Chapter 256
This is the order they got after getting the bodyguard's clothes.

Now, they act as temporary bodyguards.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger cub?

It seems that if you want to take Situ Jun out, you can't just rely on sneaky methods.

Mo Yanshao decided to take the method he used to deal with Carter last time and ask him to let go of Sophie, which was to threaten his life.

When Mo Yanshao and Leng Feng, dressed in black bodyguard uniforms, suddenly came to Johnny's side, he probably never dreamed of it.

Mo Yanshao was wearing the black half-mask he always wore, as was Lengfeng, and he had long flowing hair, resembling an ancient warrior.

Johnny was so frightened that his legs went limp at that time, especially when Mo Yanshao and Leng Feng showed the softness and ruthlessness of Chinese Kung Fu, and they fought a thousand catties in fours and twos.

Even if he has four bodyguards who are two meters tall, burly and extremely skilled in fighting.

But in the eyes of the small and nimble Orientals, being tall is of no use, as long as you outsmart them, find their dead spot, and shoot them accurately, just like shooting cucumbers.

Obviously, Johnny's bodyguard was shot down by Mo Yanshao and the others in this way.

And the two fell from the sky, like magic soldiers. Johnny was so frightened that his legs were weak at that time. Mo Yanshao saw through the movement of wanting to touch the gun. With a flying knife, his hand was nailed to the bed board, screaming again and again, bleeding .

"You... what exactly do you want to do?"

The man spoke the language of country A and asked sharply.

"It's nothing. We just want Mr. Johnny to let go of Situ Jun. It will be easier for everyone, isn't it?"

"It's that simple?"

Johnny couldn't believe it at all. He thought that someone wanted to steal his jewelry or the antiques he collected, but he didn't expect that it was just to save the oriental man.


Mo Yanshao's answer was very concise and powerful.

"No problem, as long as you let me go."

"Well, as long as Situ Jun and my companions leave safely, you will be safe too. Tell your bodyguards to stay where they are, and no one is allowed to do anything bad."

Bringing Johnny along, Mo Yanshao and Leng Feng brought him to Situ Jun little by little.

Then, as soon as the two parties met, Mu Taotao was startled by Mo Yanshao's familiar voice and the exposed half of his face.

Who is he?
Mu Taotao was standing not far from Situ Jun, and Mo Yanshao's tall back and the exposed half of his face gave her a very familiar feeling.

Her heart was pounding non-stop, she seemed to see the familiar figure who was with her once.

Mo Yanshao? !

how come?
Wasn't he already killed by the bomb?

Zhu Ying also covered half of her face, but Mu Taotao was familiar with her, after all, Mo Yanshao wanted to send her the jewelry store and the black pearl necklace through Zhu Ying.

Since even Zhu Ying is here, what else is there to say?
Mu Taotao finally understood what was going on.

My heart felt as if it was overwhelmed, and my whole body was not well.

Mu Taotao walked at the back of everyone, while Johnny was coerced and left Wells Manor.

When everyone got into the van that had been waiting outside, Mo Yanshao and Leng Feng planned to push Johnny out of the van, when Mu Taotao broke out.

She grabbed the black mask covering Mo Yanshao's face, and Johnny also firmly remembered Mo Yanshao's face at the moment when he was pushed out of the car.

Johnny and Luo Tianyun have always cooperated.

Mo Yanshao was planned to be killed by a bomb, and Johnny was also involved.

After seeing the strange thing that the person who was killed in the bombing was resurrected and even kidnapped himself, Johnny was so shocked that he was in a bad mood.

Rolling on the ground several times, Johnny was still in shock until his men left the manor to bring him back who was injured.

But what he could be sure of was that Mo Yanshao was indeed not dead, and Luo Tianyun's plan to blow him up had long since come to naught.

Then, the purpose of Mo Yanshao's presence at Wells Manor is self-evident.

Johnny spat out a mouthful of blood, swears a bad word, and ordered his subordinates: "Call the surname Mo immediately, and let him come to see me in person immediately!"

Here, the pot exploded in the van.

Mu Taotao let people see what a shrew is.

Probably even Mo Yanshao didn't think that exposing his identity would cause such serious consequences. In fact, he really didn't think that Mu Taotao would do this.

He was wearing a mask, how did Mu Taotao recognize him at a glance?
It doesn't matter if you recognize it, the two of them really started fighting.

Mu Taotao's eyes were redder than a rabbit's, and they turned red almost instantly.

She is red with anger, who can understand her mood.

When she heard the news that he was killed in the bombing, she didn't believe it to death, so she waited there all night.

One night, my legs were numb, and I waited for him to come back. One night, I didn't close my eyes, thinking that he would come back.

Until then, almost three months later, even though Mo Yanqing told her that the DNA test confirmed that the charred body in the car belonged to Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao still couldn't believe it.

During that time, she almost woke up and cried, tired of crying and sleeping, and she was rarely close to things. She was originally light in weight, but this one was only busy crying and didn't eat. She suddenly turned into paper. A gust of wind can blow and run.

Mu Taotao really couldn't remember how she survived.

I just thought that Mo Yanshao once entrusted himself with a dream, and he had to live well so that there would be hope in life.

But how could she have thought that he was actually pretending to be dead?

Who is he hiding from?Isn't he avoiding her?

"Are you pretending? Are you continuing to pretend?"

Mu Taotao went forward to wrestle Mo Yanshao.

She took off the man's mask, revealing the handsome face that once woke her up crying in the middle of the night, tearing her heart apart.

One thing that should be happy, at least he's still alive, isn't it?

But Mu Taotao was angry, really angry.

He pretended to be dead and didn't tell her, causing her to cry and think about him for so long, and even took Wang Xiaoqiang as his substitute, just to express her grief.

But he's lucky, he doesn't know where he's hiding in a corner to be happy.

Hongye also noticed something was wrong with Mu Taotao, but no matter what, if Mo Yanshao and the others hadn't tried to get out this time, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to get out of that terrifying manor.

So Hongye hugged Mu Taotao who was crying and fussing, which made Mo Yanshao very embarrassed.

Her tears made him very worried, but he didn't tell her why he was still alive, because he didn't want to cause her more trouble.

To put it bluntly, after he successfully escaped the man-made explosion at that time, he chose to hide it from everyone, which naturally had his reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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