Chapter 255
That's totally an instinct.

The ways in which the personnel of the two parties entered the Wells Manor were different.

But the same thing is that everyone chooses to switch defenses, and the 30 seconds when the security system is destroyed.

At the same time, Qiyuan interfered with the security system of Wells Manor for 5 minutes.

Because of careful investigation and calculation, Situ Jun was probably locked in the basement of a baroque palace.

The basement is divided into three areas A, B, and C. Several people split up and went to the three areas of the basement.

What they had to deal with were hundreds of bodyguards hiding in the three areas of the basement.

However, because few people usually invade the Wells Manor, the strength of these bodyguards can be called fake.

The real masters are those under Johnny.

After Mu Taotao and Hongye entered the basement area, they met with Qiyuan and the others. After a few moves, the two sides stopped fighting because they found out that they had the same purpose.

Leng Feng and Mo Yanshao went to the room of the palace to find the document contract between Johnny and Luo Tianyun on arms sales in the southern countries.

This business was huge, and not only Johnny and Luo Tianyun were involved, but also dignitaries from another country.

This figure has been in the dark and never appeared.

Mo Yanshao asked Leng Feng to stand in that luxurious and extravagant palace room to guard the door, and all the bodyguards in this room had been taken care of by them.

The method is poison gas bombs, without anyone noticing, dozens of bodyguards have no time to hum.

The next room is Johnny's bedroom, and at this moment, Johnny is fighting with the blonde beauty, with long legs and thin waist, on the bed. The blushing voice can be heard here even through the door.

Mo Yanshao and Leng Feng looked at each other. For them, such an opportunity couldn't be better.

He put his hand on the combination lock on the boxy safe, and listened carefully to the sound coming from inside, which was the key to unlocking the combination lock.

Once the password is wrong, it is likely to cause serious mistakes.

But fortunately, for Mo Yanshao, there is no combination lock in this world that he cannot open.

It took about one minute and 30 seconds to successfully take out the files in it, and took pictures of all the contents inside with a small camera, focusing on the high-definition processing of the parts signed with the names of Luo Tianyun and Johnny.

Afterwards, put the files back in, and close the safe door.

Just after Mo Yanshao finished all this, the action next door seemed to be over.

This man didn't have enough stamina, Mo Yanshao pursed his lips lightly and came to this conclusion.

He and Leng Feng were about to leave, but the door opened.

What an unexpected situation, the cold wind was quick-witted, and he slashed at the back of the man's neck with his palm, and the man fell limply to the ground.

Upon closer inspection, it was the woman who had just flirted with Johnny, wearing a very revealing one-piece pajamas, lying face down when she fell there.

Without hesitation, the two quickly escaped through the open window.

The second place they went was the basement.

Hongye, Mu Taotao, and Qiyuan Zhuying came to the prisoner's place together.

I used the master key to accurately find one of the rooms, opened it, and saw that the man was tied on the chair with his hands behind his back, his head was drooping, but he could see a fair neck.

Hongye walked over to lift up the man's head and carefully identified it. After confirming that it was Situ Jun, Qi Yuan among the four carried the man on his back and tied it tightly with a rope.

The rest ran out with weapons in hand.

The bodyguards have almost been dealt with, but be careful sailing for ten thousand years.

Not long after Mo Yanshao and Leng Feng came to the basement.

Johnny in the house found that his girlfriend had not returned, so he also opened the door to look.

But they found that the female companion was knocked down to the ground, surrounded by bodyguards who had been poisoned.

Johnny's face changed drastically, and when he returned to the house, he immediately activated the alarm for the entire manor.

As a result, the entire manor entered a state of first-level combat readiness, and he wanted to make it impossible for everyone who entered the manor to escape.

Johnny was already tall and tall, with a sinister and terrifying Western man's face. His face was sharp, his eye sockets were deep-set, and they were gray-white. It was a terrible eye color, especially when he was angry. The sense of terror is stronger.

He once swung a knife and beheaded his opponent with extremely cruel methods.

And this time, someone dared to enter the manor under his nose, and he would never let it go.

His hooked nose like a hawk's beak makes him look more like Hitler, the head of the German Church during World War II.

The man who once made the world tremble, Johnny is like his reincarnation.

Johnny sounded the alarm all over the estate.

The entire manor has entered a state of combat readiness.

For Mo Yanshao and the others, although the entire manor has activated an early warning.

But this is not a bad thing for them.

It is understood that the bodyguards in this manor are not just from a bodyguard company.

Even if they belong to the same bodyguard company, let alone Johnny, they are probably members of the bodyguard company, and it is impossible to identify all the personnel clearly.

Then the result of this is that if they wear the same bodyguard costume for a while, no one will know the other.

Mo Yanshao immediately ordered Leng Feng to find bodyguard clothes immediately.

Leng Feng understood, and quickly found two sets, and the two changed into bodyguards in the manor immediately.

And their goal is to bring Mu Taotao and the others out.

However, if Situ Jun wanted to bring him out of the manor, his goal was too big.

Had to even change his clothes together.

Johnny issued an order to find out who invaded the manor and what the target was.

Turning around his own house, he soon found that the safe had been tampered with.

Opened the safe, but did not find anything missing inside.

There was a deeper color in Johnny's off-white pupils.

As long as people are caught, he doesn't believe that they will not be able to force their purpose.

Situ Jun was sent back to the original place. The whole search went on for a long time, but no one was caught.

Those intruders seem to have disappeared out of thin air. What's going on?

When the news reached Johnny's ears, he almost turned the table over: "What's the use of your nonsense? Hurry up and adjust the surveillance video!"

However, there was a snowflake in the monitoring, and there was no abnormality during the time when the invasion occurred.

In other words, someone tampered with the monitoring program during that time, so there was no picture.

Mo Yanshao and the others, who were hiding in a surveillance corner in the basement, breathed a sigh of relief. After the chaotic situation just now, they were temporarily safe. Through the intercom, they learned that what they need to guard now is precisely this A piece of the basement, and it is possible to switch defenses and switch to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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