Sweetheart: The Black-bellied Chief's Little Runaway Wife

Chapter 200 Don't Make People Look Laughing Chapter [-]

Chapter 200 Don't let people see jokes

Mu Taotao really didn't expect that Mo Yanqing would miss her so much, and greeted her with a slap.

There were tears in Mu Taotao's eyes: "Mo Yanqing, you bastard!"

After Mu Taotao finished cursing, she rushed back to her room, threw herself on the bed and burst into tears.

She didn't know why she was crying, it was obviously not true, she should continue to refute, but why did she cry?
She just felt that it was hard work alone, and she didn't want to work so hard.

why are you leavingMo Yanshao, you are the biggest, biggest bastard.

Far away from this city, in a city full of war and smoke on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

A group of mercenaries responsible for blasting are approaching a dangerous gray building a little bit.

Inside the building, there are dozens of tons of explosives. Once they explode, the war can also end early.

This is one of the tasks Xiao Xiao received, Ye Xiao, the most ferocious bird at night.

Ye Xiao is also one of the organizations in the world that is both righteous and evil. They can help country A steal confidential documents of country B today, and help country B sneak attack on important bases of country A tomorrow.

Wherever there is war, they are there, wherever there is need, there are them.

As a member of the organization, everyone is experienced and heroic.

One of them, a slender man in black tights and a mask, is the leader of this organization.

When approaching this gray building, and when Mu Taotao was cursing Mo Yanshao, the leader Huali sneezed, almost revealing their location.

The rest of the members looked at the masked man in black with a smile on their lips.

Everyone did not speak to each other, but acted only by gestures.

The leader of the organization, Xiao Xiao, was very embarrassed to expose everyone because of himself, so he used gestures more cautiously to communicate with others.

After ordering the tasks that they need to be responsible for, they split up.

Xiao was the first to rush out, with his waist bent, carrying countless weapons that could instantly defeat the enemy, like a soldier charging into battle.

After a while, there were dense gunshots from where he passed.

I saw Xiao Xiao's figure kept rolling on the ground to avoid the attack of bullets.

When the opponent's bullets stopped slightly, Xiao also shot, a grenade was thrown out, and when he buried his head, he heard an explosion, and then the enemy's screams and broken limbs flew out. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and a strong smell of blood Son, it's really disgusting.

After a while, members of the Xiao organization broke in, took down the entire gray building, and led soldiers from a certain country to successfully capture the leader of the anti-government armed force who was in charge of the building.

After a big victory, Xiao Xiao's members naturally walked out together.

One of the women with fluttering hair said: "Boss, you have been out for a while, what are your plans for the future?"

"If you have any plan, wherever you need it, go there."

Xiao Xiao's voice still sounded so chic.

"Aren't you planning to go back for revenge? And her, you are willing to give up."

As soon as she was mentioned, Xiao was silent for a while, but he never took off the mask on his face to reveal his true face.

"The current domestic situation is unclear. Not being with her is the best thing for her. As for revenge, it will happen sooner or later."

"I'm not afraid that she will think you're really dead and run away with another man."

This is another male voice with jokes.

"If that's the case, it means we have no destiny for each other."

After Xiao said this, he stretched his long legs and left the place decisively.

The only woman in the organization defended her and said, "It's not fair, because she doesn't even know you're alive."

But Xiao Xiao had already walked away, and just waved his hand in the air, looking a little weak.

This was also one of their secret signs, a sign that he was going to rest.

Thinking about the days of licking blood with knife-edge, how could he bring her with him?
I hope you live well, if you can find someone who loves you, let him love you for me!

When Mu Taotao woke up, she found herself in the dark, and in the dream, she clearly heard the man telling herself, let her live well and find someone she loves.

Mu Taotao really wanted to scold someone, but since he's gone, who else would she look for?

It's a new day, we must cheer up.

"Call all your employees here, I want to announce something."

When Mu Taotao came to Jinwanfu jewelry store again, she said to the lobby manager.

The manager's surname is Ma, with the word Chun in his first name. He is a thin man in his 30s, with a shrewd look on his face.

Mu Taotao remembered that Leng Yihan reminded himself that because Jin Wanfu was once the property of the Mo family, the Mo family might buy people's hearts here in order to achieve their goals.

Once someone colludes with the Mo family to make trouble in this store, her store will soon be unable to operate.

She must grasp all the operating procedures here as soon as possible.

But these are definitely not something she can do well as a layman.

What was she going to do if she didn't trust anyone here?

By the way, Mo Yanqing is from the Mo family, I don't know if he knows anything about this jewelry store.

But when she thought about the quarrel she had with Mo Yanqing because of Leng Yihan, Mu Taotao was embarrassed to go to him again.

What on earth should we do now?

When Mu Taotao was struggling with this matter, Mo Yanqing unexpectedly called: "Taotao, are you coming back for dinner tonight? Mama Liu asked me to ask you."

Silent, Mu Taotao didn't know how to answer him for a moment.

Maybe it was because of the quarrel, so I didn't want to answer him right away.

"let me consider it."

"Where are you? I didn't see you at school today. I apologize for what happened yesterday. I was too impulsive to interfere with your private life."

"Mo Yanqing, if you still think that I will empathize with you, then don't call me again."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

Holding the roster, she felt restless again, she really didn't know what to do.

Thinking of what Leng Yihan said, he made a bet.

At this moment, the lobby manager named Ma Chun came in with a flustered expression on his face, and said to Mu Taotao: "No, a customer came to make trouble, saying that he bought fake jewelry from us and asked us to pay for it." What, Miss Mu Taotao, what shall we do now?"

"What should I do? Have you encountered this kind of thing before? How should I deal with it?"

Mu Taotao panicked too, she had never encountered such a thing before, how could she find a way to solve it.

But soon, she found that the manager named Ma Chun was secretly laughing, with a malicious expression on his face.

From this point of view, this man was simply waiting to see her jokes.

(End of this chapter)

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