Chapter 258
He knew that this day would come sooner or later, but it didn't come when he expected it.

He thought that when everything was settled, he could show up in a fair manner and tell her that he was still alive.

Even if he was beaten, scolded, or resented by a woman, he would admit it.

But he didn't wait until that day, because he knew that it would be extremely dangerous for them to go to Wells Manor to save people, so he had to act in advance, and exposed himself to her in advance.

Mu Taotao was probably really tired from crying, and she felt sleepy lying on Mo Yanshao's chest.

so tired!
she said to herself.

Major Mo Yan picked her up and walked towards the hotel...

Mu Taotao woke up slowly in the morning light. When she opened her eyes, the image of Mo Yanshao suddenly popped up in her mind, and she immediately got up to look for his figure.

But in the empty room, there was no one else except her.

Her heart was suddenly filled with a sense of loss, she really regretted why she couldn't hold him tighter yesterday and let him slip away so fast?

Where will he go?

Mu Taotao got out of bed to look for someone, but unexpectedly, a tall figure walked out of the bathroom. It seemed that the person had just taken a shower, with only a snow-white towel on his body, revealing his firm texture and healthy complexion.

How could this man be so elusive?
Just when she thought she lost him again, he suddenly appeared, still appearing in this posture.

In this body, except for the snow-white bath towel, there is no covering on his body.

And the effect of taking a bath just now is that his body is filled with the fragrance of the good-smelling shower gel.

Mu Taotao didn't know where to look with her eyeballs.

Mo Yanshao had a handsome face, and his black eyes were shining brightly. When looking at people, he seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Mu Taotao's heart was guilty, she didn't dare to look at him, how could she escape his eyes.

"What? Are you scared by my appearance? You won't be so timid, will you?"

"You're dreaming! Let me tell you, I've fallen in love with someone else, and I won't have anything to do with you again."

Mu Taotao spoke forcefully, but she has not yet decided who to use as her shield, Wang Xiaoqiang or Leng Yihan.

If it's Wang Xiaoqiang, what's the difference between being with Mo Yanshao, they both have the same face.

If it's Leng Yihan, I'm really sorry for Ai Meili.

Forget it, she'll think about another man, Zheng Zhongjie.

Well, it's a good idea.

"Actually, I like..."

Before the words were finished, Mo Yanshao pulled the woman into his arms vigorously, and Mo Yanshao already covered her mouth with his hands, preventing her from continuing to speak such angry words.

It's like gagging the other party's mouth in retaliation, just because she just said that she fell in love with someone else.

Mo Yanshao didn't believe it at all, but he didn't want her to find some inexplicable people as excuses.

Since he never thought of giving up on her, then take revenge on her.

Mo Yanshao's revenge was domineering and fierce, with a certain kind of ruthlessness.

How could Mu Taotao beat him with his strength?

The two started a close fight, and Mo Yanshao was so strong that he grabbed Mu Taotao's hands, making it impossible for her to get rid of him.

Mu Taotao didn't want to be caught by him, it felt very uncomfortable to be controlled by him.

Mu Taotao wanted to refuse, this man is too hateful, he pretended to be dead to scare her and made her cry for so long, do you want her to compromise now?

She doesn't do it.

The knee has been stretched out quietly, trying to touch the man's lower abdomen and give him a head-on blow.

But Mu Taotao was wrong, outrageously wrong.

Her knees didn't really work, so she was clamped tightly by the man's legs. After turning over again, Mu Taotao was directly pressed against the cold and hard wall, making her unable to move.

The wall is so hard, it feels like throwing people in the sea, letting the waves up and down.

Mu Taotao wanted to shout, but his mouth was blocked, and he wanted to stretch out his hand to scratch, but the man held his hand in the palm of his hand, and could feel the warmth from his palm, it was so heart-burning.

Mu Taotao only felt that she was like a piece of fried steak, which was fried in the fire. At the beginning, it was filled with raw meat because it hadn't been grilled for a long time.

After a while, the two sides are cooked, and then the inside is cooked together.

She is the steak, and this Mo Yanshao is the frying pan and the fire, he grilled it very carefully, never letting go of it.

Mu Taotao was roasted until her heart was cooked together, so she couldn't say anything.

What do you want to say?Only then can the man's attention be diverted and the two of them get through safely.

Mu Taotao racked her brains thinking, but she really remembered it.

"Mo Yanshao, let's stop playing, let's talk about something serious."

"At this time, what serious business are you going to say?"

Mo Yanshao looked at her jokingly, with a bright light in his black eyes.

His eyes are very beautiful, when looking at people, there is a feeling of being seen through by him.

Mu Taotao liked him so much, she couldn't believe he couldn't see it.

So when she looked into his eyes, she felt a dazed feeling, she couldn't regain her senses, she was completely attracted by his too beautiful eyes.

In addition, the atmosphere at this time is just right, even if she does nothing, just looking at him quietly like this is something that makes her feel very comfortable.

"Didn't you say you have something serious to say? I'm waiting for you to say it."

"It's... nothing."

Mu Taotao suddenly didn't know what to say, she just watched him start to get mad, crazy, why did she have something serious to talk to him about.

"En——are you lying to me?" Mo Yanshao deliberately put on a straight face, wanting to take action against Mu Taotao.

Clenching his hands into claws, it was like the big bad wolf showing its sharp claws, and Mu Taotao was the poor little red riding hood, who was going to be eaten by the big bad wolf.

When did Mu Taotao think she would wait if she didn't run away now?
While Mu Taotao was thinking, she really acted. How could Mo Yanshao let her go?
The two played a game of peek-a-boo around the sofa and dressing table in the house.

Mu Taotao kept avoiding Mo Yanshao's pursuit by relying on the fact that he was once a very skilled snitch.

With Mo Yanshao's skill, it is actually very easy to catch Mu Taotao.

But he enjoyed the process of chasing her very much, just like the feeling of a cat catching a mouse. Anyway, in the end, the mouse must not be able to escape the cat's sharp claws.

Then let her run for a while.

When the two of them really stopped, Mu Taotao was already out of breath, and was grabbed by Mo Yanshao's arm, so he could only raise his head to face it.

Her little face was flushed from running, full of healthy colors.

A great sense of happiness surged up, causing mixed feelings in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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