Chapter 202
Those people were moved by her too touching eyes.

Everyone began to discuss again, and some people said: "Anyway, they are all here, and I don't know which side is right and which side is wrong, let's have a look first."

"Alright, let's see."


One said to take a look, and everyone was waiting to see.

The noble lady thought that the momentum she created was almost enough, and she should be able to destroy the reputation of the store. She didn't expect that Mu Taotao would let all the customers who entered the store come to witness. What is she trying to witness?

There are more and more people, and customers who are not from this store also follow.

The noble lady was obviously a little flustered, because what is fake is always not true.

Mu Taotao observed the words and expressions, and the smile on the corner of her mouth grew wider and wider.

Today she will let the real Li Kui and Li Gui appear.

Mu Taotao beckoned, and found the shopping guide lady from before, and said to her: "What did you say to me just now, say it loudly to other customers."

The shopping guide lady didn't expect that she would be pushed to the forefront, facing so many customers and onlookers, she couldn't help feeling frightened.

But Mu Taotao encouraged her: "It's okay, you dare to say it, I, the boss, will support you."

When Mu Taotao said this, he patted his chest with great momentum, which really made the shopping guide lady slowly ease her nervous mood.

She didn't look at the doubt and anger on the gentleman's face, but pointed to a sapphire ring among the jewelry rings on her plump hands and said, "Based on my many years of experience as a shopping guide at the sapphire counter , this sapphire ring on this lady's hand is fake.

The sapphire may only be artificially synthesized, because it looks too clean and flawless inside, which does not conform to the disordered and disordered characteristics of natural crystals. "

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone talked about it.

And the noble lady was exposed on the spot as Dai's fake, she couldn't help but blushed, turned into anger from embarrassment, and argued hard.

"Fuck, you guys in the shop are naturally helping to talk. Who dares to say that I am a fake? I am obviously true, and you want to frame me!"

"Whether it is a false accusation or not, the eyes of the masses are discerning."

Seeing that the woman was like a shrew, Mu Taotao was about to throw a tantrum, but she still kept calm and said, "Then shall we invite an appraisal expert right away? How about this, this row is all engaged in jewelry business, we can immediately Please ask a certain friend here to go to another jewelry store to invite a jewelry appraiser to come, as long as you can tell the authenticity, do you want to try it?"

As soon as the woman heard that she was looking for an appraiser, her face turned paler, her eyeballs rolled around, and the sweat on her forehead became more intense.

Naturally, she didn't dare to ask someone to do the appraisal, but immediately changed the subject and said: "Hey, don't think that you opened this store, you can pretend that I didn't buy fake jewelry from you.

I'm here to ask you to refund the money I paid for this fake jewelry, not for you to verify whether the sapphire I'm wearing is real or fake.

This bastard actually bought me a fake sapphire. I will never forgive him when I go back! "

The woman scolded while still not letting go.

At this moment, Mu Taotao laughed: "Madam, what did you say just now, don't you forget?"

"What did I say? No matter what I say, you are selling fake diamond necklaces in your store, and I want you to pay me back!"

"Then let me ask you, are the sapphires you are wearing real diamonds? You kept saying that you don't wear fake jewelry, but our shopping guide found out that the sapphires you were wearing were fake. Doubt, none of the jewelry on your body is real, do you dare to show what you are wearing to our jewelry designer for appraisal?"

" don't have the right." When the woman heard that Mu Taotao was going to use all the jewelry on her body for appraisal, the panic expression on her face became even bigger, and she couldn't help but protect her diamond necklace and bracelet, It looked like he didn't intend to take it out for identification.

Mu Taotao became more certain now, she glanced at the crowds around, then pierced the woman like a sharp knife and said: "You don't agree with us to identify the jewelry on your body, I think you are just a woman wearing Fake jewellery, a female liar who came to blackmail us with a fake testimonial!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Taotao decisively said to Ma Chun who was beside him: "Manager Ma, I have nothing to say, call the police."

As soon as the words came out, the woman was completely defeated, the arrogance just now was swept away, and now only begging was left, she immediately grabbed Mu Taotao who was about to turn around and leave, and said in a crying voice: " Miss, please stay, please stay, I was wrong, can't I admit that I was wrong?"

"Where did you go wrong? Is it because you found a husband who bought fake sapphires for you, or something else?"

"I was wrong. I shouldn't be delusional, thinking that I can come to your place to extort money with a certificate of appraisal. I also heard from others that you have a new boss here. The new boss has no experience. In order to maintain the reputation of the store, I'm bound to pay me a lot of money, so I'm here."

The woman told the truth, and everyone in the shop heard it.

Mu Taotao took the opportunity to say to the onlookers: "You have also seen that it is not a fake product sold in our store, but this woman is a female liar. As for what to do with her, we will take her to the office. Let the police come and take her away.

Next, please continue to choose jewelry carefully. As the owner of this store, I can assure everyone that the jewelry in our jewelry store is absolutely genuine. "

Mu Taotao's promise received unanimous praise from everyone, and many people took the lead in applauding.

The crisis in this matter is resolved today.

Mu Taotao really brought the woman back to the office, turned around and sat behind the desk, looked at the woman calmly and said, "Tell me, is it a bad idea you came up with yourself, or was it ordered by someone?"

Although Mu Taotao looked very young, he was only in his early twenties, and he still had a baby face with some baby fat on his face.

But her aura just now is really not to be underestimated.

The woman on the other side who pretended to be a noble wife just now froze. Hearing Mu Taotao's question, she just wondered: "I just picked up a certificate of authenticity from a jewelry store, so I wanted to come here to try it out. Try your luck and see if you can return the fake jewelry for some money."

"Is this testimonial real?"

Mu Taotao handed the testimonial to Ma Chun who was beside him.

Ma Chun identified it carefully, and said with certainty: "It's true."

"Then you picked up the testimonial well. You have the real testimonial, but you used a fake necklace. I have to suspect that you are a premeditated fraud.")
(End of this chapter)

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