Chapter 227
After Mu Taotao finished speaking, she turned and ran away quickly with the urge to cry.

Leng Yihan looked at her fleeing back, and sat down on the sofa. He put his head in his hands and realized once again that he was really an idiot in love. The more he wanted to catch her, the more he kept her away from him. .

What should he do?
Mu Taotao was dazed for a long time because of Leng Yihan's confession, and she also understood why Ai Meili had such a sad expression.

Who is the idiot?

Mu Taotao didn't understand. Fate is always so tricky. Why is the person he likes always not around, but the person he doesn't like keeps pestering him endlessly?
Looking at Ai Meili who was not far away from him, Mu Taotao was so entangled that he was going to die. Blame only Leng Yihan, and never talk to him again!

It's too much to make Ai Meili sad, to make herself misunderstood as the sweetheart who snatched her best friend!

Mu Taotao withdrew all her thoughts on her studies, but found that she was still flying, why couldn't she calm down and become a super student?

Just when Mu Taotao was deeply saddened that he didn't study hard enough, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID above, Mu Taotao was delighted.

A group of people I haven’t contacted for a long time, I miss you so much.

Mu Taotao immediately came to the secluded place and answered the phone: "Senior Sister Hongye, you finally remembered me, why did you call me now?"

"Taotao, you are a high-achieving student in an institution of higher learning, are you busy studying all day long? Why do we have the nerve to bother you?"

Hongye's words implied sarcasm, which made Mu Taotao even more upset.

With a slumped face, the corners of her mouth were so curled up that she could hang an oil pot, she simply turned her back and leaned against the window sill and complained to Hongye: "You just laugh at me, bully me, and I'll tell Master later."

"Don't do it, it's rare for Senior Sister to joke with you, but you take it seriously."

Thinking about it, this Hongye Senior Sister has always been the cold and cold Yujie Faner, so it's really rare that she is willing to joke with her.

"Then senior sister, when you called me this time, didn't you just wish me to study hard and improve every day?"

"Of course not. We have something to discuss with you. Are you free to come tonight?"

"What is it?"

Mu Taotao's curiosity was aroused.

"I told you when you came, how is it? Are you free?"

"Well, the senior sister calls, you must be free."

Mu Taotao said sarcastically.

"Okay, I won't tell you too much, I'm also at work, and the boss will be swearing later."

"Okay, goodbye, senior sister."

The two said goodbye to each other and hung up the phone.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Mu Taotao came to the appointment on time. Liu's mother once asked her where she was going so late, she looked a little worried, so Mu Taotao grabbed her and acted like a baby: "Liu's mother, don't worry, I will protect myself , After meeting with friends, I will come back after talking for a while."

Liu Ma patted the back of her hand and said helplessly, "Then I'll wait for you to come back."


Mu Taotao happily smacked Liu Ma on the face, and then left in the car.

Fortunately, Mo Yanqing was not at home, otherwise he would have to explain for a long time.

Mu Taotao felt that the head of the family was none other than Mo Yanqing, who asked her in and out of her in detail all day long, as if she was afraid that she would be abducted.

When they came to the small antique shop owned by Master Situ Ming, Mu Taotao pushed the door open and walked directly into the lobby inside.

Sure enough, as Hongye said, everyone was here, and she was left alone.

Wearing a flowing long dress, Hong Ye, the senior sister who is full of royal demeanor; Wen Tao, who has messy hair, holding a computer all day long to study how the servers of various secret agencies can be breached; Whispering to her, senior brother Ji Ran has a fair face, gold-rimmed glasses, and elegant demeanor.

There is also the senior brother Situ Liang who is playing with a dagger with a carved copper handle all day long.

His facial features belong to the ordinary type, but he is also attractive.

Then there is the master with gray temples, but he is very proud of them, Situ Mingming.

Situ Ming's attire makes people think that he has traveled back to the beginning of the last century. He has a double-breasted gown, holds a purple sand pot in his hand, and drinks water with the spout in his mouth when he is free. His movements are very chic and retro.

As soon as Mu Taotao walked in, everyone turned their attention to her.

Hongye even came over, grabbed her by the shoulders, led her to sit on a chair, and said immediately: "Taotao, we are relieved to see that you are fine."

The implication is that they are also very worried about her situation.

"Taotao, now that you've come out, where do you live now? If not, go back to Master."

Situ Ming said.

"No, I have a place to live now, so Master and everyone don't have to worry about me."

Mu Taotao also wanted to understand now, worry is also a day, joy is also a day, why should you feel sad for someone who is not there?
No matter how sad she is, he won't know.

Besides, even if he knew, he probably didn't want to feel sorry for himself.

Thinking about the details of being together in the past, Mu Taotao felt that there was no need for her to be sad anymore.

"If you say that, we can rest assured. You look good."

Situ Ming put down the purple sand pot in his hand and said.

"By the way, almost everyone is here this time. What is it for?"

Mu Taotao asked softly.

"Taotao, you don't know yet? City A is going to hold a jewelry tour exhibition, and the world-famous 'Top of the World' will also appear at the exhibition."

"What? Is this true?"

When Mu Taotao heard the news, she also smiled.

Now she finally understood why they came to her.

This is definitely good news for members of the Snitch Club.

You know, being the top diamond in the world is not just about admiring it, if you can steal it, that would be the happiest thing for the burglars.

It's not about the value of this diamond, the key is the unparalleled sense of accomplishment, which is definitely not available in stealing other antique treasures.

Thinking about that exciting process, everyone will be excited.

"However, I heard that the person responsible for the security of this diamond is a mysterious organization.

Wen Tao tried to find out which security organization the organizer of the exhibition contacted, but to no avail.

Because I heard that the security organizations this time were not official, but recruited from the private sector.

Don't underestimate these folks who are in charge of security matters. If they have not learned their skills, no one would dare to say that they will be worse than the officials. "

Hearing this, Mu Taotao also understood that the organizer of the Jewelry Exhibition of Feelings did not plan to use official security this time, but to use private experts to protect the world-class famous diamond. Works wonders.

(End of this chapter)

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