Chapter 257 What do you mean

Mu Taotao was tired from crying and beating, and heard Hongye say that it was Mo Yanshao who escaped Johnny's arrest, but this didn't move her anymore.

Mu Taotao said loudly in the middle of the journey: "I don't want to be in the same car as this person, I want to get off."

Mo Yanshao watched the woman say such words coldly, and then ordered: "Stop!"

The car finally stopped, and then roared away.

Mu Taotao, Hongye, Situ Liang, and Ji Ran got out of the car together.

Except for Wen Tao who was left in the hotel, they all participated in the rescue of Situ Jun, but this rescue failed. Even if they really rescued him, they would have no chance to bring him out of that ridiculously large, like The Wells Gauge Manor of the Large Jail.

Hongye and the others had nothing to say about Mu Taotao's waywardness and the breakup with Mo Yanshao.

"Have you ever wondered why he did this?"

Hongye walked beside Mu Taotao and asked softly.

"I don't care what he's doing, he lied to me again and again, it's just that he's wrong.

Has he ever thought about what would happen if I married someone else when he announced his death like this? "

"Maybe he really wants you to marry someone else?"

"Why? Does he have no feelings for me at all? He is willing to watch me marry someone else?"

Mu Taotao didn't understand at all, and started arguing with Hongye on the side of the road.

"Mu Taotao, some people have things that they can't help themselves. Have you ever thought about why he would explode? Could it be that the car exploded accidentally?

Also, why did he hide when such a big thing happened?Didn't he want to investigate the whole thing?
Mu Taotao, don't blame him for everything, okay?
Put yourself in other people's shoes, maybe you can understand his good intentions.

He is in a dangerous situation, if he still wants to contact you, it will only drag you down, and make you also likely to be in danger, which may be the last thing he wants to see.

Even if you fake your own death, let you live well, even if you are married to someone else, let you live well, this is probably his truest thought. "

When Hongye talked about the emotional part, she couldn't help looking into the distance, Mo Yanshao and the direction their car was leaving, and said to Mu Taotao: "I envy you, there used to be such a man who valued love and righteousness.

Even if your love doesn't blossom and bear fruit in the future, you should be thankful that you once had him, didn't you?
At least for you, he is willing to sacrifice a lot.

Maybe, participating in Situ Jun's rescue this time was also because he cared about your safety, so he went out in person, didn't he? "

Hongye's explanation finally completely convinced Mu Taotao.

But she couldn't believe it too much, she just stood there and muttered: "Did he really choose to save us for me?"

"Think about it for yourself."

After Hongye finished speaking, she walked towards the five-star hotel not far away with the others.

Mu Taotao was walking alone on the night windy road, the loneliness of a foreign country hit her, and she actually had a feeling of having nowhere to live.

Is she wrong?
Is she really wrong?
Mu Taotao didn't know whether he should go back to the hotel or find a place to calm himself down.

Mo Yanshao is still alive!

He is back!

For his own sake, he also went to Wells Manor, and they successfully rescued Situ Jun!
Mu Taotao's mind was in a mess, and then she went into a nearby tavern.

The tavern in country A is not a very high-end place, even a mixed bag of fish and dragons.

There was music playing in the tavern, and it was very loud. On the dance floor next to it, men and women in scantily clad clothes were hugging each other and dancing happily.

The whole hotel is full of noise, the mixed smell of tobacco and alcohol, as well as the smell of various perfumes and body odors from people.

Mu Taotao originally wanted to calm her mind, but in such an environment, she could only get drunk.

She wanted to get herself drunk and go back to sleep.

I asked for a glass of whiskey from the bartender, and the woman downed it in one gulp, followed by a second glass, a third glass, and when the fifth glass was poured, someone snatched the glass from her hand, and a pair of bright eyes came into view.

Mu Taotao stared drunkenly at the man's handsome face for two seconds, then showed a weird smile, and then threw a fist, but limp, and fell directly into the man's arms.

Mo Yanshao helped Mu Taotao, who was drunk and unconscious, to leave the hotel, and also kept her away from the wretched eyes of those men from country A with high noses and deep eyes.

He couldn't believe it, she was so daring, didn't she know how dangerous it was for a woman to come out to drink by herself?
If it wasn't for wanting to apologize to him properly, he wouldn't have thought of coming out to her.

And when she was found, she was actually in such a small hotel full of low-class atmosphere, she literally turned herself into a lamb and sent it to the mouth of the wolf's den.

Mo Yanshao made a timely move and brought Mu Taotao out of the tavern.

As soon as the night wind blew, the woman's mind cleared up a lot. She raised her head to look at Mo Yanshao, her drunken eyes were hazy, and she wanted to hold the man's face, but was turned away in disgust by the man.

"Are you despising me now? Tell me! Are you despising me?"

Mu Taotao was angry, she was already in a bad mood.

Logically, she should be happy knowing that Mo Yanshao is still alive.

After hearing Hongye's words, she should be more happy, but she really can't be happy.

She felt that Mo Yanshao wanted to dump her, that's why he did so many things.

He played dead to keep her from knowing that he was alive.

He gave her a jewelry store and oil mining rights to compensate her, so that he would leave her without any shame.

"Mo Yanshao, you are a big villain, a complete villain!

Mu Taotao cried with tears all over his face, and slammed his fist hard, like raindrops, on Mo Yanshao's chest, which was as firm as a stone.

The man didn't refute her words, but just let her vent. Mu Taotao cried so hard that his clothes on Mo Yanshao's chest were soaked.

"You never loved me, right? Mo Yanshao, how can you be so selfish and ruthless?

Do you know that I almost died of illness because of you?Do you even know? "

Mu Taotao grabbed the man's front and shook it violently, just wanting to vent out the resentment in his heart completely.

Mo Yanshao let her vent. He knew that what he said now seemed superfluous and useless.

Mu Taotao was tired from crying, so she lay on her stomach in his arms, her small chest rose and fell, panting.

Mo Yanshao has always been obsessed with cleanliness, but now that Mu Taotao, who smells like alcohol, is lying in his arms, he doesn't feel dirty at all, and his heart is full of guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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