Chapter 203 Go to see Mo Yanshao

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she asked Ma Chun to call the police immediately, and said to the woman, "If you don't tell the truth again, I'll let the police arrest you immediately, and let them investigate those people behind you."

Mu Taotao's words made the woman turn pale immediately, and she had to admit: "Don't call the police, I admit, I was ordered by someone, those people said, as long as I have this appraisal certificate and this fake diamond necklace , I will definitely get a sum of compensation, as long as I get the compensation, I will have money, at least 80, so I am here."

"What about those people?"

"I don't know him, I just met him on the road."

The woman said so.

Now it's really difficult.

Mu Taotao fell into deep thought. She couldn't find the person behind the scenes. How would she know who was behind the scenes?

Mu Taotao frowned slightly, and Ma Chun at the side reminded her: "Then do you want the police to take this woman away?"

"Forget it, forget it, she also has eyes for money, and she didn't really get money, so let her go."

Mu Taotao didn't want the people in the jewelry store to be questioned by the police, so she decided to settle the matter.

Ma Chun seemed relieved and said, "Let's go, don't think of such a bad idea to cheat money in the future, do you hear me?"

"Yes, yes, yes, miss, you are so kind, you will definitely be rewarded, then I will go."

The woman didn't expect to let herself go so easily, so she left happily.

Mu Taotao said to Ma Chun, "Manager Ma, has such a thing happened before?"

"It has happened before, but the amount is not as large as this time. The value of that diamond necklace is more than 100 million. If it is really lost, our store will suffer a lot of losses."

"Then I want to ask, what's the deal with this jewelry appraisal? Is it lost in our store?"

When Mu Taotao asked, the lobby manager straightened his face, carefully looked at the certificate of appraisal brought by the woman, and then slapped his thigh and said, "Oh, it really is a diamond necklace sold in our store."

"Then is the necklace sold or not?"

Mu Taotao asked further, she looked at the man aggressively, causing the man to break out in a cold sweat, and said, "I have to check this out."

"Manager Ma, you should know better than me what is going on with this matter. If it is jewelry that has not been sold, but the appraisal certificate is lost, then there is something wrong with the staff in our jewelry store.

If it is sold jewelry, but the appraisal certificate is missing, then there is something wrong with the jewelry seller, and you should find out whose jewelry is lost. "

"There's no way to find out, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless that person takes the jewelry for repairs, he may have some impressions, but it is absolutely impossible to know who bought it."

This is indeed the truth, let me ask, who would buy such an expensive thing and leave their own personal information, isn't that memorable?
Mu Taotao thought that she was naive.

"That's it, I hope nothing like this will happen again in the future."

Thinking about how much time he had spent here, Mu Taotao decided to leave.

Ma Chun was behind her, and said respectfully: "Miss Mu, you are really good at dealing with that female liar today. How do you know that she is wearing fake jewelry?"

"I'm just lucky. It's just that the woman's tricks are not clever. She is obviously going to pretend to be a lady, but she is reluctant to bring real jewelry. If she comes wearing real jewelry, maybe we really can't poke her. lie."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she turned and left the jewelry store, and took a taxi to the school.

In another Jinduofu jewelry store not far from Jinwanfu, the female liar who went to Mu Taotao's jewelry store just now walked into the manager's office and reported her failure in deception, which attracted a lot of attention from the men in the office. Suddenly furious, a big slap greeted the woman's face: "Are you so stupid? With so many jewels in this store, I don't know how to pick a few to cheat, but if you are caught, you are a liar. You are really capable, but tell me, what do you want to do now?"

"I... how would I know, I thought it would be okay to make some fake ones, who would see it? Didn't you say that the little girl is a fool?"

"Are you the fool?"

"You... You scolded me." The woman couldn't help crying even more sadly after being beaten and scolded by the man.

"Okay, don't howl here, think about how to explain to the chairman."

The man put his hands on his hips, his face livid.

Mo Zhengnan, the chairman of Mo's Enterprise, also received a call from the manager of another jewelry store under his company, saying that he failed to find Jin Wanfu, and Mu Taotao almost called the police to investigate the mastermind behind the scenes. .

Luo Tiannan hung up the phone after listening to the phone, his elegant face was full of ruthlessness, he really didn't expect that Mu Taotao was not so easy to deceive, he thought he would find a woman to fuck her She had to lose money and ruin the reputation of her shop, but she never expected that she could see through the scammer's tricks.

Thinking about it, that Mu Taotao was also a wanderer in the past, it seems that ordinary liars can't fool her.

Then he had to find another way, Luo Zhengnan thought in his heart, he didn't believe it, he was an old fox, and he couldn't win against a little fox.

He always has a way to deal with her, it's just a small jewelry store, can it still go to the sky?

Thinking of this, Luo Tianyun had a ferocious smile on his face.

On this day, Mu Taotao was dozing off in the office of the jewelry store. In order to exercise her rights as the boss, she now comes here to guard the store almost every few days. things happen.

Although it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen again, because no one would be stupid enough to cheat in the same way, but coming here often makes her feel at ease, after all, this place used to be Mo Yanshao's property.

Then she heard her cell phone ringing, and looked at the caller ID of the phone with sleepy eyes. It was Ai Meili calling, and Mu Taotao answered the call while lying on her stomach.

Ai Meili's rare anxious voice came from inside: "Taotao, I seem to see that Mo Yan is missing. I wonder if it is him?"


Mu Taotao's drowsiness disappeared almost instantly, and at the same time, she jumped up from the executive chair.

Just now when Ma Chun brought her coffee in, he was startled when he saw her like this.

Mu Taotao asked where Ai Meili saw the person, then hung up the phone, and grabbed Ma Chun and said, "Do you have a car? Lend me your car, quick!"

(End of this chapter)

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