Chapter 245 Let him be the manager

Looking at Mu Taotao again, she seemed very depressed, because many old employees left at once.

Then Leng Yihan turned around and went out the door without saying a word.

"He...he...what does he mean? Come and drive people away, and don't help me find a way, and turn around and leave by yourself. How do we clean up this mess now?"

Mu Taotao was on the verge of crying, looking at Ai Meili beside her, anxiously like ants on a hot pot.

"I don't know what he's thinking, but the Leng family's business is very big and excellent. It is said that it is all managed by him, so what he said should make sense."

"Then what should I do now?"

"Didn't he just say that? You can consider finding someone to help you manage it."

Ai Meili caressed Mu Taotao's shoulder to comfort her, and at the same time looked at Mo Yanshao who was on the side.

Although Ai Meili didn't have much contact with Mo Yanshao in the past, the youngest of the Mo family was also a famous figure in City A. He was by no means comparable to Wang Xiaoqiang, who can expose his family's shortcomings and has no temperament or momentum like now.

Therefore, Ai Meili also believed that this Mo Yanshao was Wang Xiaoqiang.

Following Ai Meili's eyes, Mu Taotao looked aside and lowered his head without speaking. Mo Yanshao, who was thinking about something, couldn't help but asked, "Are you really going to let him take Ma Chun's seat?"

"That's what Leng Yihan said, his vision... shouldn't be wrong, right?"

Emily emphasized.

"However, he has no experience, how can he be the manager."

Mu Taotao looked anxious, should she obey Leng Yihan's arrangement?

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Ai Meili whispered in Mu Taotao's ear, implying that she should appoint Mo Yanshao as the manager.

"Is it really possible?"

Mu Taotao was still hesitating, but she had already looked at Mo Yanshao, and said unceremoniously to him:
"Hey, you also heard what my friend said just now. He asked you to be the manager. Would you like it?"

Mu Taotao asked Mo Yanshao for his own opinion.

From Mu Taotao's point of view, Wang Xiaoqiang is actually an idiot who can't afford to support him. He would never agree to this matter. When Leng Yihan was here just now, he revealed that he was not a management material.

But to the surprise of Mu Taotao and Ai Meili, the man in front of him suddenly raised his head, with a serious and serious expression on his face.

And his expression is almost exactly the same as Mo Yanshao, no, he is Mo Yanshao in the first place, just acting in his true colors.

His beautiful eyes shone with wisdom, and there was a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, which was as light as a breeze, but it could not be ignored.

He turned his head to look at Mu Taotao, his voice was so deep and sweet that Mu Taotao felt unable to breathe for a moment, thinking that Mo Yanshao had returned to his side, with his usual charming look Smile.

However, Mo Yanshao opened his mouth and said, "Miss Mu, I am very grateful that you are willing to let me work here so that I can have money to take care of my seriously ill mother.

If this store really needs to turn the situation around, and Ms. Mu trusts me so much, I am willing to give it a try and help you manage this jewelry store well. "

Mo Yanshao's calmness and grandeur when he said these words made people have no doubt that he has the ability to manage this store.

As soon as he spoke, there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, but Mu Taotao and Ai Meili were stunned by his sudden 180-degree change.

It took a while for Mu Taotao to come back to his senses, and he blinked his big smart eyes, and his cherry lips parted slightly: "What you said is true?"

"Yes, I will not disgrace my life."

"Okay, then I'll trust you once."

Mu Taotao suddenly became happy, tiptoed and patted Mo Yanshao's shoulder hard to show his trust in him.

The two just stared at each other like this, as if the time had returned to the time when the two were still together half a year ago.

Mu Taotao was in a daze for a moment, if he was Mo Yanshao, it would be great if he was Mo Yanshao, her Mo Yanshao, she could act like a baby in his arms, sheltering her from wind and rain, and she didn't have to worry about the sales performance of any jewelry store at all.

But can we go back to the past?

Where did her Mo Yanshao go?
Why does she feel that her nose is sore, and when she looks at a man with the same face, she has the urge to cry?
Mu Taotao felt that she had lost her composure, so she hurriedly avoided to look into Mo Yanshao's eyes, raised her head and took a sharp breath to keep her tears from streaming down.

She quickly turned around and smiled at Ai Meili: "Lili, thank you for being with me all the time today, let's go and eat."

"What about him?"

"I'll leave it to him here, and let him handle it. I want to trust him without reservation."

After Mu Taotao finished speaking, he dragged Ai Meili out of the office, and when he came to the door, he turned to Mo Yanshao and said, "Give me a detailed plan about the marketing strategy of the jewelry store. It's helpful to the jewelry store, don't use those big words, you know?"

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed."

Mo Yanshao said such words like a soldier to the chief, sonorous and forceful.

Mu Taotao didn't look at him any more, for fear of being lost in his too touching eyes, and finally said: "You can make plans here, I'll bring you something to eat later, chicken curry rice, how about it?" ?”

"Whatever, as long as it can fill your stomach, you know, I'm not picky about food."

Mo Yanshao tilted his head and smiled very brightly.

Mu Taotao rolled her eyes, she really didn't know that he was not picky eaters.

They don't seem to know each other well.

Mu Taotao didn't say anything more, and gave the office to Mo Yanshao to do the planning, and went out to eat with Ai Meili.

The two of them went to a very distinctive Hunan cuisine restaurant, ordered a lot of dishes, and ate a lot.

When Mu Taotao is in a bad mood, she likes to eat to hide her worries.

When the dishes are served, the farmer’s small fried pork, fish head with chopped pepper, capers with minced meat...

Mu Taotao eats whatever he catches, stuffing it into his mouth as soon as he eats it, chewing it indistinctly.

Ai Meili barely moved her chopsticks, just watched Mu Taotao eating happily by herself.

Ai Meili knew that she was unhappy and that's why she was like this. As for what she was thinking, there was no one else except Mo Yanshao.

Ai Meili looked sadly at Mu Taotao, and silently took the teapot on the table to pour her a cup of tea, so that she would become thirsty after eating so many spicy and pickled vegetables.

But Mu Taotao refused to drink the tea she poured, but beckoned to the waiter, and said, "Bring me two cans of beer."

"Peach, let's eat, what wine to drink?"

Ai Meili persuaded with a worried face.

(End of this chapter)

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