helplessly as he ate all the meals he had made by himself, and really wondered how he did it.

"What are you looking at me for? You will often make it for me in the future, do you hear me?"

Heh, there are such unreasonable people, could it be that she owes him?
"Then, Mr. Leng, why should I cook for you? Am I a cooking woman?"

"That's not true, don't you forget what I do?"

"What do you do?"

"Investment consultant, Mu Taotao, you can come to me for business matters in the future, it will definitely help you."

Leng Yihan, who has always been quiet, said these words, which really made Mu Taotao look at him with admiration.

By the way, that is indeed the case. I heard that Leng Yihan is a genius in investment, and he manages the business of the Leng family.

He doesn't spend much time in the school, but it is said that the school is also one of their family's properties, and it is by no means an easy task to achieve such prosperity.

What's more, the Leng family's business also includes other industries.

Those who can mix in the mall, there are a few who have no business acumen.

"Well, even if you're right, I don't intend to ask you for help."

Mu Taotao decided not to talk to this man any more.

Leng Yihan wiped his mouth and said: "With your ability, I promise, this jewelry store may not be able to open soon, do you want to bet and try?"

"Why should I make this bet with you? As I said, it was left to me by Yan Shao, and I will continue to manage it well."

"Well, then watch it carefully. Leng Yihan didn't say anything more, but just drove Mu Taotao back to Nanjiaowan Villa.

Mu Taotao hurriedly said goodbye to him, but Leng Yihan had no intention of leaving: "Don't you plan to invite me in for a while?"

"I don't think it's necessary, but I will remember what you said, so that no one will take advantage of it."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, he opened the fence door outside the villa, and then walked into the yard.

Mama Liu saw Mu Taotao coming back from the house, and greeted her with a smile: "Miss Mu, you are back, have you eaten yet?"

"Mother Liu, I called and said I wouldn't come back for dinner, so don't worry about me."

"Oh, who was that gentleman just now?"

"My classmate in our school, Mama Liu, you don't have to think too much."

Mu Taotao just felt tired. It seemed that no one doubted that there was something wrong with her being with Leng Yihan.

Mama Liu was like this, and so was Luo Tianyun.

Mu Taotao stopped talking, walked into the room, and saw Mo Yanqing coming downstairs, his face didn't look very good.

"Yan Qing, where are you going? Have you had dinner yet?"

"none of your business."

Mo Yanqing's attitude was a little blunt, and he was about to rush out of the house after saying this.

When he was at the door, he paused for a moment, then turned his head, and said with a gloomy face: "Mu Taotao, I don't want to take care of your affairs, but I just want to remind you that my elder brother hasn't been away for a long time, so you just leave Is it appropriate to make a new love?"

Mo Yanqing's words made Mu Taotao feel a rush of blood. It seemed that people all over the world misunderstood her.

"Mo Yanqing, stop there and speak clearly. Who am I dating? Are you telling me?"

Mu Taotao rushed over and stood in front of Mo Yanqing who was about to leave.

Facing Mu Taotao, Mo Yanqing couldn't say a word.

But he saw Mu Taotao and Leng Yihan walking so close, and got into his Porsche luxury car after school today, this is the truth.

So he thinks they should be dating.

"Then what's the matter between you and Leng Yihan? I remember when my elder brother was around, he was pestering you. Now that my elder brother is gone, do you plan to be with him logically?"

(End of this chapter)

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