Chapter 246 tit for tat
"It's just drinking, what's the big deal?"

Mu Taotao asked the waiter to bring her two cans of beer indifferently.

"Come on, Meili, drink with me."

"No, I'll go back to meet my father later, drinking is not very good."

Ai Meili has always looked like a lady and never drinks alcohol.

Mu Taotao is right to think about it, but she can't let Ai Meili go back and be scolded because of herself.

So she drank two cans of beer alone.

After drinking two cans is not enough, she plans to ask for more beer.

Ai Meili stopped her, and said: "Aren't you going back to the store to deliver food to Wang Xiaoqiang later? How can you deliver it when you are drunk?"

"Yes, I still have to deliver food to him, so I can't drink anymore, but I can drink with him later, I haven't had a drink with him yet."

Mu Taotao blushed a little on her cheeks, but she was still awake.

But when she heard that she wanted to drink with Wang Xiaoqiang, Ai Meili was a little worried and said: "No, he is a man after all, isn't it dangerous to drink with a man?"

"Tch, who do you think I am, Mu Taotao? Although he looks a lot like Mo Yanshao, you can see that he is not as good as Mo Yanshao. In case, how can I like him?
Treat him like a buddy and just drink with him. "

Mu Taotao said excitedly.

But Ai Meili still looked worried.

But her worry didn't stop Mu Taotao from doing this.

On the way back to the jewelry store, Mu Taotao finally broke up with Ai Meili, and walked towards the store by herself with a rice bowl and a dozen cans of beer.

Sure enough, Mo Yanshao was still seriously writing a proposal on the computer in her office. When he was working in front of the computer, he was really no different from Mo Yanshao.

Of course, he is Mo Yanshao, this is his serious attitude when he is working.

"I brought you rice, do you want to eat now?"

"Put it there."

The man who worked hard said casually, but he didn't glance at the woman.

Mu Taotao was also stunned there, and his mind was even more in a trance. Isn't that Mo Yanshao sitting there?

He's back, he's really back!
"Yan Shao, when did you come back? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mu Taotao rushed to the table, her eyes were full of tears, and her heart felt unspeakable pain.

He is obviously Mo Yanshao, isn't he?
Her Mo Yanshao, the person she misses so much.

Mu Taotao's call made Mo Yan slightly stunned, and finally realized something was wrong.

Did the woman really recognize him, or was she just in a trance?
He slowly turned his gaze to her, before he said, "Miss Mu, I am Qiangzi."

In a word, the confusion in the woman's eyes instantly cleared up.

Mu Taotao seemed to have realized her gaffe, and immediately covered it up: "Yes...I'm sorry..."

"Miss Mu, you don't need to say sorry to me, I think you should go see a psychiatrist.

This is why you miss Mo Shao and become sick. "

Mo Yanshao was also uncomfortable in his heart. He also considered whether to tell Mu Taotao his true identity.

But after deliberating for a long time, he decided not to take the risk.

All in all, the less people know about his return to City A, the better.

Now all he knows is his romance.

Anyway, the real Wang Xiaoqiang was also sent away, so he wouldn't be worried that he would come back and affect him.

He can rest assured and boldly stay as Wang Xiaoqiang.

Mu Taotao put the rice bowl on the glass coffee table beside him, and said to Mo Yanshao: "Come and eat, and drink with me by the way."

Mu Taotao also put the dozen of beer there.

Mo Yan took one less look at those beer cans, got up from the computer desk and walked over, picked up the bowl of rice and started eating.

He doesn't pay attention to posture when he eats, he eats as he pleases.

Mu Taotao watched him eat, pain flashed in his eyes.

He is indeed Wang Xiaoqiang, not Mo Yanshao.

That man has never eaten rice bowls before. Besides, he is the eldest son of the Mo family. No matter what he does, he pays attention to demeanor and elegance, including eating.

Mu Taotao remembered the bug meal he once took himself to eat.

Even if he didn't eat, he kept his demeanor intact.

Looking at the man in front of him, he really has no image at all.

While eating, Mo Yanshao still had rice in his mouth, and turned his head to Mu Taotao with a bright smile.

This way of eating and laughing is also far from Mo Yanshao.

Mu Taotao stopped looking at him, just opened one of the cans of beer, and said to Mo Yanshao, "Come on, drink."

"But... I don't have any wine."

Mo Yanshao slurred his speech as he wrapped his rice bag.

He simply put down the bowl, opened a can for himself, and drank with Mu Taotao.

Putting beer on top of the rice, Mo Yanshao laughed at himself, it was definitely the first time in his life.

Playing the role of Wang Xiaoqiang, he also bid farewell to that handsome young master of the Mo family.

Mu Taotao drank the wine by herself, thinking about the man she loved so much, she became even more unhappy.

People say that you can make your sorrows worse with wine, and this is true.

When people are in high spirits, it is not easy for people to drink alcohol.

But once the mood is low, it is easier to get drunk when drinking.

While Mu Taotao was drinking there, Mo Yanshao also finished his rice bowl.

Seeing Mu Taotao drinking beer alone, he couldn't help but said to her: "Miss Mu, come, I wish our jewelry store more and more prosperous business, cheers."

As Mo Yanshao spoke, he touched the beer can in Mu Taotao's hand with the beer can in his hand.

Mu Taotao didn't object, but just drank the wine in silence.

Before they knew it, the two drank almost the dozen of beer.

There were many empty beer cans on the glass tea table.

At this time, Mu Taotao lifted the last empty beer can over his face, opened his mouth wide, and let the wine in the can pour into his mouth without leaving a drop.

But there was no more liquid in the jar, no matter how much Mu Taotao shook his wrist, he couldn't make another drop of wine pour out of the jar.

Mu Taotao put the empty beer can on the glass coffee table with annoyed expression, got up quickly and said, "There's no more wine, it's not fun, I'm going to buy wine."

But before she could step away, the man beside her pulled her hand violently, and Mu Taotao sat back in her original position, and fell backwards, lying on her back on the sofa.

And the man next to him bullied him, looked at the woman with beautiful deep eyes that were not very clear, and smiled evilly at her: "I'm by your side, what else do you drink? Am I not enough to make you drunk?"

Mo Yanshao was also a little drunk, he wanted to use this method to prevent Mu Taotao from continuing to drink.

Because for both of them, drinking alcohol is really not a good thing.

For example, now, two people's faces are almost touching, and they can feel the heat from each other's face.

(End of this chapter)

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