Chapter 259

It's good that he's still with her, she said to herself.

For Mo Yanshao, why didn't he have the same idea?

He originally thought that his suspended animation would definitely make Mu Taotao fall in love with someone else.

No one has the right to let others guard him all the time. Even if the other party is dead, he still wants others to be loyal to him. He can't do such a selfish thing.

It's just that he never thought about it, what would he do if Mu Taotao really left him?
He is also grateful for her long love.

For Mu Taotao, she never thought of falling in love with any other man except Mo Yanshao.

She grew up so much, she always thought that Mo Yanshao was the best man she met, and there was no one who treated her best.

Mu Taotao lay on Mo Yanshao's chest, and heard him whisper in his ear: "Taotao, have you ever regretted it?"

"Regret what?"

"Be my happy bride."

"Well, I regretted it once, especially after knowing that you were pretending to be dead, I really wish I could strangle you to death."

Mu Taotao told the truth.

"But then I thought about it later, if you really died, who would I cry to?
So you are not dead, in fact, I am happier than anyone else. "

While talking, Mu Taotao raised a small face like a red apple, that slightly fat face of a baby, filled with an innocent smile of her age, so beautiful.

Mo Yanshao couldn't help stretching out his hand, pinching her cheek lovingly, resting one hand behind his head and said emotionally: "Yeah, I think so too, even if you beat me and scold you, don't we see each other eventually?" Have you met?"

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

Mu Taotao put her chin on the man's chest, looked at his black eyes seriously and said.

Both of them were naked at this time, talking about themselves on the bed.

"I've been exposed now, and there's nothing to hide, but I won't be going back to Mo's house. There's someone I want to meet."


"You better not know."

Mo Yanshao made a fool of himself.

Mu Taotao was upset: "Are you still trying to hide it from me?"

"It's not hiding it from you, it's because my life experience is too complicated, even I don't know if the information I have is correct."

Seeing that Mo Yanshao's brows were slightly frowned, Mu Taotao said in a sensible way: "Well, just like Senior Sister Hongye said, maybe you only do this out of unavoidable difficulties, so I won't find you Please tell me when you want to tell me."

"What a sensible girl, I didn't misread you."

With a gratified smile on Mo Yanshao's face, he pulled Mu Taotao in front of him, lightly pecked her swollen lips, and said with affectionate eyes: "Don't worry, I will always let you go." In my heart, no one will hurt you in the slightest."

"Well, of course I can rest assured that you went to Wells Manor this time because of me, right?"

Mu Taotao stared at the man without blinking, waiting for his answer.

Mo Yanshao looked into her expectant eyes and smiled: "Half and half, it's also for you, not all of it."

"What do you mean?"

Mu Taotao was a little unhappy.

"Let me tell you this, I do know that you are coming to Wells Manor, but I didn't appear here just to save you.

Luo Tianyun and Johnny have an arms smuggling contract in that manor. I mainly want to get that contract, understand? "

"What are you going to do?"

"The business of Luo Zhengnan's family is not as simple as outsiders think. Since he dared to join forces with Johnny, his purpose is self-evident.

This time Johnny was kidnapped by us, he should know me, so I guess he and Luo Tianyun have contacted and are trying to find a way to deal with me.

It probably never occurred to them that I was still alive. "

Although Mo Yanshao spoke in a relaxed tone, when Mu Taotao thought of those explosions and shootings, he felt extremely dangerous.

"Will they come to kill you again?"

Mu Taotao looked at him worriedly.

"Yes, otherwise they will never be reconciled, so Taotao, not letting you stay by my side is also for your safety.

Maybe this time we will part again, so don't be too sad, believe that one day, we will be together, understand? "

Mo Yanshao's eyes were so gentle that water was about to drip out.

His face was still so handsome and charming, but thinking about what he had suffered, Mu Taotao couldn't help but want to cry.

"You are a strong girl, don't shed tears easily, it will appear that you cry a lot and are useless, you know?

If you want to stand by my side in the future, you must also learn to be strong, learn to protect yourself, and learn to fight those conspirators, you know? "

Mo Yanshao couldn't help stroking Mu Taotao's smooth face with his hands, feeling the warmth from her face.

After hearing his words, Mu Taotao's small face wrinkled, and she couldn't help but put her face against his chest again, wishing to blend with him in this posture.

There are too many secrets in this man, but she only knows him.

She also knew that she loved him and couldn't do without him, yet had to leave.

After breaking up with Mo Yanshao, Mu Taotao deeply reflected his smile in his mind.

Mu Taotao returned to China with Hongye and other brothers.

Situ Jun was sent to another safe country, where he was allowed to spend his time quietly.

Because Johnny's goal is not Situ Jun, but the diamond named "Top of the World".

So after this period of time, Situ Jun will be safe.

Situ Ming was also very happy when he learned that his son had been safely rescued. Even if he faced the result of going to jail, he didn't care.

The Snitch Club also temporarily fell silent, no longer planning to steal cultural relics and jewelry.

Mu Taotao is most concerned about how her jewelry store is doing.

As soon as she came to Jinwanfu, she heard a very bad news. She heard that Wang Xiaoqiang was picked up by people from the Mo Group in a car.

Obviously, Luo Tianyun was openly provoking.

Mu Taotao can't let Wang Xiaoqiang be implicated by Mo Yanshao's affairs.

So she decided to negotiate with Luo Tianyun.

When he came to Mo's office building, Mu Taotao had mixed feelings when he recalled the time he had spent here with Mo Yanshao.

"Miss, who are you looking for?"

The lady at the front desk has changed, otherwise I wouldn't know her.

fair enough.

Mu Taotao smiled at the pretty lady at the front desk, without saying a word, went straight to the elevator, and pressed the call to the floor of the president's office area.

The lady at the front desk didn't know, so she quickly called the person in the president's office: "Someone came to the president's office area without an appointment."

(End of this chapter)

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