Chapter 226 She Will Bite
"If you really need to talk to me about something, go to my office."

After Leng Yihan finished speaking, he continued to walk forward, followed closely by his bodyguards.

But Mu Taotao stopped him again without giving him face: "Leng Yihan, don't be embarrassed, since Meili is your girlfriend, can you be more enthusiastic about girls, take the initiative, don't Let Meili be worried all day long, okay?
I know you have never been in a relationship and have no experience, so you just need to talk more and date more to gain experience. "

As soon as Mu Taotao said these words, all the students in the school showed expressions of disbelief. There were voices of surprise one after another, and there were even more discussions.

Because everyone couldn't believe that their cool and stylish student council president, the iceberg prince Leng Yihan, turned out to be an idiot who had never dated girls before.

And Mu Taotao's words undoubtedly exposed Leng Yihan's shortcomings in public, making him unable to step down from the stage.

He suddenly turned his head in Mu Taotao's direction, and the cold light in his eyes became even more intense, which even surprised Mu Taotao.

Indeed, had she been a little quicker to speak out?It's all about revealing people's privacy.

It's normal for Leng Yihan to turn against her.

Mu Taotao was really frightened by his terrifying eyes. Thinking about what she said, she was too unrestrained, and she didn't know if it was too late to make amends.

She began to stammer and explain: "Actually... no, it's not that Leng Yihan doesn't know how to fall in love. He also wrote love letters to Meili, so he's still pretty good to girls."

Mu Taotao's words just got darker and darker.

And a group of onlookers all laughed.

Ai Meili was even more ashamed and buried her head in the ground.

She did receive the love letter, but that was because it was written by Leng Yihan.

The other students roared with laughter, and some even said, "Nowadays there are still boys writing love letters to girls!"

As soon as the words came out, the boy who spoke received a murderous look, so he immediately hid in the crowd in fright, and did not dare to make a sound again.

Looking at Leng Yihan again, his eyes were so cold that he would freeze to death.

Mu Taotao was still trying to explain for him, but Leng Yihan had already roared, "Mu Taotao!"

Mu Taotao immediately froze in place, turned her head to Leng Yihan little by little, and then saw the paralyzed face that was frozen to death, and she was full of anger at the moment.

Before Mu Taotao could defend himself, Leng Yihan strode over, stretched out his long hand, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her towards the student council president's office.

Ai Meili was left in place, looking at the two people who left with deep sadness in her eyes.

Mu Taotao was pinched by Leng Yihan's wrist, and the pain made her furious, so she began to resist.

However, the disparity in strength between men and women made it impossible for her to break free, so she could only use her teeth: "Let go of me, you bastard!"

As Mu Taotao was talking, he bent down and bit the back of Leng Yihan's hand that was holding onto his wrist.

But I didn't expect that even the back of this man's hand is so strong, no matter how hard she bites, he just won't let go, and he won't even snort.

It wasn't until the office that Leng Yihan let Mu Taotao go, and threw her onto the couch.

Mu Taotao felt that she was about to be scared to death by this man, her little heart was trembling all the time.

Look at that man again, he looks quite talented, but why is he so angry?

"Hey, hey, calm down, calm down, I didn't say anything wrong, why can't you accept the reality?"

"Then tell me, what is reality?"

Leng Yihan laughed back angrily.

This woman is simply out of her mind to reveal her privacy in public.

I have never talked about love, so can I say it in front of so many people?

Did she never bring her brains to class?
Facing Mu Taotao, Leng Yihan's smile made her even more frightened.

"You...don't laugh like that, I'm scared."

Mu Taotao definitely had a scared expression on his face.

But Leng Yihan felt that she wasn't afraid at all, okay?Her expression is simply funny.

"Hey, I told you not to laugh!"

Mu Taotao was terrified by Leng Yihan's smile, so she just jumped up from the sofa and yelled at him, "Also, you should treat Meili better in the future, don't let her look like she's worrying about her gains and losses for a day, and her body For someone else's boyfriend, you have the obligation to make your girlfriend happy, do you understand?"

"don't know."

Leng Yihan answered very simply, and at the same time the smile on his face disappeared.

"I don't understand, am I teaching you? Why are you so clueless?"

While talking, Mu Taotao poked Leng Yihan's strong chest with his fingers, hating iron for being weak, and poked his own fingers very painfully.

She actually wanted to poke his forehead, like a real teacher teaching students.

However, the other party was too tall, so she could only poke his chest, not his forehead.

Her move made Leng Yihan react even more, the man grabbed her hand in his own almost without thinking, and grabbed Mu Taotao with the other hand. Fished into the bosom.

"Do you want to know why Emily is upset?"

Mu Taotao only felt that it was very uncomfortable for her whole body to be attached to the man, and at the same time, the ambiguous breath was rising, which made people feel as if they were about to suffocate.

Does this man even know what he's doing?Or did he do it on purpose?
"Leng Yihan, let me go!"

Facing the man with a weird smile on his face, Mu Taotao tried hard to break away from his hand, but he hugged him even tighter.

Mu Taotao only felt something flash in her mind, so fast that she couldn't grasp it at all, and then Leng Yihan's lips pressed against her ear, and he heard him exhale hot air and say to herself: "Because I told her that the person I really like is you, and the person I really want to pursue is also you."

Mu Taotao felt as if a big thunderbolt hit her on a sunny day, and she was about to faint.

This shock was no small matter, Mu Taotao pushed hard, and finally pushed herself away from Leng Yihan.

"What did you say? Are you crazy? What do you make Meili think? What should I do?
Those who didn’t know thought I was competing with my good friends.

Why are you so hateful man! "

But Leng Yihan still had a frosty face: "Am I wrong? This has always been my idea."

"You clearly know that I can't like other men, I only love that one."

"But he's dead!"

"He didn't! He won't die, he won't die! He will come to me, I don't allow you to say that he is dead, if any of you say it again, don't talk to me anymore!"

 Male lead, come back quickly! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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