Chapter 213

"Boss, you have to like the new and dislike the old, but you really don't have to do that."

"Xue, you talk too much, how about going to Syria to lurk tomorrow?"

"Boss, I was wrong when I didn't say anything."

"I can't tell you to say nothing, just tell me, did something happen?"

Seeing that the boss didn't want to know the whereabouts of that woman at all, Zhu Ying explained the situation in detail.

"You say, what will happen if I appear in front of her again?"

Xiao finally took off the black leather half-mask that he had been wearing on his face, revealing his long-lost handsome face.

The once cruel young master of the Mo family is actually the leader of the Xiao organization, codenamed Xiao.

Since escaping from the fire, Mo Yanshao has been hiding his strength in order to find out the truth of the fire. Taking advantage of the opportunity of studying abroad at a very young age, he conducted rigorous training abroad, and took in four people from Fenghuaxueyue to form a non-affiliated organization with him. Owl organizations in any country and government, born to collect all kinds of intelligence.

And their purpose is not all to achieve so-called justice.

All the wars provoked in the name of justice have nothing to do with justice. They are nothing more than those in power wanting to expand their power and maximize their interests.

So the Xiao organization is only trying to prevent things that endanger ordinary people from happening, such as drug dealing, arms smuggling, etc.

In this world, people lose their lives due to war every day, and the influx of weapons will make more innocent people die.

Sitting in the car, Mo Yanshao thought about her in the distance, and his eyes became distant and tender.

If there is a chance to meet her again, what will it be like?

"Boss, do you want to go back and have a look?"

"How to go back? A dead person suddenly appearing will scare people to death."

Mo Yanshao laughed at himself, the smile was damn pretty.

Zhu Ying couldn't help feeling, why did their boss like the woman with a flat figure and a baby face?
At this time, Mu Taotao with a baby face was checking the latest accounts in the office of the jewelry store.

Judging from the accounts, sales seemed to be on the decline, and Mu Taotao had to put on a straight face and question the thin-faced lobby manager, Ma Chun.

"Manager Ma, tell me, what happened to the recent sales?"

"Reporting to the boss, it is not the peak season for getting married recently, and it is normal that jewelry sales are not good.

You should know that in general jewelry stores, there are more people buying on holidays, such as Valentine's Day, and some private and important anniversaries.

Usually it's the big days.

There are no holidays in the past month, so naturally not many people come to buy jewelry. "

It seems to make sense.

Mu Taotao stared at Manager Ma for a while, and couldn't help saying: "Haven't you guys thought of any way to increase the sales of the jewelry store? If the things can't be sold, not only will I, the boss, have no money to pay, but neither will your wages. It's going up."

The lobby manager, Ma Chun, immediately nodded and bowed, and said with a fawning look, "Yes, boss, I understand."

"Then go out and do something quickly."

Mu Taotao was upset and waved his hand to let Ma Chun go out.

Seeing that the boss's face was not good, the lobby manager naturally didn't dare to speak any more, so he went out with tails between his legs in desperation.

Mu Taotao opened the data report again, looking at the sales data that plummeted on it, she always felt that something was wrong.

Why hasn't the sales increased since she took over the jewelry store?
In this way, should she adopt some other methods?
Since the female liar incident, logically, the impact was minimized at that time, there is no reason for it to be so bad, right?

Mu Taotao had to find a way to remedy it.

It was no use just sitting here thinking, so she decided to go to the store.

In order to make herself look like the owner of a jewelry store, Mu Taotao also spent some money to buy some jewelry for herself in the store, which she specially wears when she is in the store.

The makeup she puts on herself is also heavy, so that she can cover her baby face, making others more convinced that she is the owner of this jewelry store, and avoiding being looked down upon.

At this time, she was wearing a formal and mature work suit, with an expensive diamond and platinum pendant on her chest, which could well bring out her temperament and make her look noble and elegant.

The hair is pulled up high and the ends are left behind so that you don't look too old.

Mu Taotao appeared in the store and wandered around like a normal customer. Even if a shopping guide recognized her, she shook her head, expressing that she should not greet her.

She did this just to see the working attitude of the shopping guides after the customers came to the door.

But a boss like her who can be recognized by others can't really see any problems, because everyone will pretend to be working hard.

Mu Taotao also understood this, so she planned to leave immediately after shopping.

However, at this moment, another customer came to the door, a pair of young men and women in fashionable clothes.

As soon as Mu Taotao saw the man, his face suddenly became very ugly, pale and pale, as if he had seen a ghost.

Indeed, she felt like she had seen a ghost.

Because that ghost is "Mo Yanshao".

No, it shouldn't be Mo Yanshao, but the man who looks very much like Mo Yanshao.

The last time I saw him was at night, and it was at the club called Kao.

So Mu Taotao didn't really look at him carefully.

But now when I saw this person in broad daylight, I felt more and more like Mo Yan, he was printed from the same mold.

If he hadn't smiled too brightly at other women, and he had a flattering and ingratiating manner, completely out of line with Mo Yanshao's nobility and indifference, Mu Taotao would have definitely thought that that was the man he had been thinking about day and night.

Forget it, what are you thinking?Don't drive yourself crazy.

But she won't admit the wrong person, but she doesn't represent others.

For example, Ma Chun, the lobby manager.

In the past, when Mo Yanshao was the head of the Mo family, he would visit this jewelry store even if he was in a wheelchair, not to mention that he also visited this jewelry store after he returned to normal.

As the lobby manager, Ma Chun, who has worked in Mo's for so many years, how could he not know his little boss?
However, the news of Mo Yanshao's death in the explosion accident is well known, so Ma Chun would naturally think that he had encountered a ghost.

So when Ma Chun saw the expression of the man who looked exactly like Mo Yanshao, it was as if he had swallowed a big egg, stuck in his throat, with his mouth wide open, unable to swallow it or spit it out, his expression was very uncomfortable .

(End of this chapter)

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