Chapter 230 Was Knocked Out

He also swore that this would be his last business of stealing jewels. If he got the jewels successfully this time, he would wash his hands and persuade his disciples to withdraw from this circle so as not to hurt his family.

But before that, Situ Ming did not explain why he wanted to steal the "Top of the World".

So Hongye and the others thought he was the same as before, just looking for excitement and letting them feel the fun of being a snitch.

But obviously they were all wrong. Situ Ming had already figured it out. Once he got the "Top of the World", he would hand it over to Johnny's contact person in City A. He would give the gem to Johnny, and then exchange Back to Situ Jun's peace.

At this moment, Hongye suggested that if she went directly to steal the treasure, it would attract the attention of the mysterious security organization. It is better to wait and see what happens. Together with other theft organizations, one pretends to steal treasure, and the other really steals treasure. Fake, tune the tiger away from the mountain, maybe the chances of winning are better.

"Hongye's method is feasible, what do you think?" Situ Ming asked the others.

Mu Taotao asked, "But how do you know when other people will strike?"

"It's all about information."

After Hongye finished speaking, she showed everyone a message she had received, which was sent by a fish named Huijiao, and there was only one sentence on it: "It's going to rain, remember to pack your clothes."

Mu Taotao looked at it for a long time but couldn't figure out what was the mystery of the text message sent by this fish that can call.

Hongye put away her phone and pretended to be mysterious: "Don't worry about the meaning of this text message. In short, let's all go back to sleep today and start to act tomorrow night."

Hongye said so.

"What? Tomorrow night?"

Mu Taotao couldn't help exclaiming.

"Is there a problem?"

Hongye flicked her long hair and looked at her with clear eyes.

"Oh, no, I just feel a little nervous. After all, I haven't shown my skills for a long time."

As soon as this question was mentioned, Mu Taotao really had an excited smile on his face.

Hongye poked her forehead with her finger: "Have you been a noble lady for too long? Do you still remember how to use a hook?"

"Remember, Senior Sister Hongye, don't think that I'm really useless, I practice secretly."

Mu Taotao remembered the most recent practice, where he escaped from Mo Yanshao's office building, and he was blocked by him, it brought tears to his eyes.

Alas, let's not think about the past.

If you want to be a snitch, you have to recharge your batteries to be serious.

Situ Ming also said: "For this operation, follow Hongye's instructions, and follow her instructions in all your actions."

Of course the other four agreed with one voice.

Except for Hongye, for the other four people, no one can compare with Hongye's calm wisdom.

Mu Taotao is a little naive, just silly and sweet.

Ji Ran always listens to Hong Ye.

Situ Liang and Wen Tao were not planners, so they naturally wanted to listen to what Hong Ye said.

And Hongye has always been able to come up with Yujie Faner and control the overall situation.

"Okay, this operation is all under my control. When to enter the market, I will have the final say when I send out a signal."

After making arrangements, everyone dispersed.

Mu Taotao set off in the early morning of the next day, and she didn't disturb Liu Ma and Mo Yanqing at all, otherwise she really didn't know what to explain.

It was Mo Yanqing's car, the car key she stole from him quietly, and she planned to return it at dawn.

The car stopped in an alleyway not far from the International Convention and Exhibition Center, and Mu Taotao met everyone as agreed in advance.

It's a pity that she didn't figure it out after all her calculations. Before she could walk out of the alley, she was hacked unconscious with a hand knife from behind.

Then a female voice said to another male voice: "Boss, what should I do?"

"Take her back to the car and lock the doors."


When Mu Taotao woke up, it was just before six o'clock in the morning, that is to say, three hours had passed since the agreed time.

She looked around and found that she was in the car.

This is simply against the sky, what's going on?
Mu Taotao immediately opened the car door and was about to jump out, only to find that the car door was locked.

Damn it, the person is still inside, how can the car be locked?

Mu Taotao fiddled with the door of that car vigorously, but she was afraid of breaking the car, so how could she explain to Mo Yanqing.

But soon the car door opened again unconsciously, and Mu Taotao immediately jumped out of the car and ran towards the exhibition center.

What she never expected was that there were several police cars parked there, with red warning lights flashing, and the heavily armed police officers brought out several people from the convention center.

Mu Taotao was so nervous that her heart almost jumped out.

She failed to participate in Linchen's treasure-robbing operation, and the people who went to steal the treasure were arrested again.

After looking carefully, Mu Taotao was finally relieved, because she found that there was no Senior Sister Hongye and the others, only the other two legendary bandits.

Mu Taotao guessed that someone must have known about their actions, so they were taken by the police.

And who was it that knocked him out?

Mu Taotao couldn't understand it, but she was afraid in her heart.

She had to drive back the car and return it to Mo Yanqing, while she went out to find Master and the others.

"Tao Tao, you got up so early? Where are you going? Don't you even have breakfast?"

Mama Liu asked behind her.

"Don't eat, Mama Liu, you don't have to worry about me."

Mu Taotao said this while running out.

"What's the matter with her? Burning her ass early in the morning?"

Mo Yanqing, who came down from upstairs, looked at the back of Mu Taotao who was leaving in a hurry.

"I don't know either. I always feel like she's hiding something."

"Forget it, leave Mama Liu alone, she is also an adult, not a child."

"En, Yan Qing, I'll make breakfast, we'll have it together later."

"I'm sorry, Mama Liu."

Mo Yanqing answered with a smile.

"What kind words are you talking about?"

Liu Ma smiled and went to the kitchen.

As soon as Mu Taotao walked into the inner hall of Situ Ming's antique shop, he found everyone there.

Senior sister Hongye is bandaging senior brother Situ Liang.

He seemed to have been injured on his chest, and he was naked with his muscular upper body, and asked Momiji to wrap him with white gauze.

There was blood oozing out, white against red, it looked shocking.

The others sat on the sidelines, dejected, without any energy.

When Mu Taotao saw Situ Liang's injury, she ran over in surprise and said, "Brother, what's going on with you?"

Just as Situ Liang was about to explain, Hongye asked Mu Taotao with a pretty face, "Where did you go last night? Why didn't anyone wait for you?"

Hongye's voice sounded very stern, and her beautiful eyes were glaring angrily, as if she wanted to eat Mu Taotao.

 Who hit it?

(End of this chapter)

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