Chapter 229
who's that person?
Why is there a particularly familiar feeling?

Mu Taotao immediately turned his eyes away from the halo of diamonds, and searched the crowd for the figure that disappeared just now.

However, all she could see was the hustle and bustle of people visiting the jewelry exhibition hall, but she could no longer see the figure she wanted to see.

Could that person be Mo Yanshao?

Why does she have the feeling that he is here?
Why is there such a strong feeling?

Mu Taotao wondered if she had been bewitched by an evil spirit and was being followed by Mo Yanshao's soul.

Thinking that Mo Yanshao might be dead around him, Mu Taotao felt uncomfortable.

But after a while she calmed down.

Maybe he can't bear himself?

Mu Taotao firmly memorized the location of the "Top of the World", and then looked back, forth, left, and right, as well as the top gate of the exhibition area and the floor of the exhibition area.

It can be found that even the ground has organs.

That is to say, during the day, this world-class big diamond is placed on the booth with multiple protection measures.

At night, it might be transferred to another place, even underground.

All in all, if you want to get this diamond, you must plan carefully.

Just after Mu Taotao and Ai Meili walked around the entire exhibition area and left, in another room with a lot of surveillance video, a man wearing a black half-mask was concentrating on watching the video.

He had seen countless times the picture of the face of the fat woman in the light yellow dress.

The man wearing the black mask was none other than Mo Yanshao. He had been to that exhibition area with a special pass.

It's just that he went in a hurry, but it just passed by in a flash.

But he still saw the haunted figure, in order not to attract her attention, so he chose to leave in a hurry.

After returning to the monitoring room, he stared intently at the picture of her.

Her face was a little pale, and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

In a flash, I haven't seen her for half a year, and I don't know how much impression she still has of herself.

Will he be completely erased from memory?

Thinking of this, an inexplicable wry smile appeared on the corner of the man's lips, but it couldn't hide his handsome face.

For Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao is the woman he wants to protect the most.

He didn't want to have any contact with her, but this time when he returned to City A, he had to meet her.

According to the information Zhu Ying brought, this "Top of the World" exhibition attracted millions of people to visit, and at the same time attracted the coveted eyes of at least three international bandit organizations.

Among them were members of the local Snitch Club.

The boss of the club, the nearly 60-year-old Situ Ming, has always been a famous jewelry thief under the guise of doing antique business.

When he was young, he used to patronize many shops with precious stones overnight and stole the treasures of the shop from the shops.

Then leave a book to the shopkeeper and exchange it for jewelry with high rewards.

And Situ Ming never left a criminal record, so even if he knew he did it, there was nothing he could do about it.

And his purpose of stealing was not to take the jewels for himself, but just to seek excitement.

But this time the "Top of the World" will be coveted by the three gangs of treasure thieves, but it is not for excitement.

As far as Mo Yanshao knew, Situ Ming had a son who was studying abroad and then settled abroad.

Recently, news came that Situ Jun, the son of Situ Ming, had been kidnapped. The kidnapper's request was that his son would be safe and sound if he got the "Top of the World" gem. Otherwise, Situ Jun's life would be destroyed. There is danger.

Because Mo Yanshao is in charge of the security of "Top of the World" this time, he also has a general understanding of which international thieves will attack "Top of the World" this time.

He certainly didn't think that Mu Taotao appeared in the exhibition hall just to go to the jewelry exhibition.

The real purpose of her going was to steal treasure.

I didn't expect them to meet in this way this time.

He just hoped that when they faced the Snitch Club head-on, they wouldn't become real rivals.

For this reason, he replaced Qiyuan's seat and guarded in the monitoring room, while the task of protecting the "Top of the World" was entrusted to Feng, Hua, Xue, and Yue.

With the abilities of these four people, he doesn't have to worry about the "Top of the World" being stolen.

Mu Taotao took pictures of the "Top of the World" exhibition area with the micro-camera in the contact lens, and took them back and Wen Tao put them on the computer for analysis.

Not only did she shoot the video, Hongye and Jiran also drew a detailed map, and conducted a detailed analysis of the drainage system, security system, and topographical map of the exhibition center.

Then several people, together with Situ Ming, made a detailed theft plan.

The time for the theft was set at one o'clock in the morning.

Because this time is the time when the security of the convention and exhibition center is changed, that is, the time when the security defense is the weakest.

Taking advantage of those official security changes, cut off the power supply, leaving the entire convention center in darkness.

Then in the shortest ten seconds, find a way to get the "Top of the World".

As for the legendary private security organization, judging from Hongye and Ji Ran's reconnaissance, they did not discover the existence of this security organization.

Therefore, it can be said that both of their organizations are in the dark, and they can only take one step at a time.

"Master, I always feel that this security organization is very mysterious. Maybe they have already grasped everything and are just waiting for us to fall into the trap."

"What do you mean by that?"

Situ Ming was puzzled.

Hongye continued to frowned and said: "As far as I know, our Snitch Club is not the only one who wants to get the 'Top of the World'.

Master also knows that we always steal for excitement, not really for money.

But other people who want 'Top of the World' really want this priceless gem.

For example, there is an international jeweler named Johnny, who has been coveting this gem for a long time and has always wanted to get it.

So this time the international jewelry thieves are also dispatched one after another. In addition to us, the fireworks group and the star sweet group are also involved in this theft. "

Hongye's words made Situ Ming's heart even more entangled.

Thinking of Johnny sending someone to call him, asking him to trade "top of the world" for Situ Jun's safety, Situ Ming had the urge to kill himself.

If it wasn't for him, the master who is a snitch, how could Junjun be so threatened by others?
If he hadn't been sent abroad in the first place, so that he would not be tainted with the notoriety of a jewel thief, how could he have sent him abroad.

Situ Ming really regretted it.

 Be patient, everyone, the hero and heroine will meet soon

(End of this chapter)

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