Chapter 214
And that man is still trying his best to please the woman beside him: "Sister Bingbing, this ring is very suitable for you, why don't you just buy one, maybe I can buy it for you."

"Qiangzi, you are flattering me so much today because you want to do Yu'er's business, right? But what should I do? She doesn't like you, so she won't agree to let you go to her place."

"Sister Bing, you are our boss, you nodded in agreement, what else can she say?"

"Then I don't dare, you know she is in love with other young masters, it's not for you."


"Elder...Eldest...Master, you are buy...things...this...this is your...your own store, if you buy jewelry, just ask me."

Ma Chun thought it was Mo Yanshao who came back, so he hurried forward to flatter him.

Instead, the man called Qiangzi froze there for a while, not knowing how to react.

But soon, another female voice sounded: "I'm sorry, our supervisor has identified the wrong person, you can continue."

Mu Taotao stepped forward with a cold face, then grabbed Ma Chun by the collar and pulled him back, preventing him from talking to that fake "Mo Yanshao".

"Boss, what are you pulling me for? That's our young master..."

"He's not your young master, he's just the young master of the Kao Club."

They are both young masters, but their meanings are completely different. One is a pampered and high-status man, and the other is a man who specializes in spending time with women.

When Mu Taotao said this, Ma Chun's mouth opened wide, and he stretched his neck to look at the man again. Sure enough, his temperament was completely different from that of his own young master.

I almost recognized the wrong person, otherwise I thought it was a ghost.

"Boss, you still have sharp eyes."

Mu Taotao didn't say a word, she didn't want others to know that she also admitted the wrong person.

The man named Qiangzi also found it strange, he kept looking at Mu Taotao's back as he left, but he didn't look back immediately.

Gu Bingbing, who was in charge of the public relations between him and other young masters beside her, had to pat him on the shoulder, making him come back to his senses and ask, "Do you know that lady just now?"

"I don't know him, but I think it looks familiar, as if I've seen it somewhere."

Qiangzi frowned in thought, and then found that many people in the store looked at him with strange eyes.

Qiangzi immediately thought of something: "By the way, I was misunderstood once. They called me Mo Yanshao. Yes, it seems to be this person."

Qiangzi's words reminded Gu Bingbing that she had also followed economic news, and it seemed that she had actually seen news about Mo Yanshao.

"Wait, I'll check."

After Gu Bingbing finished speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and started typing Mo Yanshao, and he found relevant information and pictures of this person very quickly.

Unexpectedly, it was exactly the same as the Qiangzi around him.

Gu Bingbing looked at Mo Yanshao's face, then at Qiangzi's, and couldn't help laughing: "Qiangzi, I didn't expect you to have a twin brother, why don't you go back and ask your mother if you messed up your brother? lost?"

"How is it possible? Look at his birthday, and then mine. Is it possible that we are brothers?"

Qiangzi sneered, he just lamented the injustice of fate.

Why is Mo Yanshao, who looks exactly the same, the young master of a rich family, but he wants to be a public relations master who pleases women?
"Don't be unconvinced, so what if he is rich? Now he is a dead man."

"what happened?"

Hearing from Gu Bingbing that Mo Yanshao was dead, there was a spark in Qiangzi's eyes.

Anyway, when I first heard that someone who looked like me had died, I felt somewhat uncomfortable.

I don't know why.

"Hey, let's see for yourself, he died from an explosion, and the body can only be verified by DNA."

"How miserable!"

Looking at the explosion picture on the news pictures, Qiangzi felt even more sympathetic.

He looked at Mu Taotao in the distance, and remembered the way that woman yelled at him that day, and even slapped him, probably thinking that he was Mo Yanshao, with other women.

Thinking of this, Qiangzi involuntarily caressed his face, feeling an indescribable feeling.

"Okay, let's go, don't you still want to follow that Yu'er?"

After Gu Bingbing finished speaking, he took Qiangzi and walked outside.

As soon as he walked to the door, he bumped into a young beauty wearing a royal blue skirt with a hip wrap, and knocked the box off the woman's hand.

Gu Bingbing was about to pick it up, but Qiangzi picked it up first, handed the box to the woman, and said sorry to her.

When the two faced each other, the woman stared straight at Qiangzi, and couldn't help calling out, "Boss?"

"Boss? Who's the boss?"

As soon as Qiangzi opened his mouth to speak, the woman opposite immediately said, "I'm sorry, I admitted the wrong person."

"Could it be that he recognized me as that young master again? What's the matter with that?"

Qiangzi felt that the probability of being admitted was very high today, and he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"It's all right."

Zhu Ying turned around and took the box into the jewelry store, then looked for the familiar figure in the store.

When she thought that the man just now looked exactly like her boss, she almost thought that the boss had finally figured it out, and she ran back to see Mu Taotao.

I didn't expect to just admit the wrong person.

"Miss Mu Taotao, let me bring you something."

After Zhu Ying finished speaking, she handed the box to the woman.

Mu Taotao also recognized her, saying that she was Mo Yanshao's female assistant before her death. She was young and beautiful, so beautiful that it made people jealous.

Mu Taotao took the box and opened it, it turned out to be a string of beautiful black pearl necklaces, very expensive.

When she picked up the necklace, even the lobby manager couldn't help but let out a wow, and leaned over to look at the string of black pearls and said, "Where did this come from? This is too beautiful, isn't it? "

Mu Taotao also thinks this jewelry is very precious, why did Zhu Ying give it to her?
"Oh, we found this when we were sorting out the boss's belongings. At that time, there was an unopened postcard. When I opened it, it turned out that it was written for you, so I brought it for you."

"How did you know I was here?"

Mu Taotao couldn't believe it even more, tears started to roll in his eyes.

In fact, she just asked such a question unintentionally, but Zhu Ying didn't dare to tell the real reason.

That is, Mu Taotao's whereabouts have always been monitored, because she has a positioning device on her body, so Mo Yanshao didn't really keep her away from his control.

He just observed her every move in the dark, wanting to know how long she could keep her feelings for him.

(End of this chapter)

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